What legitimacy does Nobel have exactly?
Obama was Nobel Peace Prize 2009.
Nobel only serves to reward those who advance globalism.
Much like the Academy Awards reward those who advance a certain ideology in the media.
What legitimacy does Nobel have exactly?
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Some people care about more than gold, Schlomo
How many are jews?
How many profit from the european union?
Peace and Literature are two highly subjective awards and I agree they are shit-tier.
But economics, chemistry, physics and medicine are legit. I can't think of anyone who was awarded one of those and didn't do something relevant and important in in their field.
Economics isn't a hard science.
The Nobel Prize for Economics isn't real.
Yes, Brexit is bad for the economy, but Remain is basically national suicide. It's about whethet you want a sovereign UK or not.
Not the most amazing nobel laureates
George Akerlof
Asymmetrical information
Kenneth Arrow
Social choice theory
Angus Deaton
Consumption, poverty and welfare
Peter Diamond
Labour market search and match
James Heckman
Statistical methods to correct selection bias
Eric Maskin
Mechanism design theory
These (((academics))) are what caused the current global financial crisis. To them GDP is what matters most, at the expense of the country.
Surely if this nigga was as smart as he's supposed to be he could have given a better, more precise explanation on how this "disaster" would happen.
He just pointed out this would be a huge change but gave no reasons as to why it would be a bad change.
what the hell? i always said it'b bad for the economy if they leave, but if they stay they'll loose everything
It's not bad for the economy; it's a set back for globalist corporatocracy.
Being an economist is the same as being a historian. All you can do with your degree is teach it to others or give your experience-less opinion to the media.
>quick find as many people as we can to abuse the appeal to authority fallacy on!
economists are for globalism you assface
completely open trade that has no strings is their goal, pure profit and destroyed culture and national identity
>(((nobel laureates)))
and for economics
even more of a joke
Kenneth Arrow is amazing desu
Have those nine laureates reviewed the stream of retarded regulations pouring forth from Brussels? (e.g., banana curvature limits)
Plus, the global economy is run by a very elite few. I personally speculate that separation from foreign trade agreements and the almighty influence of the dollar will aid production inside Britain.
Ever heard of James Watson?
Long story short.
He discovered the molecullar structure of DNA and how it worked.
Pretty fucking smart guy, his research on genetics is a huge deal.
He made the Huge fucking mistake of verifying through his research and objective evidenced truth, that there is a relation between race and mental capabilities that goes straight to the DNA.
This made the PC culture blow the fuck up , deny all of his research and have him banned of the Scientific Community,
Again, the eternal kike defends his pets even if it costs one of the greatest genetists of this time.
I suddenly revealed my power-level on college because of this, jesus the amount of PC faggotry invading México is depressing
Um, yes. Top tier economists are the primary tool of the globalists and their disgusting lies.
They're the priests the monarchs trot out to deliver the augery they want to push their agenda.
>Sweden’s Central Bank quietly snuck it in with all the other Nobel Prizes to give free-market economics for the 1% credibility.
So they award it to economists who are in favour of more liberal, market-oriented economics? I thought this was what brexiteers supported. Lower taxes, less regulation etc. Why is it that when economists who support those same ideas speak against an exit you suddenly pretend Leave campaigners are anti-market?
Of course leaving is an economic disaster in the short term.
That's the insidiousness of the jEwU ... getting off the road to destruction is in the short term even more destructive. Just keep accepting more immigrants and you get to take part in the debt fueled bread and circuses.
No one ever accused the Jews of not being good at destroying nations.
>Nobel Laureates
>knowing anything about politics
I slit a Leftist's throat last week. His blood frothed like foam through the wound. He looked at me the whole time, like I was doing something wrong.
But I felt clean. I did nothing wrong. I killed a thief. All Leftists are thieves. They all deserve to die. He died with tears in his eyes, crying like a little bitch. Was it because he didn't want to die? I doubt it. All Leftists desire death, as well.
>Just keep accepting more immigrants
Most migrants who come here are from outside the EU. Poles and Lithuanians aren't the problem in Britain. The 150k or so Nigerians, Pakis and Somali are.
The symptoms of barbiturate withdrawal are awful and sometimes even fatal, but that doesn't mean that it is better to be dependent upon barbiturates than it is to break your addiction.
>Appeal to authority
Come on
National sovereignty >>>>>>>> the economy
The leavers know it's going to suck economically. They don't care because they believe in Britian
>National sovereignty >>>>>>>> the economy
That's the mindset of great countries like N. Korea, Venezuela and Belarus.
Let's see how much brexiters value sovereignty when they experience double digit inflation and a price hike on anything imported.
Our ancestors fought 2 world wars to not be part of the German Reich and now we are willingly submitting ourselves to the Fourth German Reich.
Our ancestors are spinning in their graves.
They have fought for nothing.
It is an ultimate insult to the veterans of the world wars that we are part of the Fourth German Reich(EU)
I say fuck the Germans!
Nation wrecking kike.
Germany fuck off
Never mind the Reich, your ancestors have been fighting to maintain their sovereignty since the foundation of your country
If the United Kingdom casts off its soverienty now they might as well have just surrendered to Napoleon ,or allowed the Armada to land unimpeded.
Think of how many lives would have been saved and shekels horded if the Great British people had allowed themselves to be annexed by Spain in the 16th century!
>shit tier
not exactly a books person, eh, nigel?
Because when it comes at a cost of your own sovereignty, it doesn't matter what economic position they support. Thats the whole point. Remain only cares about GDP and other economic figures. Same on the migrant issue. "Bbbut this migrants pay more than they leach." Which means dick all when it puts a strain on every single other metric.
What German Reich? Germany has no control over anything in the union. The debt crisis has been the biggest proof of that.
Portugal and Greece were supposed to have made deep reforms in their economies to make them more competitive. Shrink the size of government, tackle tax avoidance, privatize unprofitable companies and of course cut spending. They haven't done any of that, they basically pretend do be busy whenever the "Troika" comes around and go back to their old ways as soon as the officials give them more money and turn their backs.
Most of the EU regulations are about petty product safety and quality standards. Instead of having 28 different laws for a same product when you want to trade in Europe now there's only one, all the EU does is find a middle ground between those 28 legislations and unify it into a single European code . Of all the arguments used by Brexiters the myth of the overbearing Brussels bureaucracy is the most retarded one.
>Because when it comes at a cost of your own sovereignty, it doesn't matter what economic position they support.
Actually yes it does. Being part of a block that is at least to some extent promotes economic liberties is far better than being in a "sovereign" country ruled by trade unions and protectionist policies. Poverty isn't fun no matter how sovereign your country is. I thought those retards would have learned about it from what Britain went through in the 70s, but I guess we need a second winter of discontent to refresh their memory.
>Same on the migrant issue. "Bbbut this migrants pay more than they leach." Which means dick all when it puts a strain on every single other metric.
The UK could EASILY reduce the number of muslims and nogs that come into the country without leaving the EU. Go to any council estate in this country and all you will see are burkas and rastas everywhere, not eastern europeans.
Don't forget the gypsies ...
The nobel economy prize isn't even a real nobel prize.
It's a prize in the memory of Alfred Nobel created by swedish Riksbanken. It's an award created by economists for economists so they won't feel left out during the awards and pretend like they're real scientists.