Why is alcohol restricted for adults in America?


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because you cant put liability on fucking 18 year olds?

so colleges dont have to pay for damages outside of frat houses that would be inevitably caused by out of control children

If moms/women bitch hard enough they can turn the state into their nanny's.

That said I dont think you should drink so young. But fuck you and fuck what I think.

Because kids are fucking retarded, All I used to do was drink when I was 15, same with everyone else I knew.

because your brain is still developing and you shouldn't disturb the process by drinking like a hole.

Its a well known fact Americans can't take a drink. It's hilarious to see them try and keep up when they come to Europe.

firsthand experience?

Don't want high school kids buying it legally. Not that it stopped anyone in my school.

the current 21 was a result of DUI's More americans under 21 drive than any other country in the world.

The drinking age in most states used to be 18 actually.
This was the result of the insurance industry lobby to increase the drinking age.



Mothers Against Drunk Driving are primarily responsible

So, angry soccer moms restricted our freedom. No surprise, considering they do have a habit of conspiring to do this.

Because young people are retarded. I'd be okay with upping the age to 30.

As always the problem stems from giving women the right to vote.

The drinking age used to be lower, I think 18 or 19 in most states, but it differed from state to state. My understanding is that MADD (mothers against drunk driving, mothers of teens and young adults who ended up dying due to drunk driving accidents) went to congress and petitioned them to raise the federal drinking age, the idea being it would cause fewer fatalities. So some states raised it from 18 or 19 to 21 while others didn't. Then these states that didn't raise their age requirement ended up having problems since dumbass 19 year olds would drive 2 hours to get beer in another state, get drunk on the way back home, crash, etc.

So what ended up happening is the federal government threatened to cut federal funding for highways for states that didn't toe the line. Naturally, the state's with 18 or 19 year old limits complied.

This is my understanding, a lot of this happened before I was born.

A lot of America is really spaced out, we can't just bike to work in a lot of cases like Euros. So drunk driving is a problem since most Americans NEED to operate a car to get groceries, go to work, go have fun, etc.

Interesting fact, Prohibition was only possible after the institution of the income tax. Prior to that, the largest revenue source for the US government were taxes on alcohol

Drinking age is 18 in alberta and 19 in BC where I live. I think I read somewhere that some of the US's alcohol laws date back to when prohibition was repealed, which is also why that american beer was such piss until recently

>angry soccer moms
so edgy. You'd probably be pissed too if someone you knew was killed by a drunk.

>drinks two shots of gin
>throws up

Very true, I live in Illinois and back in the day Wisconsin was the place to go because the drinking age was 18. So many fatalities from driving drunk.

That's not because of the alcohol, it's because gin is fucking horrible.

>21 in the USA
>16 here. Sorry m8

Not same poster, but my dad was a familly destroying alcoholic and even i think this nanny law is retarded....if u can't parent your kid and he fucks off and gets drunk and dies or kills someone its your fault. It's never the states responsibility to parent. You start letting them parent and then they start talking about the poor kids and gun control.

now that lyft and uber exist why the fuck does drunk driving still exist

I hear this all the time, what it considered an average amount to drink, and a lot by you?

Because they think restricting alcohol will make people drink less.

Because the US is deeply religious and the bible says not to drink alcohol.

It isn't. It's restricted for children. By definition, that's everyone under 21.

Why do Brits raise their children to be alcoholics? Seems pretty degenerate, taking all that dole money and paying it to the alcohol joo. Fucking Muslims are laughing, watching all you sotted cunts stumbling around and throwing your money at them.

Grow some fucking pride already.

>calls himself an American
>can't appreciate a classic gin Martini

>18, 19, 20 year olds


Well, no, that's when adulthood legally starts.
We also try minors as criminally responsible adults automatically from around 16 and potentially younger at a prosecutor's discretion.

Then why is it allowed for 16 year olds to drive and 18 year olds to go to war? I'd much sooner let them have a drink than trust them with those two tasks.

no. jesus was a party animal and the church encourages drinking of wine

we gave women the right to vote and the first thing they pushed for were shitty drinking laws

Because we get tired of hauling teenagers everywhere.
Sure they are stupid as fuck, get in wrecks all the time, and drive like shit, but we are willing to take the risk.

Gin is fucking poison you yuropoor trash. Whiskey, rum, and tequila are the only drinks a man should have.

Gin is for swine, the most putrid of the common alcohols, who would drink that shit?

Because our children are retards and stay retarded until around 24.

This picture is a perfect example of why alcohol is restricted in America. Most people aren't mature enough at 25, women in particular, so I personally think 21 is still too low.

Tell me honestly that you think the girl in op is mature.

Technically, the States can select a drinking age, but the Federali have threatened loss of education funding for anything lower than 21.

Die for me in war, but this Bud's not for you.

Idk, seems sexist and ableist to me.

The legal age of drinking without parental consent should be 14.

summer is here


states were threatened with losing highway funding from the federal government if they didn't comply with shifting to the new age.

This yuropoor won't even defend why he drinks Gin.

I would not be happy, but banning things and changing national laws because I'm "pissed" is a poor way to run a country.

after the first trimester most non-american (read european) doctors agree that you can drink

>sideways France likes the taste of pine needles

Not everyone is retarded like yourself.

Puritaism created fucked up laws, fucking hell even I was surprised that I couldn't buy alcohol in sunday or there were dry counties when I was an exchange student there.

Coming from a muslim country I was surprsied to see we had more relaxed laws, and that is with erdoğan and his islamist ilk trying to push "values".

Yeah, they're also slinging ritalin/addoral/anti-depressants/anti-psychotics/anti-anxiety/anti-badfeels like they're going out of style.


I like the taste. I like Martinis and G&T's.
>pine needles
I don't like that taste at all. Try some better gin.

What school did you go to? Not all states/counties prohibit alcohol sales on Sunday.

was it a southern or midwest state?

>implying any type of gin is good

Upgrade to pine tree sap?

Because 18 year olds are loud, annoying faggots when they drink.

They're fun to leave naked in the ghetto, though.

No, "adult" by definition it is 18, although it should be 21

No clue.
An 18 year old can legally drive, smoke, vote, and be drafted to war, but he cannot legally drink alcohol for 3 years because... maturity?

Two major reasons:

1.) You can drive a car at 16, and unless you're in a big city that cares enough to supply great public transit (LA, NYC, Chicago), it means all the kiddos 16 and up are driving and daily.

2.) Kids in America don't have responsibilities, so they don't tive a fuck about anything once they do have responsibility—such as driving a car. They don't care about the other people on the street, and probably end up never doing so.

The law is designed to combine driving with alcohol at a later time, when the kiddos are supposedly more mature and able to handle the responsibilities of both (yet evidence shows it's still problematic).

America doesn't have a gun problem nor a drunk driving problem. All she has is a maturity problem.

It's not really. At least not culturally, underage drinking is like a right of passage over here. That's why there's an entire youth sub-culture devoted to getting fucked up. Fuck, in Texas you can drink underage as much as you want so long as there's a parent in the same area.

enough about gin

who /cognac/ here?

Weak bait. Even the meme gins like Bombay and Hendricks don't taste like pine needles.

The only gin I've ever had that I didn't like was absolute lowest shelf rotgut that literally tasted like a christmas tree. Didn't remotely taste like any other gin I've drank.

because it turns you into a fucking idiot

Texas, I miss the food, bacon the most.

There was literally nothing edgy about that post lol

>he calls them angry
>you agree they were probably angry


>Grow some fucking weed already.

>You can drive a car at 16
Why not make driving age 21 and drinking age 16?
You don't need a car at 16 and sure as fuck don't have enough money to buy one.

That explains the French, then.

Because they're morons who can barely handle sobriety without fucking things up.

If you have a job at 16 you need a car, or if you need one to get to school. You can get a shitty car for $700 easy.

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''rape'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' charges would explode if it wasnt.
also, children can drink alcohol in the presence of their parents here/in some states i guess. they just cant be unsupervised and cant buy it

Try the British
>only half the pregancy in Britain are planned
>binge drinking without knowing you're preggo is incredibly common there

How old is 18 really?

its funny you say that. all my friends are pussies about alcohol. and when they do actually drink alot they cant hold it.

Because idiots still exist.

because sobriety is more painful than the risk of a retarded baby. you're not even human fucking beings

Nigger I'm from rural vermont life was hell before I could operate an automobile


Speak for yourself. Most people in America have a car at 16.

Because alcohol is bad for your liver
something that takes 21 years to fully develop.

None of us who drank before that age will live to see 100.

Do Americans really think this?

Nigger I'm from rural Finland, 24, and still don't have a car. There aren't even buses here.

>Kaziz the paki cares about your age

>its funny you say that. all my friends are pussies about alcohol. and when they do actually drink alot they cant hold it.

fucking degenerate.
you binge drinkers are the worse. I'm not a pussy to limit myself. Falling over stupid drunk and a hang over the next day aren't fun.
I'll have 3 or 4 beers at a party to have fun and be sober enough to drive home.

get a grip wastrel.

>something that takes 21 years to fully develop.

no you're just a pussy.

The State of Wisconsin is pretty based. If you go to a bar with a parent, even at 14 or 15, they can sign a waiver saying they take responsibility for any of you actions in the establishment if you are served alcohol.
.t University of Wisconsin at the KK when cousin played hockey for the Badgers

Ali the paki never asked for my ID either

Just kick them out for some other reason.
Hell just pretend to never notice them at the crowded bar

>believing any such thing is attatched to an arbitrary number

You are the ultimate good goy

You've never been to Wisconsin, Reginald.

For male Flemish college students: around 15 beers when you go out


Kids kept on getting into car crashes and were fucking up our roads. States can have the legal drinking age set at whatever they want technically, but if they want federal funding for their highways then they have to play ball with the feds and set the drinking age to 21.

Take for instance Alabama. They have the age still set at 18 but their roads are shit as a result since their highways get no federal funding.

that's quite a lot for most people to be honest.
Those college kids in studentenverenigingen maybe, but not your average joe

You can get into bars at 18 and drink in Lousiana

>Americans can hold their drinks

Euros have never been to the Deep South.

mfw legally drinking alcohol since im 16

>read the article
>all based on superstitious nonsense, no medical science

Holy shit, this explains why the British all have FAS face.

because we drive more than you guys and we were all dying in accidents. It helped. It's only three more years.

Lol faggot. Everyone starts before the age of 16 in Germany. I bet when you turned 16 you went to the store to buy one bottle of beer and you drank it by yourself in your room because you didn't have any friends.