Hey canadafags,
One of the arguments of Brexit campaigners has been that they could form a mini-EU of Ausfags/NZfuckers/Canadafags/Britbongs with freedom of movement etc.
Personally in Aus, I haven't met anyone for this. We have our own mini-EU with NZ - but what about you guys?
Are you for freedom of movement within the non-poointheloo parts of the commonwealth?
Canadafags on Brexit proposal
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I'd be down with that.
Id def be down with that. Would rather associate with alike peoples rather then Pajeet and Fatima.
Definitely. Only the white ones though.
I'd quite like that.
Definitely not. Canada already has enough muslims so in no way in hell do I want the Britain ones to be able to come here freely. Unless there were restrictions for refugees
To be clear, I mean specifically with the UK included.
>Would rather associate with alike peoples rather then Pajeet and Fatima.
but we'd be doing it with the UK
aussies stay out
No, we don't need more fucking pakis coming from the UK here
Commonwealth. But we leave the door open for mr Poo-in-de-loo AKA "Superpower by 2020"
Wouldn't be a bad idea.
eh..kinda, but then we might adopt some of their terrible gun laws, need tv licenses, etc.
Canada is already really cucked in terms of free speech and guns, we don't need Brit/aussie levels.
I don't really want any of Britain's Muslims comming here. So no unfortunately, it would be pretty fucking cool if it weren't for all the Muslims.
Yeah, a few people here have been talking about it.
>aussies stay out
>ahmed and obongo? welcome to Canada
Plus this will just open the door to following australia and UK with their ultra-cucked gun laws
I don't see why not, but I don't know if it'd ever happen.
Yeah, sure, if Britain manages to escape the EU I'd be fine with closer ties and maybe some kind of free movement agreement, and with Australia and NZ if they want to come in, too.
Death to super national organisations.
Not if they want to trade with the EU, they must obey the EU. Canada and Shitpostland are too far away.
Just curious, do you have genuine reasons for not wanting to trade with India other than Sup Forums memes?
Do you genuinely think the crates they ship out are caked in shitty fingerprints
Our agreement with NZ has been 100% to our benefit, NZ really got the raw end of the deal.
But we'd have to negotiate more equally with Canada and the UK.
That's the way the world is going, whether you embrace it or not.
Can we into Anglosphere?
It USED To already be that way! Then they changed it. Would be nice to be able to go to England for awhile.
Oh yeah, I get that.
The Brexit campaigners aren't advocating a leave of the EU free trade bloc, but they are advocating a Canada/Aus/UK/NZ free movement/trade bloc.
I'm not saying they make sense, I'm just gauging the opinion of the idea.
I think the under 35 years old commonwealth visa exists still? Its only for 5 years though I think.
didn't you forget about south africa?
Quebec would chimp out, they started the whole multiculturalism movement to cripple the development of Canadian identity; they would fight tooth and nail to stop it from happening. Considering the fact that one of their bastards is running this dump, they might get their way.
Fuck off Canuck, all you have to say is No.
only if you accept the queen as your head of state
Yeah they fuck up pretty much everything, given the chance.
>super national organisations
like the UK?
you gonna let scotland out?
Are you replying to someone?
I am talking about freedom of movement.
Australia is a land of 24 million rich people.
Nobody wants to invite 1.1billion+ poor people here.
Fuck 'em. Let them finally separate. It's not like they contribute anything anyway.
I don't want to though. I think it would be beneficial for all involved. Of course, I'd have to learn a bit more about the proposition before I fully embraced it, but it's at least an interesting idea, IMO.
Nope, too many 'spics.
Also you aren't in the commonwealth.
But you are in the common law club, I think with the weird extra-legal thing too. So Our judges can be invited to rule on your decisions and visa-versa.
I think it'd be great for the colonies to unite. Think of how we can improve shit posting if we were all a unified force.
We only accept the best and the brightest
No, I didn't.
South Africa is not in the anglosphere.
The whites there are mostly of dutch origin, and we let the whites of S.A. into Australia already.
So NZ/Aus/Canada?
Québécois know that they can't run a country on alcoholism, arrogance, and lung cancer. Every separatist proposal always includes Canada footing the bill for their social services.
Really there is no reason for white countries not to unite in defense, trade, and limited immigration. The (((problem))) is that these unions should not fuck up the sovereignty, currency, or racial make-up of their member states. Almost all problems become very simple when you acknowledge the primacy of race.
Really good podcast on this
There is no way Australia will let free movement. Something to do with environment control.
The idea of closer political union between Commonwealth nations is honestly a meaningless gesture. Our nations are already close we are vastly different countries and there is no way a political union will help our countries politically, economically or militarily. It is a cultural gesture.
White Aus/Canada/NZ policy!
No, all you'd do is try to bully the rest of us and talk about how great you are.
Don't know about anyone else but.
Australia and Britain are military allies and Australia and NZ are too. We already have a legal unions through common law and the crown.
Ignore that idiot, it's the same here.
Don't understand your point?
How about excluding the UK?
What else are we supposed to do with the pakis?
id be ok with this.
implying we have a choice
Trudeau won't agree to anything unless it has something to benefit gays and niggers. Just admit it we are a nation of fags and theres no turning back.
>we are vastly different countries
No, we aren't. China and the UK are vastly different countries. Saudi Arabia and Brazil are vastly different countries. Canada, the UK, Aus+NZ are different versions of a single unified culture that diverged (ever so slightly) only over the last 50-100 years.
I'm not for political union - that bullshit is the main reason the EU is a fucking disaster - but things like lowering pointless trade barriers, doing away with the inexcusable restrictions on movement that were placed only as a result of the UK joining the EU in the first place and becoming more distant to our Commonwealth brethern would absolutely be good things.
I like the idea in theory however UK isn't really a white country any more. Also it has an obesity problem. We don't need any more Adele-types at bars who think they're hot and can get any man they want.
Yep until the UK gets rid of their Muslim problem.
Just dont let Canada in and id vote yes, the last thing we need is America's retarded brother coming here.
Anglosphere free trade area isn't a good idea anymore, all that will happen is good places like Aus are flooded with our niggers - Canada's pretty bad for it too.
Maybe such a thing could exist if it was implemented back in 1900 along with Imperial Preference measures to create a strong Empire, but now there really is no point.
*free movement area, my bad
I don't know... I mean the Pajeets can go anywhere in the UK, but they stick to London mostly (and Bradford). Would they bother going to Canada?
Personally I've been trying to get off this shitty island for years... Just give me a hockey stick, cover me in maple syrup and call me A Fucking Leaf.
Sure but no Jews in leadership positions.