Brexit is only the first step in the EU's inevitable demise

Brexit is only the first step in the EU's inevitable demise

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Yeah, Britain is doing the right thing by leaving before they crash

It will never crash you dumb leaf
I don't like it but let's be honest, Europe is the future of the occidental power.

holy shit ur fkin retarded and even fkin worse ur french. drink bleach faggot die u fkin beta we dont need scum like u on this earth fkin cunt jump infront of a car

>It will crash you smart leaf
>I don't like it but let's be honest, USA is the future of the occidental power.


this to be honest

ye this guy is one fkin dumb nigger

Sounds like somebody is in denial...

Woah, Switzerland bringin' the heat

gogogogo GTFO

I said I was against euros you fucking shit dumpster, fuck your chinky mother, I don't even quote the swiss and American niggers.

>The Islamic Republic of Francistan

Please explain why western Europe will not be cucked by muslims

Boris needs you to Vote Leave on June 23rd.

stfu you fkin autistic nigger, i bet ur one of those fkin shitskins that came from africa, we dint fkin want u fk off nigger cunt die



polan less negative than deutschlan


It wont happen, the EU is too big to fail at least for the next couple of decades.

Even the off chance of Britain leaving means absolutely nothing.

Because semitic races can be educated (cf jews)
That's what's going to happen. Arab muslims will be dressed for the hard capitalism and some white minority will rule.

As an Alsacian I can smell you swirzerkase from here, disgusting shweizfüss


no hate, but you guys seem to be just wannabe nationalists and white niggers, prefer EU gibs me dats over national sovereignty

>inb4 we can have both

>the EU is too big to fail

Yeah, thats probably what the romans thought too... or the USSR, or the Ottoman Empire or ..... and so on.


>>at least for the next couple of decades
Of course it will eventually fail but like with the romans it wont happen over night and at this point we are very far from it.
The EU is pushing heavily to become a nation itself which will probably prolong its influence for a century or so.

Don't have the time, I'm watching englels getting btfo from eurocup by slavs

Why switzerland isn't on the boat ? If eu collapses they go with us

desu idc im moving to canada and never coming back

no hate, but it seemed like you want to take complete control over us,

also when you speak of nationalism you probably think of camps, Blitzkrieg, Endlosung, Untermenschen et all, while it is about preserving culture and national identity

and I can tell you I am happy the gibsmedat are going to end

and yes, we should cooperate but we cannot allow you to cuck us to death

Ni hao


Yep, if we don't manage to finish the job we started, France will.

I just hope we do because it will be funny if Britain saves for the 3rd time in a row.

We are failing, we fail since the begining.
The people of europe have become poorer since the EU inception.
Our birthrates plunged, our moral is down as fuck, we are invaded, all our international companies are bleeding us dry. What part of that is a success?
The YOU were the one people to benefit from the murder of 26 others?
This isn't what the French had wished for and accepted.

>Germany and Britain are equally skeptical

Fuck off you yankee fat shit , the EU will never disintegrate

You know you want it, but it ain't gonna happen

We're number 1 economy in the world and soon we will be one country whether you dipshit conservatards libertarians like it or not

Freude schöner Götterfunken,
Tochter aus Elysium
wir betreten feuertrunken
himmlische dein Heiligtum

Deine Zauber binden wieder
was die Mode streng geteilt
alle Menschen werden Brüder
wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt

Murica. We have problems but we have our sovereignty.

According to a opinion panel from a state television program, sampled from 27.000 Dutch people:

>54% want a referendum on the EU, a NEXIT
>48% would vote leave
>45% would vote remain

>tfw an economy made up of several countries still doesn't beat out the USA for number one!


>It will never crash you dumb leaf
isn't history rife with things people said would never crash?

The Hindenburg?

The Titanic?

France's Metal Concert Safety Record?


lmao noice :^)

I'm all for crippling the economy, since it seems to be the only way to make the immigrants stop coming, but if the EU breaks apart, the US will be next.

>(((occidental))) power

EU is the suicide of Europe.