Waaa Daddy I want a new purse! Waa Daddy I want a new pony.

>people will actually vote for this Palm Beach trash


Other urls found in this thread:


Palm beach is beautiful

stay assmad flyover states

He will trow anyone into jail Ivanka dislikes once he is president.

>Not liking Palm Beach

Get out of here you kike. The real estate is pricey enough without your jewery bitching about the First Lady's daughter.

why tho

you cant move the screen right on this shitty website on mobile

someone sum it up

all must hang

Shame. I really liked this guy. He was the Ray Donovan of the campaign trail desu

> tldr: Donald Trump has fired his reports of the white house

Seems like he is being a good sport about it in his own words, I am not going to speculate what the truth is.

>according to a rumor tweeted by a CNN reporter

Is this what counts as a source now?

Palm Beach is for nerd inbreds in salmon-colored pants.








She smelled a snake.

Ivanka will be the VP confirmed.


She needs to smell her husband.

Will he be going back to Dortmund then?

>Pussywhipped by your daughter

Ivanka is best first daughter. It is known.

who will poland play up front now?

Fuck that shit Stone was right. The dude was a Soros plant. He used to work for Soros in the past.

Time for the boys to get shit done now.

Literally this.

Roger Stone basically called him out as a Soros shill sabotaging the Trump campaign.

It's him or me. Sooooo. Does she not like his presidential run or were these two whispering sweet nothings to each other? The fuck is she talking about? And no. I don't read articles on these two

How do you go from that...

...to this?

Take Adelson instead. Are you kidding me?

Why do you people instantly accuse people with German or Polish names of being Jews?

She said it was about herself. Him or me. What does soros have to do with that? Use your brains

Good, Lewandowski was a fucktard anyway, good riddance.

Fuckin bitch ruined our chances for victory, Trump has got to go.

Annuduh shoah

I'll take a based rich guy over a globalist any fucking day.

trying to shill on these boards kek

>"I'm told that also intimately involved in getting Corey out was Trumps son in law (((Jared Kushner))), who has a large and growing behind the scenes role," (((Dana Bash))) wrote.

Once again, the goyim got shafted by the kikeroaches.

Nice Pic


I'm told that also intimately involved in getting Corey out was Trumps son in law (((Jared))), who has a large and growing behind the scenes role

The Jews did this

Silly Taco...with Jews...you win!


trump and his daughter are a bunch of spoiled kardashians


Men age like fine wine, women age like warm milk. Sup Forums is always right

That's rat, not snake.

Is he not broke again yet? Nice zero tv ads he's bern affording of late, eh? Broke ass non self funding retard




Family Feud with Louie Anderson

>blaming trump for poland being the worlds toilet cleaners
>blaming trump because your dumbass ancestors thought the greatest idea in the world is to park your collective asses right on the russian border.
>blaming trump for the fact that you lot are in irrelevant shithole with no military to speak of or spine to protect yourselves from the drunken russian dick.


Nothing to see here folks...

butthurt burger lmao

So who is Trump's Ocelot?

H-holy shit. Stone must have been a hell of a playa.

How is it bad that Lewandowski was fired? It just leaves more room for Manafort to go to town.

Kushner is a different type of Jew. His business is real estate. Therefore, the country needs to be doing well fiscally for him to do well. His interests line up (somewhat) with the success of the country. Same with Sheldon Adelson. If the economy is fucked, no one builds or buys properties. It's not like he's a bank kike who can rob the goyim blind, fuck the economy up and make off with a hefty profit. If the economy is shit, Kushner and Adelson's companies are fucked.

Stone & Manafort have had tons of plastic surgery. Its very common in D.C.

it was a football joke you retard
lewandowski is our best player and he happens to have the same surname as trumps late jew

Trump isnt really that aware. He just doesnt really like low-tier blacks and mexicans.

How is it bad that his CAMPAIGN MANAGER were fired!? Clappistani-education everybody

you can't shill here

whoever is paying you is wasting money

he looks likes hes 4 feet tall

Lookin good

(((Ivanka))) !!!

>"I'm told that also intimately involved in getting Corey out was Trumps son in law Jared, who has a large and growing behind the scenes role,

It's fucking happening, guys! The Jews are hijacking Trump's campaign.


because they don't realise that most Jews adopted German/Polish names to fit in

I haven't even gotten started. Unlike your D-grade caviar boy I don't do this for a salary from no HQs electoral or zionist or cucked by mexico or otherwise

He's Polish...

Ivanka Trump got Poland's star striker fired? How?

Retard leaf-nigger. Lewandowski was a shit manager and more of a liability if anything. The Michelle Fields thing was overblown of course, but it just gives the libshits more "muh sexism" ammo. Manafort is six gorillion times better than Lewandowski. Manafort basically ended the primaries quickly in Trump's favor. Also, as pointed out here, Lewandowski was probably a globalist shill. He and Manafort didn't get along so well I don't think.

Oh fuck..

Too many chefs in his kitchen. All the exact opposite to what he tells you he uses during his free media tiem. Because he's a broke ass. Again. And he'll "king of debt" america into Haiti in no time

>trash talking Palm Beach

Dade spic detected. Take your raft back to Cuba, faggot.

Stop crying trash.

It's been known for awhile.

inb4 gawker


>Jewish Princess

If ivanka is making the decision is because kek wills it

Golden Girls.jpg
Crazy bitch who overturns tables on the crazy housewives show.png

so is this good or bad?

I don't know what you're talking about to be honest. All I know about is Robert Lewandowski and he's one of the best goalscorers in Europe right now.

Too many cooks

That's how retarded are you retards
Melania? The naked first lady?With the tranny washroom temporary taco bowles he can be caitlyn

Ivanka is also jew. How can you live with that?

Non tipping plebeian detected

>mfw when I've been in almost every estate on the row, including Donny Dumbfucks.

Palm Beach is full of self-hating alcoholics and old-money inbreds, too stupid to learn how to drive. Literal white trash with an art collection.

Good. He was a Soros plant.

Get this he said she said shit out of here you faggot.

Hood. Ge pas w aoros hlant

How else are we to know? Beyond any reasonable doubt? HA!

Good. Lewandowski was a fucking moron and a probable shill. Paul Manafort is the man. Manafort is older and more experienced than Lewandowski. All of Trump's kids wanted Lewandowski out. Roger Stone was suspicious of Lewandowski. Manafort and Lewandowksi have been fighting and not getting along. Lewandowski is a liability. Letting Manafort work his magic is the best choice.

manafort is based but lewandowski... i guess he played his role but hes got to go now.

what comforts me about this situation is based manafort to fortify trump's mana for the general election

I want an actual source, some random girl on twitter. I've seen the media fuck up so may times it isn't funny.

Sieg Heil! Ivanka for God-Empress of the White Race

> notice me, senpai

>zionald's mana

Married to a jew

Turn on CNN, MSNBC or FOX. They are all talking about it.


Lewandowski's business literally is "Green Monster Consulting, LLC"
He is one of us!

>German or Polish names of being Jews?
only "...ski" (Poland) or "...sky" (Russia) - look it up!


>Jews taking over

Well, that may be true, but Manafort isn't one. This is still all one big coup though.


>a globalist shill
>the Jew hated him because he planted negative news stories about the Jew
>he wanted to "let Trump be Trump"

Is Ivanka redpilled?