What will happen to industry once driverless cars become a thing? What will happen to police forces when they can't make money off of drunk drivers and speeders?
What will happen to industry once driverless cars become a thing...
They will have to go back to beatin' an killin' niggers I guess.
>driverless cars
Glorified cruise control. Much like planes have autopilot, but still have a pilot, cars and trucks will always have a human in the driver's seat.
>i'm stupid
why are there 5 fucking thread about driverless cars all of a sudden
That's the stupidest post I've seen all day.
Worst part is, I don't think you're joking.
>planes have autopilot, but still have a pilot
I don't think so man.. the age of driverless cars is coming. There has been only 1 recorded accident where the AI was (possibly) at fault and the vehicle was going less than 10 mph. They've been testing these things for years, and yes they do it with an 'operator' behind the wheel, but their job is basically to sit there and be ready to intervene if needed. This has happened extremely rarely.
We might not get driverless cars immediately after ai drivers come on the road, but it won't be long either. A few years at most.
The simple fact is that driving is better left to macines than humans. Traffic accidents will be massively reduced and society will change drastically. Cruise control and autopilot are effectively the same thing, you clearly have little understanding of this subject.
they'll tax the car directly
Literal retard
The good ol' days. Can't wait!
I thought I saw a driverless car today...turns out it was just a nigger, blending in with the leather seats. No joke.
>tfw you're gonna have to make your own gas once they phase out and outlaw fuel engine cars
Demolition man here we go
> I don't think that means what you think that means.
> Suddenly, classic cars and millions of unemployed drivers.
The general population will never accept Driverless cars because.
1. Humans don't trust machines
2. People enjoy driving
>People enjoy driving
You've never had a job in your life have you
It didn't come for aviation and will not come for cars. Because you can't sue computer program.
then they'll make money by being paid by taxdollars like they always have
Every car will help Google map the world in realtime. They'll be able to use every single incident from any car to create a solution for all cars, and they've already done the heaviest part of that as research.
Once there are millions of Google-equipped cars, even very unlikely events like running over a spray can or avoiding a missing manhole cover, will become much easier to avoid because the system will have encountered it a couple of times, unlike any single human driver.
Lmfao this. However, with the safety features that will be programmed in we will see motorcycles going insanely fast because automated vehicles will work around these people. Even when they run a red cars will work around them
I think you might be getting old
>women for the most part hate driving
>millennials are lazy as fuck
>driverless taxis will be cheaper than a manned Uber/Lyft ride, and far cheaper than real taxis
>driverless cargo transport, once established, will save corporations insane amounts of money
And as for the mistrust thing, people eat technology up, we have smartphones in 96% of our pockets, washers and dryers and refrigerators with needless do-dads and wifi, there are literally bluetooth controlled lightbulbs.. people might be initially mistrustful of technology, but they become extremely trusting if it makes their lives even slightly easier. I'm sure cargo transport will be the last piece of the puzzle to go, but once this thing starts catching on, we won't go back to the old way. People who know how to drive a car will become increasingly rare, people who know how to drive a manual transmission will be almost extinct. This will all probably happen over the next 10-20 years and then we'll be living in a society where only old people drive for fun and nostalgia, and law makers will try to take it away from them/us.
>driverless cargo transport
This, holy shit, this. We are on the verge of an automated intermodal transport system.
Both of those points go right out the window with the millennial generation. They worship algorithms instead of God and many, if not a majority, do not own or drive cars (see: Rise of Uber)
ITT: people who rode the monorail at Disney World a little too much.
There's a reason the only driverless trains run on closed circuits like at airports.
Taxi Unions/company owners, will ban driverless cars in cities where they hold political power.
Then they'll get an exemption for taxis. All the drivers will be laid off and the taxi company owners will enjoy profits of a huge fleet of automated taxis, maintained by a small third party maintenance company.
Uber is only a thing in major population centers where owning a car is more con than pro
FYI Navistar has had a driverless semi truck on the road in Nevada for about 3 years now. They plan to go to market before 2020.
They are wicked looking to. The black ones look like something Darth Vader would drive. They have no windshields and the "door" is hidden behind a body panel.
Which is where 99.9% of millennials live. The majority of the
>Drive over a hour in traffic in the mornings for work
>still like to drive
Explain that faggot
> we have smartphones in 96% of our pockets, washers and dryers and refrigerators with needless do-dads and wifi, there are literally bluetooth controlled lightbulbs..
And literally zero pilot-less aircraft's that carry passengers (pro-tip many passengers planes autopilots could do every phase of flight but...)
People in rural areas have more kids, city folk have a higher age median
You're a masochist
The future is grim.
Horrible dumb looking glass cars
You're an idiot.
>implying a pilot has any chance if something goes majority wrong over autopilot
>implying it's only safe on closed loop
Lel faggot Googles autonomous cars had better safety in 1.5m km over an avrage driver under 50k km and you say the techs unsafe?
you really need to do some reading man
I've actually applied to be a 'Google Automated Car Operator' because they're going to have 2-3 of them testing in my area. Two people are in this car, which drives itself, one is one standby in case it does something stupid and they need to take control (which has almost never happened in years of testing) the other takes notes on anything that could be improved and anything it does weird.
Driverless cars have been on the road since mid 2013, being tested. They're now being tested in like four states, with my state (Arizona) soon to join them.
You are behind the curve, Shelbyville.
I guess we'll just have to start solving "real' crime, and garnishing their wages after they're convicted.
taxis are going to be a relic unless their prices come down to match uber/lyft. Cars with a driver will be a novelty/luxury type thing, where you have someone to talk to on your ride, and because of that they will be more expensive.
This type of service won't disappear but will definitely be in less demand.
Not an argument.
>2 dimensional travel on roads vs 3 dimensional travel wherever
totally the same thing
I think they will because:
1. People don't like dying in car crashes
2. People don't like their loved ones dying in car crashes
If you want to drive, go to the track. Driving on roads suck ass and you can't go fast or have fun without a risk of being raped by the police. I'm sure people who have long commutes and waste 2 hours a day driving when they could be working or sleeping really enjoy that. And to say people don't trust machines is the dumbest thing I've read all day. You not dying in the next hour literally relies on our machines not going fucking haywire and launching nukes. Granted this is not A. I. but it is still a very complex machine that we rely on.
>horseless carriages
Glorified steam engines. Much like trains have a steam engine, but still have a driver, carriages will always have a horse in the driver's seat.
This is how stupid you sound.
This. If instead of driving and commuting I could be chilling in a recliner with a laptop listening to tunes as I travel to work, and can arrive safely, I am all for it
This. Especially with the introduction of 5G soon, cars will be able to refer to things in near instant real time from a database of metadata being gathered by all other cars in that same region, it will respond better than most drivers would
lol I for one welcome this nap filled future
They will create a system like amusement parks. You can buy tiered speed passes. They will allow you to have faster travel and a premium price
>every driverless car will have to run by using a server.
>You will have to pay server fees every month or w.e
>If your car crashes or violates the law, the person who owns and maintains the server will have to pay the fee
>They will also be your car insurance too
I understand what you mean and I'm not invested in this thread at all, but
>he thinks roads are two-dimensional
>You not dying in the next hour literally relies on our machines not going fucking haywire and launching nukes. Granted this is not A. I. but it is still a very complex machine that we rely on.
Please explain how easily our nukes could go off. Genuinely curious
>Cuckshed built.
>Wife can click a button and send you to work in your driverless car.
What is horsepower?
a word that does not indicate the inclusion of an actual horse
Elon musk makes people proud of ICBMs again - check.
Elon musk makes cops shoot more niggers - soon.
Best American.
>driving only includes your commute to work
There are ways to enjoy driving, especially on weekends
Presumably most driverless cars will still have manual controls to allow you to drive them yourself as is nessisary or desired.
>How will the economy survive when millions of stage coach drivers are unemployed by cars?
I think a better analogy would be whoever takes care of the horses.
Stage coach drivers were replaced with car drivers. Car drivers will be replaced with built in AI, and as such jobs that involve driving will wither away for the most part.
>cars and trucks will always have a human in the driver's seat.
Seat doesn't control car
"Some" people enjoy driving
Women like you that suck at driving, I can see why u would be mad.
Yeah cuz trains are fun, idiot.
Biggest thing holding this back are poorfags that don't give a fuck about their car. It's not until the automated cars start filling up the used car market that you'll see adoption rates soar.
If driver less cars have fewer accidents then insurance companies will love them.
I think has a point- taxis and lyft/uber will be the first adopters of this, and following that logic, less people may buy cars in the future. Lets say you can get to where you need to go in automated taxis, and your car breaks down.. you might go a lot longer without fixing it because you don't exactly NEED it anymore
>now that we have the concorde, how do you imagine supersonic travel will look in 2016?
got eem
Uber is a joke. It's a good idea carried out by retards
I imagine that the more intelligent cars on the road the less humans would be needed if you have vehicles communicating that would probably reduce accidents by a lot.
the collapse of our society is nigh, not because of this single issue, but because it's just one of many critical technological advances. combined with progressive political thought, it's not going to be long before we stray too far now.
>activate Order 88...
>all self driving cars with 'undesirables' drive off the nearest cliff
Better than taxi Jews, not as good as self driving cars
All the bad rumors ard just taxi jew propaganda
Actually air is much simpler. Aircrafts are many many seconds often minutes away from crash if they just fly in straight line, all time to make decision. Cars are often less then second away from crash. Also air is literally empty and all object entering airspace must ask permission and really follow rules, Unlike roads with faggot pedestrians and bikers and all kinds of holes in the pavement. This is way autopilots were half century ahead of cars auto-drivers. But. No pilot-less planes .
>traffic cops no longer have people to pull over
>police departments immediately start prosecuting things most people don't know are crimes (SC fag here, for example, blowjobs are technically illegal).
Tell that to the people that died