This is an ad campaign in Canada
Sup Forums triggered
This is an ad campaign in Canada
Sup Forums triggered
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it's always a white male offender and an ethnic female defender
man I want her to go back on my DICK hahahahahaha lads do you catch my drift hahaha
They will be dealt with in my lifetime, that's for sure.
#proud to be diverse
its 2016 guys come on
get with the times
I was going to vent my incoherent rage into a post, but it didn't make any sense, so now I've added this disclaimer. Continuing on:
>implying it isn't the chinks and pooinloos who are most racist against mudslimes and all other racial groups
yet the only face of "racism" shown is ever white
Once a beautiful city you could be proud of now it's a city full of sjw filth and sub human scavengers.
No Muslim ever says they're from Canada or America or wherever they're currently leeching off of. They'll always say they're from Pakistan or Afghanistan or whatever shit country they're from and go on and on about how their allegiances lie to Shitholistan. They'd only pretend they're actually from this land if they're accosted like in the poster and someone told them to go back, in which they go full taqiya mode and cry "muh rural home on the outskirts of [major city]!"
Shitskins make me sick with their lying. It's like dealing with women all over again.
>that dialogue
From all the things that didn't ever happen, this is the thing that happened the least.
>implying she'd be allowed outside her house and interacting with a male not related to her
>1 post by this ID
Can you imagine the shitty fucking ad meetings where this was discussed in?
>that's so clever
Some other user made the excellent point in last week's thread that if Muslims are so wonderful and beneficial to society why would there even need to be a concerted ad campaign to improve the image of Muslims. Really makes you think....
Oh my Swiss friend, you definitely bring the "CHEESE" to this board, if you get what I am saying ;;;;;;;;^^^^)
I like they made the racist white guy a Jew. . .Look at the nose.
someone post that "a real german" picture of boateng
kind of makes me rage, especially because he refuses to sing the anthem
I do not have any difficulty believing this.
That city is your equivalent of California condensed into a City.
Shoop it with:
Guy "hey don't you think that veil you wear is miso-"
That's true but it's kinda like saying to a nigger to go back to Detroit.
People hate free trade, which is also beneficial to just about everybody
I shot a dune coon in Iraq. I watched him squeal like a pig and claw at his belly like it was on fire. He screamed and cried and twisted around in the dirt. He shat himself and died. No sand nigger has ever deserved anything better than to die screaming and crying.
REEEEEEEEEEEE this annoys me the most. I actually don't even mind Muslims/non-whites that much when they say "I'm Syrian/Paki/Arab" whenever. But when they say "I'm Canadian" I just want to say "FUCK OFF".
So right-wing groups say non-whites that identify as "American, Canadian, European, etc" have assimilated and therefor shouldn't be a problem but I disagree. When non-whites call themselves Canadian it butchers the meaning of the word Canadian for WASPS, Scots Frenchmen, and possibly Irishmen because they have a long history here.
Dude that's fucked. Was he even doing anything?
Sup Forums BTFO
really makes you think
Should have you-tubed it for all to enjoy.
The Sikhs never needed one. Which might be connected with the fact that they can go five minutes without gang raping someone or blowing up a building.
>where, ny?
ebin story bro
You guys are fucked!
Dumb argument. Being rich is a social construct yet rich can still oppress the poor.
gotta spread this over twitter and kikebook ASAP
Probably because you have no idea what patriotism you God Damn leaf.
Fuck off with your bro tier meme. All of these fucking parasites scream racism and demand special snow flake status.
>Go back to where you came from
>Where, brampton?
>Yes, and stay there
Back to tumblr you little fairy.
Save the white race. The Muslims have to go.
who cares
Wow so strong
I feel truly btfo and I'm with Hillary now
No shit it's a dumb argument. The point is though that only racists can see race, thus the left is racist themselves. Real equality would mean that the left doesn't see skincolor.
lol nice one
LOL you are a little fairy because you cry when terrorist attacks happen.
Who cares about anything non-Toronto
Leftists see race they just don't want to kill people for being a certain race, like racists.
holy fuck this is good
We do have patriots, they just are patriots in the wrong way. Whenever you see a retard who thinks Canada is infinitely better than the U.S, hes probably a patriot, they tend to speak out of their asses and tend to be liberals.
Found the mudscum.
You will be purged in do time sub human.
Would a Muslim say this >REEEEEEEEEEEE this annoys me the most. I actually don't even mind Muslims/non-whites that much when they say "I'm Syrian/Paki/Arab" whenever. But when they say "I'm Canadian" I just want to say "FUCK OFF".
>So right-wing groups say non-whites that identify as "American, Canadian, European, etc" have assimilated and therefor shouldn't be a problem but I disagree. When non-whites call themselves Canadian it butchers the meaning of the word Canadian for WASPS, Scots Frenchmen, and possibly Irishmen because they have a long history here.
He's not mudscum, he's the Communist Wagon Burner.
The Pinko Gas-Huffer
Get what I mean? One thing you should know is that he's always butthurt.
Should be London, England.
>1 post by this ID
*due time
Everyone is racist, your ad basically still sticks to the fundamental fucktardery that it is something "bad"
es bueno!
Fair enough desu.
My dad was born in Canada and I have distant family there. The general level of immigration is one of the main things that's always put me off visiting so I'm not gonna tell somebody who experiences it on a daily basis that I know better
Allah Hu snakbar you mudshit, stay out of our clubs too.
WAit how did you know I was Jason Unruhe?
Lol I like the way you put that just another liberal twat stomping his feet.
Fuk that white male!
We have a lot of strong Polish communities here.
Great people. Canada is a beautiful country and if you want to experience what it has to offer you just avoid Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal.
Polish are actually pretty racist.
desu, toronto is fine as long as you tune out the SJW bullshit. Most of the immigrants living downtown are wellbehaved chinks and pooinloos working for banks and whatnot. The nogs and foreign rabble tend to stick to their ghettos and don't go into the city center so much. I've traveled all around europe and the states and there's no big city I've ever felt safer in than toronto.
Source: I live downtown
Fuck off vermin.
stfu twat you fucking Holocaust supporter.
Well tbf those are different species, not different race/ethnicities.
Is Canada really all Chinese and Muslims?
if they look like that, then welcome home you crazy bitch
is it your turn on your husband tonight ?
or one of his other wives ?
well with respects to your beliefs, I just think that's wrong.
besides, what man would need anyone else but you ?
85% white, just large cities like Toronto are home to liberal scum. The real Canadians are out in rural areas, farming and whatnot.
Lay off the aerosols bud
this makes me sick
Yeah, it's large cities like Toronto that are minority white, sure, but Greater Toronto area is 20% of the entire country's population. It matters.
There are different species of lions that can generate fertile offspring. If you consider that arabs have different hair, eye and skin color and texture, different average height, different IQ average, different bone and muscle density, diferent distribution of body hair and a different skull structure, you could say that we're talking about two different subspecies or even two different species
pic related shows what I mean
law off drugs.
Fuck off scum whites aren't real Canadian.
>i was born here so i can kill whoever i want!
>Whites aren't real Canadian
So you are the same illiterate feather nigger I encounter from time to time.
Did I say white?
That pick is retarded. Caucasians do not have light eyes, and the skull at the bottom is a monkey skull not a persons skull. It's a shitty infographic.
Whites are the real savages. Natives had buildings before the white man came and knocked them down. Also no I don't want you to leave we would die, the reason is because you put up residential schools and destroyed our culture and knowledge to fish and hunt.
Well real Canadains don't live in the rural
Wasn't your point Europeans weren't Canadians? So wouldn't the real Canadians live in the rural areas? Or do they just live in cities?
No man that's actually an australoid skull. Google it. And also, while not all caucasians have light eye color, they do have the highest percentage of light eye colors among all races. Just look at the congoids or the capoids. The lighter their eyes go is dark brown., while caucasoids can range from brown to light blue
Hold on
You know what the best part of this is? I see these posters only in one area of Toronto near where i live, Bathurst and Lawrence aka torontos jewish neighbourhood full of orthodox jewish people, coincidence?
Pretty naive. There was a time, when I tend to live and work in Canada. Canadian cuckery made this decision simple. Does maple sirup cause mental handicaps?
There are whites in scities
The video is disabled
Caucasians do have dark brown. Look at Joseph Goebelle
wheres the other part after they reconcile, the white man impales that hijab pussy with master white cock while she squeals, then curses the prophets name because the dick is that good?
>But when they say "I'm Canadian" I just want to say "FUCK OFF".
>Canadian is a race
Kill yourself
Fuck them. I love Muslims but not if they are against Trump.
>Changing up the basis of your argument
That's fucking retarded! It had a Native on it they should of kept it!
They are not native to anywhere but there mongoloid homeland.
Fuck off with this meme.