>meet girl from Ethiopia
>dark skin, but beautiful, high cheekbones
>first black woman I'm attracted to
>she has conservative views, in fact she's even a monarchist
>seriously consider asking her out
>talk to her about dating casually and she says she would never date a white man
>startled and ask why
>she says dating is a long job interview for marriage and family
>says people should marry within their race, because mixing races doesn't add to heritage, it destroys it
>tfw brokenhearted
Is there such a thing as TOO redpilled, Sup Forums?
Meet girl from Ethiopia
She is perfect, no such thing as too redpilled. I'm a girl and I'm a shitskin, I would never marry and reproduce with a white man. I value my culture too much and want to improve the gene pool. I would never advocate the dilution of my own race.
Don't hate her for it, thats what we all want.
Get over yourself. Race-mixing is only bad for whites, but good for the lower races, since they get their gene pool improved
Why would I want to marry a white male? You guys love divorce and make shitty husbands; have no basic values and ideas on how to properly raise children.
Shes 100% right, you're a huge faggot OP
>You guys love divorce
You're thinking of white women. 87% of divorces are initiated by them, men are in it for the long haul much more often.
Also there's the slight fact of your kids would be way better off being part white then fully non white.
>Why would I want to marry a white male? You guys love divorce and make shitty husbands; have no basic values and ideas on how to properly raise children.
This is the case with everyone, white or non-white, who grew up in the degenerate judaized west. I myself am eastern european.
That's based as fuck.
OP is a faggot.
I wish all the niggerloving white women and gook-worshipping autists on Sup Forums would learn a lesson from her.
I'm probably never going to find another woman who loves Shakespeare and Aurelius and majors in mathematics
>I wish all the niggerloving white women and gook-worshipping autists on Sup Forums would learn a lesson from her.
Amen brother
She sounds like she's part of the cream of the crop, eastern african elite niggers. I met one of those once
Why do you want to burn coal faggot.
The nigress is stopping you making a huge mistake.
You degenerate "redpilled" cuck.
shoo shoo kike
Whatever, dude. In my culture divorce is shunned and if one gets divorced, it's almost impossible for them to remarry and they will be publicly ostracized by relatives and family. Divorce is encouraged in white 'culture'.
>part white
They'll be confused as fuck and just grow up to be degenerate fucks with no real conscience for their culture.
>niggerloving white women
>on Sup Forums
we /worldstar/ now?
She's Ethiopian Orthodox and saving herself for marriage
Yes, it's true, it would be racemixing, but consider that the chances of finding a woman who is otherwise perfect marriage material are about zero.
She's a good woman.
Leave her alone and stop texting her.
>shitskin or black
>visits Sup Forums
sure buddy
Ethiopians are based, and pretty red pilled
I used to work with a bunch of them, they really are not the same as all the other African peoples
Are you saying that half-white niggers aren't improved niggers? Still inferior to pure whites though
Women have 100% rights in a divorce; if children are involved... may god have mercy
You mean like supreme gentleman? Please, whites love to put on air about their superiority. All your actions show yourselves as weak and easily manipulated.
Too bad white girls don't think like you, kek.
white chicks are mud divers
What type of shitskin are you?
I'm saying you shouldn't shill for racemixing, kike.
Bitch you shouldn't of probably start acting like her. She's based and more people should be like her. Why are whites so god damn degenerates.
She probaby would date a white guy, just not you.
Hijab roleplayer
>In my culture
Well you have a American flag so that culture is the same as mine. Divorce isn't just encouraged for white people, it's encouraged for women regardless of their color.
dude, its a negress just get some shoe polish and try again
When you fuck black chicks its oil drilling or mudsharking, not coal burning. Get your metaphors straight
the brad pitt test
>talk about maintaining racial purity all day every day
>a black woman wants to keep her racial purity and culture
>"Wah Wah why don't you want white dick"
Lol based woman, btfo all these horny stormniggers on Sup Forums
This, all other possible answers are the domain of edgelords and/or retards
>if nigger
consider advocating mass sterilizations within your race
>if indian/middle eastern
reconsider not race mixing
But I didn't ask her out, I was just talking about my dating experiences and asking about hers, and she said she hasn't been on a date so far. And I said why not, people must have asked her out? And she said she it was mostly white men and said she doesn't date white men.
That's very honorable of you.
Wish more White women were like you
You should thank her for saving you from your own degeneracy. Stop trying to drill oil and stick to your own race.
She's right, you know.
Follow her example.
>Also there's the slight fact of your kids would be way better off being part white then fully non white.
Half breed here. While I'm grateful that I'm not 100% shitskin, I never really felt like I belonged to either side of my family which was fucking weird. I've mostly gotten over it but being part white isnt indicative of happiness.
If they're so based why aren't they in Ethiopia bettering their nation? The economy there is doing well
>All your actions show yourselves as weak and easily manipulated.
you mean inventing 90% of the technology the world uses and codifying the best justice systems the world has ever seen?
The actions speak just fine for themselves, I don't need to try and convince you of anything.
Implying that any nigress is feminine enough to be categorized as a woman.
>Follow her example.
and become black
Retard. Just ask her out.
You think actually know what they want at any given time?
You have 50/50 chances.
Of course I don't want racemixing, but I perfectly understand why the muds would want it
>>meet girl from Ethiopia
>>dark skin, but beautiful, high cheekbones
>>first black woman I'm attracted to
>>she has conservative views, in fact she's even a monarchist
>>seriously consider asking her out
>>talk to her about dating casually and she says she would never date a white man
>>startled and ask why
>>she says dating is a long job interview for marriage and family
>>says people should marry within their race, because mixing races doesn't add to heritage, it destroys it
>>tfw brokenhearted
Wow, you met the perfect woman and your own views turned on you as you turned on them to possibly race-mix and in turn they were reflected in her views.
Must suck. But hey, at least you won't have mulattos that burn down beautiful cities.
luv iranians, my ex was 1/3rd persian. she was gorgeous.
if all iranian women are as redpilled as you, i know where to seek my next target
niggers have american flags, too
Iranians are indo-europeans and pretty close to being white
>what is reading comprehension
Follow her example and don't racemix, ya dingus
I respect that. You're still a dirty shitskin, I'm glad you're not marrying into our genepool. The bad part is that someone dark will probably marry into it instead.
You are retarded. Yes, our men try to get with white women. But our women are protected and strictly discouraged from racemixing. The consequences are really severe.
If you don't know why men racemix and not the women, you are truly a dumbfuck.
Btw, men are not encouraged either. It's just that it's not as bad.
Don't give up so easily, women hate a pushover.
>niggers have american flags, too
I know, niggers are part of America for better or worse.
The greatest part of the American dream is anyone can be part of it, even though the dream is currently dead and our culture is being over run by brainwashed collectivists.
She's a smart gal OP
get her wasted and fuck her
If mudslime girls were free to do so, they'd mix with white men in hordes like asian girls do. After they get westernized in a few generations, that is exactly what will happen. Not a good thing
I'm black hook me up OP
Lmao if she actually was attracted to you, she wouldn't care you naive fool
She doesn't drink unless her parents are present, or, she said, her husband (once she's married)
She's said before that I look "very strong" and she's compared me to Leonardo di Caprio in looks, I don't think she finds me ugly.
>american negresses
You're descended from chimp-like western african slaves. OP's girl is an eastern african, which are partially caucasiod
Moosefucking degenerate
>I am a girl
Post proof
Spic from Guatemala who married a doctor that's 8 years older than me.
Brb, stay at home dad.
Brb 2 boys and 1 daughter.
Brb, all look white.
Mfw I "made it"
This. Eastern African girls can be drop dead gorgeous.
Western Africans are fucking disgusting.
Post pic of her I'm curious now
>tfw already mixed race
What am I supposed to do? I'm half injun and half white. I'm not attracted to whites though.
Forgot to mention she's white.
What kind of proof? I'll do it.
>no tits or gtfo plz
I could try provided you don't say you found out about on Sup Forums.
Do you have a decent education and are you open to converting to Ethiopian Orthodox?
Just your face with a timestamp
>stay at home dad
>2 boys and 1 daughter
Leeching off her alone would be pretty alpha, but being a mommy with a penis is pretty lowtest
This OP. Don't be a faggot and help her get a good husband, not just physically attractive but also smart and with the same views as her. Also post pics I wanna se her
Follow Eliiot's steps
I love when nigger hating white guys fall in love with a black chick.
I've seen it happen to two of my Russian friends and they're families almost disowned them for marrying black women.
What makes you love it so much?
What is statutory rape.
What is Ethiopians don't drink.
What part of 'she's perfect' you didn't get?
What about her relatives chasing you down and emasculating the shit out of you.
You wish you had drilled a SubSaharan nigger instead, because at least Afros shoot you, whereas Ethiopians torture you and then bury you in sand.
Just post a pic of your cleavage with timestamp. Allah will forgive you just this once
Not on Sup Forums, the last thing I want is for some friend of hers to find out that I posted this.
She looks a lot like pic related though except with extremely dark skin
>non whites can't race mix but you have to fuck me cos I'm a lonely ugly white virgin
Your logic is retarded and you are degenerate. Whites aren't superior since they are in such small populations. All races exist due to evolution and you cunts are getting breeded out.
Monarchists are scum. Fucking retards who want to worship kings.
>American blacks
>Not partially causcasiod
All modern day blacks are mixed because John couldn't keep his hands of thick chocolate bodies in his plantation.
In a few years when shits hits the fan and whites realize they can't afford to be comfortable and apathetic anymore, what do you think will happen? Even if whites do get "outbreeded", which is a meme and unlikely to happen, do you really think that mongoloids will start becoming more significant? Jews would move on to destroy your nations like they did ours
Outbred* you fucking loser
She talks like a black supremacist to be quite honest with you, John.
She probably believes that whites are puny and should all be destroyed too. You should ask her which race is the best. She probably gonna smack you down so hard.
Well she's definitely one. She says the monarchy should be restored in Ethiopia and said the West would be better with monarchs too. She said the masses have terrible taste in everything and follow wherever merchants lead them, and that applies to politics as well.
She's not a racial supremacist, she says all races have something to contribute, problems arise when their roles get confused.
ethiopians arent real blacks
theyre more semitic. its like the difference between arabs and persians
She immigrated from Ethiopia with her parents when she was a teenager in order to go to school here
They look like real blacks to me
>she says all races have something to contribute
Wishful thinking. Real life isn't Skyrim. Just compare your average abbo to a random japanese
She says all unsuccessful races would fare better if their were given roles suited to them.
And just what are abbos good at? Sniffing glue? At least niggers are good at athletics
>"and want to improve the gene pool"
>doesn't want to racemix with a white male
thats retarded you fucking shitskin
I don't know, should I ask her?