Why does this board not like the Turks? They helped Germany and Austria-Hungary in World War I. They were the good guys. Also they don't tolerate fags, and many Turks are nationalists.
Why does this board not like the Turks? They helped Germany and Austria-Hungary in World War I. They were the good guys...
Success breeds jealousy
>They helped Germany and Austria-Hungary in World War I
yeah worked out really well for us
I hate them because I'll never be able to cum deep inside this qt3.14
Islamic Nationalists who support/train/fund Islamic Extremists because they have a desire to re-create the Ottoman Empire. (Goat fuckers who side with Goat fuckers to create a Goat fucker empire) why wouldn't we like them, I just don't know OP.
>Claim white history
>Hard exoskeleton
>3 pairs of legs
I wonder why we don't like the turks. Hmm.
What do they have to do with that transvestite?
t. Cenk Uygur
we like turk, not islam!
Because they're Islamic chest beaters with nothing to back up their sense of self-worth.
I'll take the bait
>helped Germany and Austria-Hungary
They aimed at conquering them.
>don't tolerate fags
Literally the first nation that depenalized faggotry, also turk_sodomy_circle.jpg
It is what the Juden want.
>Not knowing that Sup Forums is a gay board
I mean, you never noticed how Sup Forums love strong, decisive men?
They're not Ottomans you fucking dumbass. These faggots are the worst breed of roaches you could ever have.
Only good turk who will ever live. The rest should get a visit from rentokill.
>Why does this board not like the Turks?
>They helped Germany and Austria-Hungary in World War I
Because my country is infested with them and they all vow allegiance to Erdogan.
Real turks who live there are not the problem.
(Well maybe nearly all of the AKP monkeys but that is another story)
The turks which are hated all around europe, are offsprings of the retarded subhumans who are not able to achieve anything in Turkey, so they """immigrate"""" to us and live off of welfare.
They do not speak the language, do not work and behave like they are the footsoldiers for Erdoroach.
Since their filthy kinfolk existence they have been and they are to this day a Muslim Terrorist Tribe. Their entire filthy Muslim ancestors, the Osmanlidir & Selcuklu tribes raped, murdered, slaved, forced convert Christians to Islam from all over Eastern Europe to Greece and to Armenia for over 500 years and committed a Holocaust against Christian Armenians, Greeks, & Assyrians, from 1915-1921. Their biggest pride and greatest achievement was exterminating Christians in South Eastern Europe and Middle East and forcibly converting the ones that were left to Islam.
Today the filthy cockroach Muslim Turkey has the same Islamist agenda as the rest of the ISIS terrorists. Absolutely no difference. Over 25% of the ISIS terrorists are Muslim Turks. Throughout their history they have always been barbaric.
The only contribution turks have given around to the world is Barbarism, Savagery, Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing, Rape and Murder thus this is why they are country in the world hated by all its neighbors.
underrated post desu