I can't believe that there's not even one positive thing said about the EU on Sup Forums
Yes, it has major flaws, but I can't believe you see no positives to it at all?
The EU is quite amazing if you think about it. It's an empire, but unlike the Roman Empire, it was created peacefully - no wars involved
And Europe was war ridden all history, the EU is is successful at keeping peace among the European nations
The EU does a LOT of good stuff to protect us against global, international predatory corporations, but that doesn't get a lot of media coverage... such as the recent roaming charges removal - which is great
Many will say :" hhuehuhuhueuhe of course you're pro -EU cuz ur SLovenian u get EU moneys heuehuehe"
Not fuck you, it's not that. I don't need any of your filthy snownigger money. First of all, Slovenia is EU average, so we neither give, nor receive.
Secondly, yes, as a Slovenian I'm pro EU but not because of money. Because I'm surrounded by Austra, Italy, Hungary, Croatia,.. and do you know how annoying it is to travel molested by border control
It facilitates trade, it facilitates movement of people.... Can we agree that there are positive things about the EU as well?
I agree with most of Sup Forums criticism but you guys make it so black and white, as if the EU is the root of all evil and without the EU it would all be lollipops and rainbows
Just look at other places in the world... would you rather be in USA, where you have to move into your car and careful not to break your leg if you lose your job cause they''ll leave you to die
I believe in the European Union, it's sick, but I want to heal it, not kill it, because nothing good can come out of its disintegration
The future of the world is China, India, USA, Brazil, Russia - wil lhave tremendous power, and if we are not united as a single entitiy to represent OUR interests and our values, do you think anyone wil lgive a shit about nothingburgers like Estonia, Latvia, even Finland? And even the UK