Does he actually a Sup Forums user?
Does he actually a Sup Forums user?
Other urls found in this thread:
Cavill is
Wouldn't surprise me. I know he, Kevin Smith, Sylvester Stallone and Bruce Willis used to browse and post on AICN.
awww sweeeeeeeet
sylvester i love you
The filename is a Sup Forums filename retard
He's an acerbic drunk who loves the bants. Everyone who has worked with him think he's an asshole. Fucks women 1/2 his age. What do you think?
Also, to prepare for batman he was asking Sup Forums a bunch of questions.
>Cavill is
No evidence.
Are you stupid? That's Sup Forums's unix timestamp. To the right is the filename.
That picture has been posted for years on here. I think it's from an AMA or something he did on Reddit.
>extremely popular website among the first generation of young people who grew up on the internet
>"Famous people don't visit it!"
An assload of actors and musicians are on here, Bennyboy likely included. They just don't drop user.
>An assload of actors and musicians are on here
I highly highly doubt it. There's nothing in it for them.
If you are rich and famous, surrounded by hit women and drugs 24/7 why would you waste your time shitposting here? Celebs all have massive egos, they want to be taken seriously. No one will ever take you seriously on this board if you post earnestly.