Red pill me on what Trump's done wrong? I thought Orlando would win the him the presidency. I honestly thought one more attack would make people have enough. And yet he appears to have plummeted?
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he said dumb shit like 'appreciate the congrats'. voters don't like it when you are too obvious in getting votes from a "tragedy"
The drop is from the media pushing the racism meme when he talked shit about that mexican judge that pissed off a lot of people. It will take another week or so for the polls to catch up to the Orlando backlash. Be patient friendo.
Here's the updated version
he keeps saying stupid shit
Ah, excellent. Looking forward to it. Imagine if Brexit is successful as well...
I do cringe when he makes words up such as "bigly"
he's going to lose bigly
It's a perfectly cromulent word
>Red pill me on what Trump's done wrong?
He locked up more delegates than did Ted Cruz, who would have been able to make coherent arguments on topical issues consistent to a core set of principles which when measured against his opponent ought to have resulted in his elevation to be elected to the highest office in the land.
The only thing Trump has done wrong is tricking cuckolds like you into thinking he ever stood a chance against shillary's last name. He handed a gift with the terrorist attack and he absolutely fucked it up. This should have won him the election but he's completely incompetent.
Pic related, it's your retarded ass.
Ted Cruz has no charisma and keeps obsessing over minor details most people don't care about. He only knows how to pander to the ideological wing of the party, decided to go full Tent Rival Hucksterism during the Primary like a total moron, and just in general has no idea how to appeal to those who don't already agree with him. His polling against Hillary began to slide when he started to get some name recognition and people realized he was this cycle's crazy preacher guy. He is an even bigger embarrassment than Trump who has zero appeal outside of Red States.
Ted Cruz is a nutjob who thinks he was chosen by God to become a great leader. He would stand no chance against shillary in the fall, the left hates him even more than Trump.
That red line needs some viagra.
This same thread has been made about 1000 times since Orlando, with the exact same wording
Trump blew it when he attacked Mateen as if he was direct from Afghanistan. The dude was pure American. A closeted homo who was drunk and pissed at life.
people got redpilled on the shooting and realized that it wasn't as isis related as we thought
>I'm an atheist, and all my analysis revolves around my one issue
Good for you. Yet your insistence on having only secular voices represented in politics and mocking those who believe in god as had the founders and all who followed (until the precipitous fall of the US from greatness, that is) as theologic nutjobs is the considered design of the left. I'm certain they thank you for furthering their agenda even outside of their chosen party.
>I reject all polling, inserting in their place my biases and the biases of the particular circlejerk to which I adhere
And this is another reason why the right loses to the left.
>Oh, and I'm a fedora to
Refer to above, loser.
removing your rights for being on "watch lists" that ignore due process is what did it for me
When Bernie dropped out he was pulling even with Hillary Clinton. This means for the next two weeks he should have talked about nothing but the issues that he and Bernie have common ground on such as the TTIP, money in politics, cost of college, liability of gunshop owners, foreign intervention, etc.
He failed to do this, and as a result lost out on the window to gain many disenfranchised bernie/independents (which is necessary)
The Judge. He could have said:" here's a judge that is a part of a pro-hispanic group La Raza that sympathizes more with the illegal immigrant that killed Kathryn Steinle than Kathryn herself. How can someone associated with that impartially judge me, a man calling to end illegal immigration which disproportionately affects hispanics!". Instead he said "he's mexican", which isn't true as he was born here. He never mentioned La Raza or why he couldn't be impartial. It came off as "He can't judge me because he's brown and I'm not"
The shooting. Again, Trump needed to come out and do the following:
Condemn the shooter and radical islamic terrorism
Tie the foreign policy and domestic security policies of Obama and Clinton to the reason why ISIS is still around to radicalize
how this guy could be interviewed by the FBI multiple times and not be stopped. He should've spent time connecting Clinton to Iraq, Libya and Syria. Obama's red line, etc. He didn't.
Hell He could have even mentioned the practicality of the (((muslim ban))) which in reality would be a travel ban to and from select islamic countries.
Instead, it came off as an attack on the islamic community or muslims in general. Again, his whole message is "Obama wont say or take radical islam seriously", yet when Trump finally gets the chance to talk about it, what he is saying can be interpreted to be against ALL muslims rather than just radical ones.
The polls can say anything (((they))) want.
Here is the good news, Hillary and the DNC have been cheating and the FBI is watching.
So when November comes around, they are going to have a hard time cheating.
What we should expect until Nov is full media propaganda, and lying in the polls, as well as full shilling everywhere.
Neither of us said anything about atheism dude. And if Ted Cruz didn't want to be tarred as a crazy fundamentalist, he shouldn't have 1.) campaigned as a fundamentalist and 2.) should have told Glenn Beck to fuck off or at least tone it down. Sorry buddy, Ted Cruz was the crazy preacher guy this cycle, it was his own fault, and most Americans, even your fellow believers, don't care for crazy preacher guys.
>inb4 "but the 'TRUE CHRISTIANS' supported him"
>Neither of us said anything about atheism dude
A quite evident lie, in spirit. Both of you explicitly mentioned Cruz's religiosity and the negative perception you had of it (after magnifying it, as is your want), one to the exclusion of all other considerations. You here hearken back to that issue alone, to the exclusion of those other things I've raised in both of my posts, demonstrating the high importance you place on serving the left's secularist agenda and advancing it on the right wing, however manifest a bad an idea this is politically. Better had you stuck to misrepresenting all polling available in order to restate your fallacious reasoning.
this is so fucking fishy lol
But that makes no sense in context of the sentence, and it sounds much more like 'bigly'
>Red pill me on what Trump's done wrong?
saying stupid shit like calling the hispanic judge Pocahontas or going to California and telling them they aren't in a drought
the longer this election process goes on the more stupid shit he says
>baby's first election
>doesn't understand national polling
polls are rigged to make him look bad millions more will vote for Trump over Clinton
>lie, in spirit
Oh, you're just an idiot then. Sorry ol' chap, but Cruz made his religiosity the central theme of his campaign, as such it is the central issue of his candidacy. Once again, blame the One True Ted himself if you don't like it. And just what points did you make in your previous posts. "He had a better grasp of the 'Issues' and the 'Arguments'." Like that matters. Also, you want to talk polling, let's talk results. Cruz lost. If he was going to mop the floor with Hillary, why did he not destroy Trump? His appeal isn't half as great as you true believers want to think it is.
I love it. He has the best words. (no sarcasm)
>poll 8 percent more democrats
>trump is 8 pts behind
this this this
>I thought Orlando would win the him the presidency.
It sucks when you can't capitalize on misfortune.
>polls that vastly oversampled democrats while undersampling independents and republicans
You guys start sounding like Bernouts when shit isn't going swell. You really do.
You know what he should have done after the shootings? Offered to pay for the funereals of the victims behind closed doors and kept his mouth shut, then it would leak and he would look like a saint. Then if it came up in an interview all he would need to say is that he knows well the horrors of Islamic attacks after 9/11 and he simply wanted to do right by his countrymen, then ask to move on from the topic for respect to the families effected.
Just think of how fucked shillery would have been.
El Ratto is outright disgusting, mate, and a weirdo who went on cons like the one with the preacher nutjob calling for the death to gays.
Bear in mind that trump is a tv personality and hillary is just a boring politician. Of course more people would follow him
Because support on the internet worked out so well for Bernie!
>tfw you are britbong and don't know that bigly is a real word.
why live?
>implying Trump has the tact or the subtlety to even think of such things
We're talking about the man who publicly announced a charity fundraiser in lieu of a debate and proceeded to claim he didn't want credit for it when people actually started asking him why he wasn't transparent about the actual donation process.
But he's been saying stupid shit. I don't see how the shit he's saying now is any dumber than the shit he's been saying for the past year.
Trump gets boring. Especially when he keeps repeating himself on end and doesn't come up with new routines.
You should work in politics.
>he believes the polls
Source or bs
This is actually true. Right up until the very last minute, Trump's rhetoric was focused on Bernie. It was totally baffling to me, because just about everyone stopped thinking of Bernie as a candidate about 6 months ago.
sanders following has always been pathetic go search his numbers
>Red pill me on what Trump's done wrong?
You're a fuking retard.
What IF Trump really is a meme candidate to hand Clinton the presidenncy? Usually this term should have been in the bag for Republicans and now it's still uncertain, if Trump is going to win.
>Sorry ol' chap, but Cruz made his religiosity the central theme of his campaign
No, my target-fixated friend, Cruz made constitutionalism and his history of standing against Washington the central theme of his campaign. You were just too busy mocking and positioning against him with disingenuous attacks and lying memes to pay any attention. It's why you're back here now regurgitating your circlejerk logic even as the choice you did make now has all the appearance of going over like a lead balloon.
>He had a better grasp of the 'Issues' and the 'Arguments'." Like that matters.
There's a lot in there, and a lot that matters a hell of a lot. The ability to speak like an intelligent human being, for one, and not like a bumbling idiot as several in the thread have pointed out as being a weakness of Trump. Too, there's the point that Cruz's arguments, being rooted in solid principles, have the CHANCE of better articulation, for unlike Trump, Cruz didn't come by them for reasons of mere political expediency because he thought it would get him a few more votes in this state or that, suddenly pivoting once that state is behind him (and look, Cruz actually was widely recognized for his skill at articulation, being known for his sharp debate skills). It's almost as if character matters, huh? Or at least more than your overestimation of Trump's "ability" (not so refined) of being able to speak untruths into realities. That only ever worked with the kool-aide crowd.
>Also, you want to talk polling, let's talk results. Cruz lost. If he was going to mop the floor with Hillary, why did he not destroy Trump?
Considering how little you appreciate the above, it doesn't surprise that you can't appreciate the differences between primary and general elections, or the different rules and conditions by which they are conducted.
Sasuga losers and Trumpcucks.
This is pretty solid, but you're conflating a Hispanic Bar Association equivalent with the National Council of La Raza. Trump's entire assault on Curiel never should've happened in the first place.
Curiel was a member of this:
Not this:
Oh look, another fedora chirps up.
I'm sensing a trend here of "rightists" in sympathy with the left's aggressive secularist agenda. Could it be that these people have been propagandized against strategies that actually win, or principles that are worthy of laudation rather than criticism? It would certainly appear so.
Only people disagreeing with trumps policies seem to be UK and they apparently havent seen what happened to germany and sweden after the mass muslim immigrants
It's an actual word
Wait after the DNC when hillary officially put Bernie in his place as a loser Trumps numbers will sky rocket. Right now he is pandering to the Bernie supporters who have right side leanings. After the DNC when Philadelphia gets as rammed by sjw faggots Trump will win.
I'm looking at the numbers right now. Trump is losing
Hillary's numbers are only going to go up once she consolidates her base. Bernie has already committed himself to "fighting Trump" and he will wind up toeing the party line before it's all said and done. Trump already blew his chance to rake in disaffected Bernouts when he spent the last month basically campaigning against various tenets of their ideology.
LMAO shills got BTFO
You can intellectualize it all you want, but your evangelicals and mega church preachers freak everyone out, except maybe someone living in a trailer in the bible belt or someone with the aura of a serial killer. Especially when they hysterically call for death of gays based on the bible. That's also where you lost the appeal to "eternal values".
And if I am going with eternal values, I am going with classical Rome and Greece. I actually wish, the USA did that and reinvigorated their roots of the founding fathers. The entire influence of semitic religions, from Judaic supremacy and Zionnism from AIPAC to FED, evangelical Christianity and good goy neocons, to the alliance between Islam and leftism is very harmful.
sanders social numbers you moron
Not in the way that trump used it
>The Judge.
Better had Trump not had a lawsuit against him in the first place for running a fake university in order to scam people out of their money, that he didn't fell the need to distract from it by resorting to a plainly evident race bait, the same tactics that worked so well early in the campaign when not nearly as many people were paying attention (they were paying just enough attention to begin the ball rolling on his negativity ratings, though, which makes it all the more perplexing that Trump though attacking a judge for his ethnicity--wrongly, in that he was Indiana born--was a good long-term fix). It's almost as if character actually mattes.
>comfortably habitable
>this is how trump used it
kill yourselves spic
Of course the public (((polls))) would show Trump declining after another terrorist attack on American soil.
What you see is (((media))) tactic used to sway people's minds about Trump.
Trump is right all along regardless of what he says after the fact.
The (((media))) is in full panic mode and has gone full retard for showing a steep decline after an event like that.
Trump saying stupid shit? You sound like a fucking SJW millennial for getting your (((feelings))) hurt.
Honestly all the polls are irrelevant until about a month before the election. Look at 2012 and 2008 polling, they were all over the place, nothing becomes predictive until October.
As for the reasons trump has gone down in the last few weeks, there are a couple.
First and foremost the democrats are uniting. They have a presumptive nominee now, and she has consolidated support. Most of the bernouts who said they weren't going to vote for Hillary have proven to be full of shit or are people who weren't going to vote anyway.
Secondly, third parties are hurting trump. Both Gary Johnson and Romney's pet candidate are taking some support from Trump.
Thirdly, you can't deny that Trump's big mouth has gotten him into trouble. He completely bungled the Orlando Shooting response, which should've sent his numbers skyrocketing.
Finally the anti-Trump media campaign has gone into another gear. I've never seen anything like it. It's 24/7 wall-to-wall anti-Trump coverage from pretty much every TV and Print outlet in the country. Trump is more resistant to media propaganda than the usual candidate, but no one can come out unscathed from the cacophony of criticism he is currently getting. My one positive from this is I think they are sort of shooting their wad a bit early. After a month of this there will be nothing left to say in the fall that hasn't already been said. Trump has shown a unique ability to generate "scandal fatigue" in voters. They sort of become numb to the criticism after they've heard it 10,000x.
Also on the positive side, the opposition's points are pretty weak imo. The only things they really have are Trump University, "racism" and lack of political experience. None of those have proved effective at hurting Trump's polling. Trump's worst enemies are opposition consolidation and his own big mouth. I'm left thinking, "this is the best you've got?"
yeah cause a judge that supports la raza is ok...
>It's almost as if character actually mattes.
Then Hillary would lose by default.
The conventions haven't even started yet. It'll heat up once trump and Clinton are on the campaign trail.
His arrogance with the TRump University shit will cot him the election, he should have settled that shit before running.
Do you want him to lose and Shillary to win, cabron?
He's f*cking done. I supported him for a while, but this is too much. I'm currently in vacation in Canada, but when I get back, I'll definitely be voting for Clinton.
so calling a Hispanic Bar Association La Raza which means the race is still ok? They are both the same in my book.
I would think Mexicans would want Trump. Part of the reason they are such a shithole is the constant brain and labor drain they have going to the US.
Then you're fucking ignorant.
I wish more polls would focus on swing states. A country wide poll is absolutely fucking useless.
women dont understand the world. they think taking guns away and increasing "diversity" will actually make the world a better place. so the media just full on with the propaganda, and they fall for the emotional outcry every time. women are killing civilization.
ignorant how? I think its racist they a Hispanic lawyers guild that is called The Race yet if there was a white lawyer guild (if they would even allow it) called white race that would be racist. Sounds pretty hypocritical to me.
I... no.... it... can't be...
All La Raza is the same you retard.
You're dismissing an entire group and all who are apart of it as "racist" based entirely on its name, regardless of what it actually does. No false equivalence will change that.
White people are committing cultural suicide, they just don't want to be helped. Trump is the good-hearted friend trying to help a heroin addict, it's nice but there's no hope
entire group? hahah so the word Hispanic is not considered an entire group?
These polls have no legitimacy whatsoever. They'll do a poll right outside the welfare center in Chicago then they'll go "OH LOOK TRUMP IS LOSING LOL".
I'm talking about La Raza Lawyers, you mong. If you assume the organization and all who are apart of it are racist based entirely on its name, you're fucking ignorant.
so under your logic not all kkk members are racist?
You've never heard anyone say "big league" before? Oh wait you're a UKuck so you wouldn't understand.
I do support Trump only because he makes liberal cumshitters butthurt, but not quietly settling out of court the Trump U shit was retarded because it gave the dems and the jew media a massive ammo supply.
"you can't assume groups with a specific written ideology tend to have members who share that ideology, that's raycisss."
There's that false equivalency again. The KKK has a well-documented history of committing racist acts and generally being racist. The La Raza Association of Lawyers does not.
Post the La Raza Lawyer's specific written ideology, then.
anybody can put some squiggly lines on a piece of printer paper and say "recent polls". It's literally made up chit.
>La Raza Association of Lawyers
>I'll double down on bashing the Christian religion for how its judged according to the modern ethic
It's evening in Germany. Aren't you supposed to be sucking invader muzzie cock right about now? That agenda that's only come about in the environment indeed created by a severe secularist ethic?
>And if I am going with eternal values, I am going with classical Rome and Greece
You sound like one of those who chooses to indulge in entertaining fantasies, when push comes to shove. Movies are something else, though, aren't they? Too bad they only last for two hours or so.
>I actually wish, the USA did that and reinvigorated their roots of the founding fathers.
Were we to do that, your bashing would only be compounded a hundred fold. We were at the time of our founding and in the culture that sparked it a people much more moved by religious values than what is held by even the most vocal modern proponent of the country "finding it's religion." Far less of the bigotry, though, which posts as yours shows has no need of a religion, did those same people have, that enlightenment values could nonetheless be conducted from the classical period into that era. It's almost as if you hold the wrong things responsible for the perceived faults of your world, and give credit for those that are good similarly to the wrong things.