What's really that bad with racemixing? I'm 99% Swedish (I have an ancestor who immigrated from Finland in the early 1800's) and I would only want children with a Swedish girl, and I'm against racemixing myself, but I'm not sure why (other than "muh feels")
What's really that bad with racemixing...
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It's not bad. Just don't breed with retards and you are good to go.
>t. Jamal Goldstein
Nothing, no one cares irl. I was with an Arab girl for a while, she introduced me to her brothers, male friends etc...none of them cared, they were all friendly and welcoming.
Now going out with a white German girl who once had a Costa Rican bf, no one cares.
It's good biologically.
>i'm white
>I have an ancestor who immigrated from Finland
being traditionalist at this point is pointless. As our nigel friend showed us.just go in the same direction as everybody and become one big mud witht the whole world
It's only okay if you are not mixing with niggers, sand niggers and poo in loos
heh, blanda is good for goyim
Race doesn't matter. You just need to look for smart, healthy people.
Or Go for whoever you find attractive. By all means oppose mass immigration, but people are always going to fuck attractive people, race has nothing to do with it unless you make it so.
No one cares in real life. Sup Forumsacks and their dumbass ideas just pollute other boards
I am half Norwegian and Half Cuck (Swede). I wish I was half a nigger instead.
Because it means less pure whites and diminishes the national identity.
Pol is a bubble.Pol is a satire.Clear enough now?
>smart, healthy people.
>sand niggers
Not happening
>1 post by this ID
>people are always going to fuck attractive people
>race has nothing to do with it
What if people find certain races more attractive? That would mean race factors in.
All mixed-race people I've ever met were rootless people with no sense of identity or heritage, totally blue-pilled and mainstream normies. If you race mix, you're basically breeding for the New World Order.
And it's a shame to destroy all the unique traits of human races. If everything melts into one brown mess, it's gonna be a bit boring. Racialism is the keeper of true diversity. Also, look at Brazil.
Moreover I don't find mixed-race people much attractive. I hate african hair for example.
Are mixed-race people really healthier? Not sure about that....
Because it usually ends up with the other changing religion. Mostly to islam.
Fuck=/= breed
The main diference between british and spanish/portuguese conquers is that british hardly mixed with locals, and created strict laws against this. And do you think they didnt fucked native womin?
Filthy Fin
One drop of Fin blood makes you a Fin
Stay with your own kind!
In Spain it's almost impossible to tell the difference between the natives and North African immigrants so you really shouldn't be talking about "sand niggers". Lots of Arab-Persian people are attractive, at least equally so a whites IMO.
Well you are less likely to have genetic disease but you don't get the same tribal benefits as you get when you share a lot of DNA with your relatives.
Sure. But it's not really as much of a factor as Sup Forums thinks, most people don't care at least in my experience. My sister says she finds Idris Elba attractive, she also wants to fuck Chris Hemsworth and Bradley Cooper. She only dates white guys though, but that's her prerogative.
It's only bad if you're breeding with stupid and/or ugly people.
Dude tons of Brits in India had Indian wives. There's an entire class of people called Anglo-Burmese who are mixed race. The difference between Anglo and Spanish new world colonies was that 1) there were way more natives in central and South America 2) Brits bought their entire families and settled in much larger numbers, Spanish colonies were mostly solders and other men.
you are equally likely to inherit negative hereditary traits as you are positive
>share a lot of DNA with your relatives
>checks own flag
you mean things like herd mentality? because we got that and it's the cancer of iceland
>In Spain it's almost impossible to tell the difference between the natives and North African immigrants
The fuck are you talking about?
At least in the south of Spain, people look different once you get to Barcelona I guess.
Race mixed people will always feel out of place and try to make everyone same as them, that is why so many kikes are Marxisst, that is why half negro paki Brits don't care much about about British culture.
There is nothing wrong with it really.
It destroys our genetic diversity, by muddying it all up.
From a survival point of view both miscegenation and isolation are necessary. Miscegenation to occasionally spread beneficial mutations and isolation to ensure that there is no mono-culture.
Everything in moderation.
I'm pretty sure that the posts by id only refers to the posts in that thread
Achmed is trying to feel better about his people.
jews brainwash spanish ppl onto becoming niggerer (tanorexia) and putting the cancerous sunbathing jew on your skin at the beach/pool
Racemixing is fine, as long as you don't blanda with shit races.
Basically just don't fuck brown people.
I'm no Achmed. I've been to Gruzia too, you guys aren't white. Great country and people though.
"Race mixing"
Sweden YES!
India and other asian countries were mostly exploration colonies, the number of Nigels in india was much more smaller than in canada/america/australia, colonies with the purpose of actually colonizing (and had the laws to avoid mixing with the natives)
Only stormniggers actually think racemixing is bad.
But IMO if you racemix with a black women or another race too different from your own your children might not even look like your children.
Never said we were white. seem like you are taking >country >white meme too seriously.
I love this pic makes me laugh every time
Maybe true.Lots of attractive men and women in Spain regardless. My family has a house in Spain, if I'm single when I go there again hopefully I will fuck this waitress with big tits who works at a bar near us.
Come back home yellow man. The khanate needs you. Genghis himself sent your ancestor there to mix weak aryan swede genes with some superior mongoloid dna but its time to return.
>t. virgin
>be Swedish
>go extinct
>Be mixed race
As long as you come from a similar racial background nationality doesn't count for much.
Otherwise it creates generations of nihilistic idiots with no cultural traditions leading to the spread of athiesm and cultural Marxism. Now I have to go around pretending "oh I'm hispanic" and screw women with obvious moorish traits.
Please don't do this to children.
Do it, Sven, I double dare you, call your in-law Pekka.
The jew agenda in europe isnt about 'ending racism through racemixing', it's flat out genocide of white males.
German government now refuses to publish the statistics for births of muslim kids in Germany. In the city of Munich, every second kid aged 0-10 has an islamic first name now.
They simply want to replace the 100+ IQ european males with 80-90 IQ sandniggers, because those are easier to control.
Race mixing is an expression of self hatred. If you are only attracted to someone of a different race, it means you don't find the opposite sex of your own race attractive, which in turn means you don't find yourself attractive, as you have the same features as the opposite sex of your ethnicity.
We are not interested in racemixing because we like the way our women look, we like the way we look and we definetly want our children to look the same way. We love ourself and our own ethnicity.
There are lots of reasons race mixing is bad, but the cause of that race mixing (self hatred) is the real problem.
It creates inferior offspring
How am I a cuck lol? I'm a masculine white guy, basically what Sup Forums is always advocating to be.
Unless you're not european or jap
Hybrid vigor doesn't apply to humans. Multiracial people have more health problems.
Nigger detected
>If you are only attracted to someone of a different race
This literally isn't a thing. It's a product of Sup Forumss collective insecurities.
Blue eyes, dirty blond hair white guy actually.
why jews hate pure nordids so much ?? maybe swedes arent that much of proud cucks, maybe they are the truest whites, only 2% of womyn are racemixing there, and i see on the tv jew shit bashing blond males and portraying them as faggots
Being anything other than white, it won't matter if you race mix. But whites are the only race with unique hair and eye features that are destroyed for generations if you procreate with any other race. Say goodbye to blonde hair and green/blue eyes
>people are always going to fuck attractive people
>race has nothing to do with it
>implying that there are attractive non-whites
cuz other races are ugly. C H E C K M A T E
I feel really sorry for you if you are incapable of finding non-whites attractive. Plenty of women all over the world love getting bleached, you are missing out.
>race has nothing to do with it unless you make it so.
I've disregarded race like a good goy most of my life, and yet even before racial awareness I never found black women attractive.
indian and japs ??
There are definetly men and women out there who seek out partners of a certain race. My friend is a blue pilled faggot with yellow fever. He obviously watches anime and that shit. I fucked the asian bitch he fell in love with but got freindzoned hard by while he was sleeping in the neighboring room. I know beta and alpha is a stupid term, but he is literally the epitome of a beta.
Then we have millions brown men who are obsessed with getting a white girl.
Then we have asian women who mostly fucks white guys. And the white women who just incidentally always ends up in a relationship with black guys.
There might not be people who are only attracted to one different race, but there are certainly people who are unnaturally mingling with and dating and fucking specific races/ethnicities, and these people suffer from self hatred.
I'm mixed (German and Spanish ancestry) and maybe it's just because I'm a half breed myself, but the only mixing I'd do is with other Europeans. No chinks or pakis. My current gf and exes are all white.
I don't really find other race attractive, I hate immigrants anyways, and my family would disown me if I married a non- white.
I've found girls of both ethnicities attractive, why not. British girls are not the best girls in the world lol, most attractive girls here are either white European, middle eastern or mix raced.
I only find latinas attractive (outside of europeans of course)
>different shades of shit brown
>anything other than boring
>scroll up
>see that you're this same idiot
Makes sense.
To answer the OP, race-mixing with non-whites is objectively harmful to human civilization because it collectively uglifies and dumbs down the human gene pool. Whites as a group have virtually nothing to gain by doing it, and doing so on a mass scale will collapse Western Civilization, turning into a low IQ, violent shit hole, like most of the rest of the world.
Perhaps. I've never met anyone like that though; closest was an American SJWy girl with a really beta black guy. Generally people I know in IR relationships are normal and well adjusted.
What jews want is honestly irrelevant. Any healthy ethnicity/race should have no problems working in its own interests.
I think us nordics are suffering because we are always trying to be that annoying front row ass kissing kid you find in schools. When Christianity was important, southern people visiting scandinavia was suprised at how devout, how truly christian and how disiplined scandianavians where in following christianity. Today it is important to follow a different ideology, and as always we are trying to be the perfect little blonde kid at the front of the class doing exactly as the teacher is telling us, no matter how much we will suffer from it.
A lot of Arab girls look like Latinas except with whiter features desu
I thought Sup Forums was always saying race is more than skin colour?
>Generally people I know in IR relationships are normal and well adjusted.
They all suffer from some form of internalized self hatred. But of course it depends entirly on what kind of life you live, if you grow up surrounded by other races and few of your own, but most races/ethnicities grow up surrounded by people of the same race/ethnicity and continue to hang with these people and date them. Most ethnicities doesn't mix social circles that much. I guess its different in the UK but its like that in Norway.
Yes. Arab women are not so bad. But that's all, latinas, arabs, maghrebis and persians
It's because of the doctrine of pre-emptive war and Never Again. Every white man is a shoah waiting to happen to them. It's a self fulfilling prophecy at this point. Peace is impossible from their side.
We'll keep trying though. Once/if we cleanse Europe we'll probably forgive them and allow them to live in their corner of the desert. It will be a mistake.
Except it's not true, only if you interbreed in your own race
That's precisely what I just said in the previous post you failed to understand, apparently.
I really don't think so. Most people I know are white and in relationships with other white people. Some have found someone they like of a different race, doesn't really seem to be anything more to it than that IMO
>different shades of shit brown
>anything other than boring
Race is also facial features.
The future of Europe. Well at least we're not racist am I right ?
Also, the people I know in IRL are sure as fuck more well adjusted than Internet Nazis. I think there's a lot more to be gleaned from evaluating the psychological profile of Sup Forums than people in IR relationships. I dunno man, just now I see an Arab guy with an East African looking girl, they seem pretty normal.
>20 posts by this Id
>advocate race-mixing on pol
>Gee I wonder who can be behind this
>Race is also facial features.
Which look more animalistic than whites, especially blacks and SE asians.
Race is also hair color
>shit brown
Race is also eye color
>shit brown
and nips/vag
>shit brown
Sounds ugly and boring af to me. The most relevant part you've failed to respond to would be this though:
>To answer the OP, race-mixing with non-whites is objectively harmful to human civilization because it collectively uglifies and dumbs down the human gene pool. Whites as a group have virtually nothing to gain by doing it, and doing so on a mass scale will collapse Western Civilization, turning into a low IQ, violent shit hole, like most of the rest of the world.
I consider myself racist as hell or at the very least a race realist. Unfortunately my Johnson is 100% blue pilled. For children though, I think I will seek out one of my own people.
I'm 50% white
25% black
25% Vietnamese
I'm going to impregnate an aryan woman and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. Stay assblasted faggots.
>Also, the people I know in IRL are sure as fuck more well adjusted than Internet Nazis
>actually comparing someone's RL persona to posts on an anonymous imageboard
I actually lol'd.
Nice anecdotes as arguments, though.
You sound like an ugly person inside and out.
Well even in those races, I bet you have found some of those women attractive. I doubt you'd turn down Rihanna.
I don't really agree with the rest of your post, race mixing isn't really a threat the "white race" as much as mass immigration, which I agree is shit for a huge variety of reasons. Kids with other races that aren't black pretty much look white anyway.
C'mon mate, you gotta admit that a lot of the fear of race mixing on here comes from insecurities. Attractive white guys are too busy fucking girls of other Rae to care.
You really would have children with an arab?