I guess #I'mWithHer now
>claims Bill's former lover
Yeah, not like she would have a vested interest in damaging their reputation or anything.
Lies put out by Hillary's campaign to try and steal votes from Trump. Don't fall for it.
Wow makes you think
I doubt literally everything said in this title.
Yeah, but what else are you going to call them?
>Lies put out by Hillary's campaign to try and steal votes from Trump. Don't fall for it.
Holy shit, I like her now
I guess #ImWithered now
Hillary "kill-a-mill" Clinton
>Goldwater girl
>advisors who wanted her to start a feminist coup in Israel
Damn, I... really need to think.
Why is daily mail putting this out there? Doesn't this go against their interests?
Their interests are shitting on Americans. Brits hate us remember.
Well I guess this will actually end up shifting our politics in the right direction. Which is disenfranchisement with politicians.
>clintons hate jews and niggers
Wow I guess #I'mwithher now
Yea I don't think many Americans read it and the ones that do are probably already disenfranchised. Dailymail is to the left what Russia Today is to the right.
She's playing 99999th dimension hyper go right now while Drumphs trying and failing to shuffle cards.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. It is a republican-funded lie and pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
Daily Mail is right wing
Clearly going for the alt-right vote here.
>Bill Clinton's 'three strikes' rule incarcerated 2.5 million people, including poor people of color who couldn't afford lawyers during their trials
>poor people of color who couldn't afford lawyers during their trials
Right, I forgot the Sixth Ammendment doesnt apply to niggers. Glad we never fixed that. The media lies are real.
If this is true, doesnt that mean I should vote for her?
The Clintons are morally-devoid scumbags. Story at ten.
to be fair, appointed lawyers are pretty crappy, if they had a better one they would have had a better chance of getting off/lighter.
the reverse-REVERSE?
>frequently commiting crime
Doesn't matter what you make a year.
Dirtbags will be dirtbags.
why would i vote with the herd of retards who would call this all lies even if its the truth? this is propaganda
It's a bit of a catch-22 though, because people who can afford good lawyers generally aren't the ones being tried for 3-Strikes offenses.
> Hillary might have been playing the long, long game to stick it to the Jews all along
A-are we on the wrong side Sup Forums
Nice green ID combo
At least she's still alive, I heard rumours that most of Bill's former lovers had the custom of commiting suicide by shooting themselves twice in the back of the head.