If you are on anti-depressants or any anti-psychotic medication you should not be able to own a gun. If you take these pills you are now on a "mentally unstable" list and will be for the rest of your life. Enjoy your ban.
If you are on anti-depressants or any anti-psychotic medication you should not be able to own a gun...
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Theyll do that as soon as they take suicides off the list of gun death charts
Thanks for the reminder
That's actually a good way to ban 80% of Americans from owning guns.
that's not what the law is
it's if you've been involuntarily institutionalized
>If you are on anti-depressants or any anti-psychotic medication you should not be able to own a gun. If you take these pills you are now on a "mentally unstable" list and will be for the rest of your life. Enjoy your ban.
What about the guns I already own faggot?
Why do you think some people had problems with Obamacare and cross state sharing of medical information?
The ATF rules get rewritten every year. All it would take is deleting those 2 words and letting the following question "have you been found to be a mental defective" remain
Great now how am i supposed to kill myself..
>tfw bought my first guns from an FFL a few months after having myself admitted for depression
Really glad federal laws currently protect my rights more than my state laws. I still have two more years to go before I can apply for my CCWP with 100% certainty that it will be approved.
Doesn't matter much because I'm a homebody, but eventually I really want to hike the entire Appalachian trail, and I'll need a gun with a permit to do that
You arent allowed to keep your guns after you have "failed" a question, even if the guns were legally purchased at the time.
IE. Order of Protection. The sheriff will serve you the order, and at the same time demand you turn over your weapons they know you own. This all happens already. Its nothing new
You can not hike the entirety of the appalachian tril while armed. You will pass through multiple states that do not allow open carry without license, and several states where you must be a resident to get a CC permit. Still others that you are on DNR land and not allowed to be armed at all
My friends wife is on an anti depressant, or some kind of medication for her post pregnancy whatever. They think its doing her good and justify the use despite the fact that she has had two mental break downs, admitted to the hospital and shows very hostile, angry behaviour directed at anyone at a snap of your fingers. I try to speak to her and my friend about it, getting them to see its the drug that has changed her behaviour and its more damaging than they may think. But they stand by the doctors order and strongfully believe that it will do her good, even if she has to take them for the rest of her life. I honestly feel for their son, something bad will happen and that little boy will be stuck between it
I think the drug is called Effexor.
What very few people mention is that the mentally ill are many, many, many times more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators.
this has repeatedly been proven to not be effective
profiling mentally ill people just causes them to no longer seek help, dumbass.
What dosage? There are plenty of "anti-depressants" and "anti-psychotic" medications that have plenty of secondary uses that have nothing to do with mental health.
Valium for instances in lower doses is a pretty good muscle relaxant.
Also, fuck you.
>he fell for the pharmaceutical jew!
This is already a thing. The VA has been passing PTSD info on to local police departments for the last few years.
Ahhh I see. I believe my state's permit is reciprocal for a good hunk of the trail at least
>can't be armed on DNR land
That's shitty
Good. They shouldn't give amphetimines to crazy people anyways.
They said "able bodied" not necessarily "able minded".
Fuck dude I have been getting extremely angry lately. Been on effexor like 7 years.
Like to the point where I want to kill.
I've been involuntarily committed to a mental hospital twice and I didn't have any problems purchasing a firearm at a gun show.
>insane people don't get help
>not in databases anyways
>still insane
>go and buy guns anyways
what could go wrong
>You arent allowed to keep your guns because you took some pills and didn't go to a loony hospital
So because I seeked help and took some anti anxiety and anti depressant pills I become a second class citizen all without a trial? And you think this won't make more mentally ill people from seeking help? AHAHAHAHAHAHAH
>Society gets worse
>People get depressed from it
>Gov't bans those people from owning guns
>Society goes to hell
>Nobody can get guns because everyone's depressed from knowing something is wrong
But to clarify mr:
>1 post from this ID
for those that might agree, it's already illegal to own a gun if you've been sentenced to a psychiatric institution by a court of law or other valid authority.
Being admitted for observation does not count.
Stop taking it
Too bad "shouldn't" doesn't apply to a right.
>doc kept her on the meds even though it made her have a breakdown and made her irate
Shit doctor.
Its hellish, but most doctors would switch out the meds until they found something that worked for her
Would I be allowed to own a gun after a failed suicide attempt? spent a few days in u of m mental hospital.
I don't think I would want to own one out of personal safety interestes, as I'm still somewhat suicidal.
regardless, SHALL
>hurr da brain isn't part of de body
The withdrawals are pretty horrible senpai. Like a solid week of mental hell. Feels like lightning going off in your brain.
I'd trust a suicidal person more with a gun than a nigger
Gandhi didn't support personal gun ownership. Marx and Orwell did though.
As usual schizophrenics are treated like garbage from all sides. ;_;
never gonna happen. the gov isn't allowed to look through medical records as it is.
I'm on paxil and have gotten withdrawals when I go so long without it
Gives me crazy nasuea and makes me irate
George III didn't want to take away guns though you fucking retard.
Part of the reason I've avoided antidepressants for years, and why I also don't tell the occasional counselor that I smoke weed (even if it were legalized here, I would still buy underground, not going to have it track back to me for any shit that can be used against me).
The less the government can know about what I do, the better.
Ya dude we are being fucked. This shit is not helping me at all. Been on effexor for 8 years actually not 7. I am so fucking angry lately.
I didn't make the image, thanks for the input though. I might alter it for correctness
>prescribed amphetimines after a 5 min interview
Yea so have I
Not all states report to the FBI or w/e
The meds make you want to kill. Every single mass shooter has been on SSRIs. The problem starts when they want to get off the drugs.
This... I eventually got off it but it was a week of hell. Getting the brain to work properly took another two months. Literally like getting your brain electrocuted repeatedly
Hitler shouldn't be on that list. stop spreading disinformation, you filthy lolberatrian, Hitler lifted restriction on guns.
>Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
>nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law
>A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
>the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
No, but you could be prescribed anti-depressants that quickly
>>Gandhi didn't support personal gun ownershi
>Hence also do I advocate training in arms for those who believe in the method of violence. I would rather have India resort to arms in order to defend her honor than that she should in a cowardly manner become or remain a helpless witness to her own dishonor
>When violence is offered in self-defence or for the defence of the defenceless, it is an act of bravery far better than cowardly submission.”
Gandhi, The Doctrine of the Sword
A review of study's done by the NIH actually found that mentally ill people were less likely to be violent than the general public.
It was found that substance abuse and childhood physical abuse were better markers for potential gun violence.
Logically we should be more apt to preclude victims of childhood abuse from gun ownership or those whom consume chemical substances.
Or we can just fucking honor the rights guaranteed to us in the second amendment.
>falling for the Big Pharma meme
(90% of the time. Not the case for everyone) If you think you need pills because your life sucks I dont think you're responsible enough to own a gun anyway.
The Military kicks out sad sacks for this reason
Bro it feels so bad, when my eyes go left to right I hear a shutter sound like a camera shutter almost. This is when I don't take for 2 days. Then the storm comes. Feels like zapping in my head. I want off this shit so bad. Going to just do it I think and soon.
This is the case. I have been involuntarily commited and they made me sign a form that stated it was illegal for me to own, possess, transport, or attempt to buy a firearm.
You did so illegally but the people at gun shows don't legally have to run a full background check like a gun store does.
I thought that was just for Nazi Party members?
Hmm, what reason could these fine Je- er, """Doctors""" have for handing out these pills like candy? Hmmm...
>rights guaranteed to us in the second amendment.
You mean the rights protected under the second amendment
Wake up faggots. There's nothing wrong with being a little depressed or acting like a weirdo. Happens to everyone.
My buddy has been baker acted twice. He owns like 4 fucking guns and carrys legally. Florida btw go figure.
>Jews can prescribe you meds for not fitting into their Marxist system
>Then they can take your rights to defend yourself away
Do you shills actually fool people into believing this?
Okay you fucking retard, now psychopaths stop going in for mental health treatment so they don't lose their right to own a gun. Looks like we'll now just have a bunch of undiagnosed insane people with guns running around. The problem with people making dumb fuck laws and regulations is the fact that they have no ability to think into the future.
Shhh no truth allowed
When you take pills you don't learn how to get over it naturally and you're fucked for life. Thanks Big Nose Pharma.
I didn't own a gun until I started taking SSRIs.
I voluntarily went to a mental hospital, are my dreams of owning an AR15 fucked
Damn.... too bad I already sold all of them but this shitty little broken one. They can have it, though. No problemo.
Don't fuck with us crazy people
we'll read your minds n shit
Start with the 37.5 mgs. Each week remove 5 of the balls from inside the capsule. I started in the fall because it is too overwhelming in the spring/summer. It is possible bro
They actually helped me through depression, but it kind of sucks I either keep taking them forever, or suffer a crazy withdrawal for a week or more, and then maybe I'll be normal and undepressed.
CBT helps, but it only goes so far.
>tfw SSRIs are all giving my jaw clenching
anyone else know this feel? even the SNRIs do it, i can't take anything that fucks with serotonin without locking up
Not for Jews
my brother is epileptic and has to take valium for seizures. He probably shouldn't have a gun, because if he was shooting it and had a seizure it would be full auto.
less restrictions for everyone except kikes.
I'm introverted, tho I mask it well, owever, have been on.. ( from memory sonitab?? ) the shits just makes me drowsy, so I pop it at night, sleep like a charm , before if people lied to me, such as at work, even over something trivial, I'd want to bash them (( inside, if that makes sense )) now I don't give a rats ass, but I know they're a liar and full of shit,
I've stopped burning energy over peoples bullshit.. but I know they're still sacks of shit ..
I've been involuntarily hospitalized and I can still own a gun.
You are correct, our natural rights
>Looks like we'll now just have a bunch of undiagnosed insane people with guns running around.
how is that any different than the current situation
Doctors over prescribe the shit out of mental meds. They are tainted by big pharma and will prescribe something for the smallest inkling of a reason. It's sad really, they don't care about how the patient feels. As long as they don't kill anyone or kill themselves the doctor just pats himself on the back for a job well done.
why are you guys taking anti-depressants they are only effective for severe depression and not very effective even for that.
My dosage is 150 MG rofl, I am fucked.
Also prescribed 1800 mg of neaurontin x 2 so 3600 mg per day. That's for anxiety but at this point I don't even know why I take it.
I wake up take 1 150 mg effexor and 3 600 mg neutrontin. Later in day 3 more naurantin.
Fuck man I gotta get off this shit. Ty btw.
I know this feel
For me, I was a liberal brainwashed faggot before I started taking an SSRI
And seeing the news, and coming here of course
We like to call this the cobra effect
you must believe property exists too
Valium is neither an antipsychotic or an antidepressant you dummy.
can you plan a holiday user? Somehwere simple with pleasant walks?? Put it in your bucket list, and call it a "fresh air holiday", it doesn't have to be as expensive as international travel.
FL is such a bizarre state. Like 4 people got Baker Acted at the rehab I was at.
Depression is normal you retard. Be a man and learn how to get over it. You millennials are a fucking wasted generation.
I feel bad for you I really do.
That doesnt mean I want someone like you to own a gun.
Good luck man, just take it slow and make sure to get adequate exercise. Getting a good night sleep is very important. Fuck pharmaceutical cartels..
This is true, that's why i got off of them (partially) and that it caused more problems than i wanted ranging from extreme mood swings, short and long term memory loss, made my body release adrenaline for no reason, and had some heart problems. BUT after getting off of them, I just talk with my best friend (who's a psychiatrist) about my problems
My advice to anyone seeking help is to look long and hard at the drugs they're being prescribed before taking them
I live off inheritance at the moment so no worries there, planning on getting back to work soon though.
It's probably anxiety related. SSRIs don't really cause bruxism. Ive done it in my sleep since I was a little kid and have bad tmj because of it.
>depressed people shouldn't have a right to self defense
No, you legally aren't supposed to even attempt to purchase one. They are required to make that clear when you are in the psych ward though, so if they didn't you probably could.
But finding out if you are on the list before attempting to buy one is hard to do and the act of attempting to purchase is illegal.
I don't think about you at all.
Come and take it faggot
Wellbutrin works pretty well. Basically all the rest of the antidepressant type drugs are total trash, though.
Good luck man, just take it slow and make sure to get adequate exercise. Getting a good night sleep is very important. Fuck pharmaceutical cartels..
Ty brother.
This is common knowledge that you can't own a gun if you take pills that affect your mind but I thought the upcoming change was for anyone even if they don't take pills they have to give up their guns.
the nips have fallen
Ok cool. Sounds great actually.
While we are at it lets chill their other rights too.
So how about fuck the first amendment and you can't join a church either since that could inspire to commit violence.
You know what, how about fuck the sixth amendment too, so good luck getting a lawyer to fight for your rights now since you don't even have that right.
Let's just take it all the way since we are already here... How about we shit on your eighth amendment rights as well. Hope you like cruel and unusual punishment because you are about to get some you depressed bastard.
You're probably regretting letting Dr. Goldberg prescribe you those meds, aren't you?
See how autistic it sounds when it's all the other rights you have? Its obvious you are just gun grabbing because your argument is so shit.
Pinko kikes fuck off.