Hey pol, so the technology for cloning via DNA works and has been done on cows, rabbits, sheep, etc. The methodology to clone mammals is here and it works so why not use DNA from some of the locks of Prophet Muhammads hair (pic related) (Salalah hu alayhim wa salam) and create a Muhammad zygote and put it into the womb of a lady to birth him. Then we could have a baby Prophet Muhammad (SAS) wouldn't that be cute?
Should we clone the Prophet Muhammad (SAS) ?
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So he can bed some more 9 year old?
How about no.
Cause we could clone other more important people imstead.
Plus everybody knows cloning is not halal
You do realise that Virgin Mary was 5 when she married Joseph who was 90 years old? What do you think of that hypocrite?
Then as the Muslims celebrate, shoot him and burn the body so that no trace will ever again be available
Fuck off and leave the Special Air Service out of this you disgusting Muslim cunt.
You do realise there are multiple samples of the blessed prophet's hair and we can clone him again?
Over the past week there's been a huge influx of you Muslims or Muslim sympathizers, why is that?
Here is another sample of the Prophet Muhammad (SAS)'s hair that is located in Turkey. In the future when cloning becomes easier to do- we can easily clone the prophet. Especially when rich gulf nations pay most of the fees!
Canada is letting in 250 000 refugees/migrants.
Alhamdullilah Based Prime Minister Trudeau is helping us out he loves us and we love him!
He wasn't a prophet. he was just another petty warlord and pedophile who's death cult spiraled out of control. Go ahead, clone him. He's no different than the millions of shitskins who are running around and killing each other all over the Middle East at the moment.
>it's just a coincidence that the NSA and FBI begin heavy monitoring of Sup Forums as Muslims invade Sup Forums
Can't fool me, bud.
Can you imagine Harper wearing traditional muslim attire and praying to Allah? I think not!
Trudeau is a multicultural man, he is a great man with a beautiful soul
Great man, goes and prays towards a barbaric death cult at Mosques that trained al-Qaeda fighters.
Is that why his teachings led to the Islamic Golden Age, where science and mathematical innovations were being made while you European Caveniggers were cleaning yourselves with leaves?
0/10 bait
And most scientists came from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
And Andalusia (Spain and Portugual)
Technically white or half white
There was no Islamic Golden Age, it's a myth perpetuated by you moronic slimes.
Stay in denial about it Egypt.
It's a well known fact that arabians in Baghdad studied astronomy and made significant advances. And Andalusians were half arabian.
"Islamic Golden Age" is a myth. It never happened. It's something you savages tell yourselves to make up for the fact that muslims never contributed anything of value to the advancement of civilization.
>he comes out
>he is a mixed nigger
How would the muzzies react?
All the did was pray to Allah the Moon God, because that's what he is - a fucking pagan moon god.
I said white or half white moron
And you just said that
The fact that you can't see that his hair is STRAIGHT & DARK BROWN means you are completely ignorant and retarded. How could a mixed black person have that kind of hair? It would be more curly.
Look at Muhammad's hair, this is his real hair, it is clearly long and straight and dark brown and he is white
Shut the fuck up you coptic kafir. You copts always have been whiny bitches complaining that you need more government funding while the rest of the nation is burning. You are not special and are a joke in the West, so shut up
Remove pls
>implying Muslims aren't the biggest joke Satan played on the planet
Ahmed, Ahmed Ahmed...
the muslims would probably want to kill him too
Also most scientists actually came from Persia so you are incorrect. Muslims don't care if you are arabian, persian, nigerian, swedish, russian whatever you can be japanese it doesn't matter as long as you are muslim so we are proud of the Kazakhs and Uzbek scientists and half white muslims
If Muslims are cool with, I'm cool with it. PROPHET 2.0 WHEN
Not if the west agreed to send Baby Muhammad to the Middle east right away after being cloned in the west
>clone ends up being a flaming homo-athiest tumbluriod
>he gets his head sawed off
>third branch of islam is born to fight among the sunni and shiite musloids
could be kek worthy
Actually lots of muslims think blacks are inferior beings. Ethnic hatred is also common in many muslim countries such as pakistan and saudi arabia.
You're a good person and an intellectual as well. I'm glad you agree to clone the prophet. It would be a miracle seeing someone from the 7th century be re-born!
>clone the dude
>kid grows up to be something else because different conditions
>prolly a lil smarter than your average sandnigger
>muslims btfo as they realize you can't completely clone personality
thats not how cloning works
even if you could, you would just get another retarded inbred dune coon.
We could raise the clone Prophet Muhammad to learn about islam and teach him that he was the founder of islam and even give him some of his old belongings. That would work
Islam forbids racism and it's a major sin
But Arab culture promotes racism
Saudis enslaved niggers for about 2000
You can't force them to love them
>Cloning works on recovering the zygote from the genome of an organism
>Prophet Muhammad's hair has his genome in it
>Cloning can then work
>This same process works on mammals right now
source: microbiology & biochem major
People who comes from there are called Persians
Look up Khwarizmi he is Kazakh or uzbe but called Persian
And then we could chop his little dick off and put him on hormone therapy to make him a girl! That would be so cute!
Every culture has it's negative side.
Blacks are honourary muslims bc they helped in the portugese-spain conquests
desu senpai you're gonna need some sorta artificial 'blank' womb surrogate that won't contaminate Him. Otherwise he'll be partially mixed bloodwise with whomever is going to birth him.
Or I guess find the most muslimest woman you can thats lineage can be traced back to around when and where Muhammad was originally born.
I never said islam was automatically racist, I said muslims are often racist.
Also the muslim scriptures describe jews as having pig and monkey ancestry or something, I don't know, that seems kind of racist to me.
I'm not a Copt faggot
And I know that they are the upper crust here like nagiub and naseef sawiris
But I'm just saying
Dude, according to Hadith and quranic verses any woman that embraces islam is a muslim.
All we need to find is a healthy muslim woman surrogate that would be willing to do it and i'm very sure there are many who would. It literally doesn't matter who it is, just has to be healthy, drug and disease free, and has to have no barriers to pregnancy like Rhesus blood reactions
Well kinda yes but it was taking about a group of Jews not Jews in general
But Jews in Quran are mostly described as backstabbers greedy and corrupt
And you can't tell me that this not true
Muslims are also corrupt and prone to backstabby behavoir.
And honestly I would trust a thousand merchants before a single mohammed.
Exactly egypt-san
lol Muslims really are as gullible as 9th century catholics.
How about they clone one Mohammad from each sample? I bet they wouldn't dare.
Lol Arabs are Savage
But not backstabbers
We only need one Muhammad clone, having too many would be a conflict of interest and would divide islam even more than it is now, so fuck off m8
That would be keklorious.
So what are the odds if we did a DNA test these samples would be from the same person? what about carbon dating?
Brasil is so behind in science & technology that it's laughable you would try to slander my idea
I would estimate it is a very high chance that these two samples (the lock of hair) and the (beard hair sample) would be a complete DNA match.
Usually the people who safeguard holy scriptures and items in the islamic world are very zealous people and would not make things up like a jew would.
Hairs don't contain DNA, only roots do.
So if the two samples of hair are a DNA match and carbon dating proves that the samples are from the 7th century....
That means we got it, we can clone the real Prophet Muhammad!
So we use the hair roots on the tips of the locks of hair
Also his turban and clothes have been untouched for centuries and safeguarded.
So they will likely have hair/skin cells
it looks like it was cut. i doubt any bulbs are intact.
Hair and skin cells are most likely on his turban or robe
And if that doesn't work- his tomb must have AT LEAST 1 CELL. Think about it. its the 21st century now, and he died in the 7th century thats 14 centuries. And out of the billions of cells in his body, at least one must be still intact