Are there any neonazi group in Mexico?

Are there any neonazi group in Mexico?
Preferably the center if the country
(please no brown skinned)

Shut the fuck up beanbag

>Probably you are a nigger living in the USA

A better question is are there people in Mexico who want a third Imperio

There's a Mexican neo nazi group in the USA :^)

Quiero preguntarte algo gvey

Como es possible que salir de la vida Mexicana?

He estado pensando sobre eso. Algun gente no merecen que vivir asi, pero es dificil que obtener tanta dinero que mudarse al EU o Europe

Como mantiene una actitud positiva?

>mind = blown

>implicando que Mexico es blanco
top kek

Actually it is. 63% of Mexicans are white.

I see more white people on Mexican commercials than I do on American ones

Retards. Your "white" Mexicans aren't considered white in any of the actual white countries. Just something to keep in mind.

I can't understand you, don't use Google Translator for more than one word
Try again in English

Había uno hace años, se llamaba Visión Blanca o algo así.

Only neonazi I know of is Salvador Borrego

Nobody in the world would say this girls aren't white.

>brown eyes

not white

At least 80% of Americans have brown eyes.

Nice cherrypicking faggot

Mexico (and Latin America in general) has alot of Falangist groups, like pic related.

ahahaha such a huge faggot, you gonna be sodomized maximum,
ridicularized minimum

>because a white man can't live in Mexico

neo nazis are scum though.
totally misinterpreting Hitler's vision.

Then you know about a group of people that really follow Hitler's teaching?

You're the retard

Univision literally had SJW officials give them shit for not having enough black people

Fuck chicanos
Kinda, but they are all brown skinned (and sincerly they are idiots)
If you are Mexican then you must know that we are two cultures merger together, one without the other is not Mexican, so grow up and start telling the natives about the words of Adolf Hitler and Mussolini, or waste your time with "Muh white mexicans" Mexico is manny races under one culture, what must be done in Europe will not work here, this is what progressives do not understand (treating everyone equal) and I am sure that you do not want to be a progressive.
Yes, but in the way it has alway being here. Only an empire because of the figure of the Emperor, the biggest enemy of Nations is Empire

Mexico had it's best years under nationalism and everyone knows it.

Maybe you should have an Empire, Take Central America all the way down to the Canal and make more, control the trade between Atlantic and Pacific waters

Much more sustainable economics than even Nazi economics, to be absolutely honest.

That would be a very very amusing development

Will you shoah all the indios? kek

Well, Central America WAS Mexico during the First Empire as we all know. And the differences between our cultures are not bigger that the different cultures of different states. But there is no way we could take Panamá, it was part of Colombia and now it is closely guarded by the U.S.. For the economy. Not manny changes, however, communities must be sustainable and semi-independent, in order to protect them and their culture from exterior treats.
That's another thing. Growth must be controlled, but never stopped. As one f my favourite figure's motto "Orden y Progreso" (Order and Progress), he might have meant for both of them to work together, but I believe that they must always be together in order for a Nation to work properly.

The population of indios is like 6 million nowadays now that you mention it.

hey beaners which political party in mexico is most likely to get you a mexican trump?

>The founder of PAN (National Action Party) was a hitlerboo tho