Discrimination against people with tattoos, is it justified?
Should companies be able to discriminate at all based upon physical features?
Discrimination against people with tattoos, is it justified?
Should companies be able to discriminate at all based upon physical features?
>Discrimination against people with tattoos, is it justified?
Yes, you made a choice to look like an asshole. Don't be surprised you get treated like one.
>Should companies be able to discriminate at all based upon physical features?
On ones you purposely choose? Absolutely.
Would you want your child to be taught by a teacher with 3-inch gauges in ears, huge septum piercing and tattoed eyes?
I wouldn't
It's illegal to discriminate if you have an ugly ass birthmark on your face, at least openly. You didn't choose your extra chromosomes, they chose you, after all.
If you decide to punch metal into your face, inject pigment under your skin, or change your hair color to look like a character out of Naruto, or generally look like someone who just fell out of a ghetto or trailer park, you're the only one to blame. If they can't be seen over a shirt then they don't matter, but if you make it so that they're visible you're the only dipshit to blame for making yourself not look respectable.
Freedom of association is justified.
If you choose to look like a fucking freak don't be surprised if non-freaks don't want to hire you.
People in constant need of attention and the need to express their individuality to the point of maiming themselves are not good team players.
"in the work industry"
Liberals think there is an industry out there designed to just provide jobs for people.
fucking rich m8y
An employer should be able to deny hiring an employee on any grounds, they have as much of a right to deny allowing that person into their business as a citizen does denying someone to enter their house.
If you're going to get ugly as shit work like this done you better damn well be an expert at something or in an industry with a skills shortage.
>work industry
That's called the public sector.
There literally is, dipshit. It's called a temp agency.
Tattoos can be covered up, but you're not getting any respectable job with all that shit in your face
Yes, if you wear tattoos and piercings that can't be covered up then the employer should have the choice not to hire you.
Fuck me, this should't even be a question.
An employer should hire whoever the fuck he wants.
a temp agency isn't an industry, it is one of the many business that operate in it's respective industry. I think your gauges are getting to you...
rev up those gas chambers. We're gonna need them.
I have piercings and tattoos. I'm excused because I'm an Art Director in a digital media company so it doesn't matter what I look like. I counterbalance the degeneracy by creating propaganda for you all.
The fuck is a "work industry"? An industry that produces...work? Shouldn't it be, "workplace"?
No it does matter. you put a ceiling on your career with your edgy neck tattoo
We have the best degenerates.
If it's relevant to the job, yes.
>work industry
This bullshit was concocted by someone who has a facial tattoo. That is the only explanation you need.
In what universe should people not be judged by choices they have made?
What else is there to judge them by? Everything you are is a product of the choices you have made throughout your life.
A human being is nothing more than a mass of choices.
If you work in a field where people will see you, companies expect you present yourself in a decent manner. No normal person wants to be served by some derelict with tattoos and huge piercings.
is bleached hair acceptable for a job
>work industry
You're just making assumptions based on the minimal information I divulged. I could tell you my salary, I could tell you about my other ventures. But this is an anonymous image board, and you wouldn't believe me anyways. My only point is a cliche one, there are exceptions to the rule.
Only for gay men
Only if you're in a Britpop band and you wait tables in-between gigs while high on drugs or something
So basically no
>work industry
you've said enough for me to know you're a loser user.
>piercings and tattoos
I bet you'll have a nice life, but your income with always be a ration of what it could have been had you decided to protect your professional image. Sorry bruv, it's real out here.
>1 post by this ID
Stay retarded, Sup Forums.
why though
It looks cool as fuck if you can pull it off and it's like super Nordic because it's even blonder than natural blond
how the fuck would you regulate that if you decided companies shouldn't be able to discriminate based upon physical features
i'll answer my own question. empirically inferior employees would be hired over hardworking, smart people because discrimination i.e. affirmative action bs part ii
Didn't the nazis tattoo people though?
haha whoa im actually an american but studying in france. weird to see that flag on my comment
wait, is that a fucking joke? i don't get it. Nazis forced people to get identification tattoos.
>the french are so embarassed to be french they actually pretend to be american now
It would depend on what's being taught. Music or animal care? Absolutely. Anything else? No way
i can demonstrate some hip jive slang to prove im jiggy with the lingo in the states like a real american if u want
Half the world is ran on marketing. You're never out of a job in graphic design / web design / illustration. If you fail to see the value in full knowledge of the Adobe suite than you are shortsighted. Of course now you're just going to assume the only thing I know how to do is be a drawfag.
A large one with benefits. Savings invested while doing better than anyone I know my age; who could also be losers to of course.
>Piercings and Tattoos
Piercings which can be removed. Tattoos which can be covered up with long sleeves. Last resort I can decide to take up some freelance in which case I don't have to physically see a client at all.
My life won't be the best it can be due to my own shortcomings. Namely depression and lack of ambition. I will concede that blaming it on anything other than my own laziness makes me a loser.
Freedom of Association in the US died with the Civil Rights Act. Sorry.
>work industry
I'm doing what I need to to get the same job. Working on bachelor's in fine arts and becoming a restaurant manager until then. Got any pointers?
Btw I used to have lobe piercings, but I have no tattoos or piercings now
I work for Google and have 2 full sleeves. Didn't really seem to bother them.
>work industry
You say that though but if they were an absolute genius in their field and were well respected and a good person in general well I'd be happy for my kid to have that opportunity (if I had a brat).
People with tattoos and stretched ear lobes need to be discriminated against.
I don't have a single tattoo, but I have friends who are tattoo artists. Sometimes I'll go and sit in their shop, and just watch the things people get tattoo'd on themselves.
In today's society, tattoos signal:
>low self esteem
>desperate to be accepted
>over-compensation for short comings
>a general lack of creativity
that's because you're a smelly Puerto recon.
I have respect for tattoo artists, because they actually charge money for people to make themselves look like faggots.
You get paid to ruin people's lives.
They should be able to discriminate for any reason. I have tattoos, and I don't care if other people do if they can do the job I hire them for, but you can take your commie bullshit back to 1917 where it belongs.
I honestly have no advice for starting fresh in this market today. I'm operating under the notion that shit is going to hit the fan worldwide fairly soon. Especially with the next wave of economic collapse looming.
That being said, make sure you build a portfolio for the job you want. If you're trying to get into graphic design they probably won't care to see your fine art, unless you're aiming for an illustration gig or something. For graphic design they will want to see examples of ad making, or logos, flyers, catelog's, etc. Video editing is usually in high demand, and I know some guys making up to $60k/year on it, which isn't too bad for a single skill-set job.
So you would have a problem if your kid's teacher had a chestpiece tattoo under his coat? kek
I'd totally discriminate against the useless fucks.
If my business ever gains enough wealth, I am installing tattoo detectors in every door. If somebody with a tattoo walks in, a trap door will open and they will fall into the dumpsters outside.
It depends on the work, honestly.
There's this obsession with face-to-face social interaction and shaking hands in a suit. Great, but what is the actual purpose in this? Is it your job? If you're a door to door salesman or some silly shit like this, then it sure is, but what if we're talking about, say, some electrical engineer in R&D? You can make the argument that he will probably be called in to a meeting or two to try and market his project to some suits, but the suits aren't laymen. They're not a gullible woman at the front door, who'll base her purchasing decisions entirely on how nice the man's suit is, if his shirt's tucked, etc. If they want the product, and think it'll make them money, they'll grin and bear any out of fashion Hawaiian shirts and tattoos. Indeed, it's not too hard to find an engineer, software developer, or physicist who HAS things like piercings and tattoos. Remember that guy who landed a rover on a fucking comic? Do a double take, because he's got two bitching sleeves.
kinda like drug dealers
Nothing wrong with them unless you are the face of a high-end company image, then they need to be tasteful or at least partially covered, especially around the arms or neck. Anywhere else, doesn't matter
In moderation. Filling your face full of metal is actually a safety hazard in a lot of workplaces, so they would have policies against it. Earrings would be fine, lip rings maybe. Depends on the culture.
>Dyed hair
Much like piercings, it's all about moderation. Subtle highlights are no problem; dying your hair an obnoxious neon color in anywhere but a Hot Topic will get you disciplined.
>All at once
Would never hire a person with tons of piercings, obscuring facial tattoos, and neon hair because I appreciate and reward individualism, not people who mindlessly follow a trend.
You definitely like it up the butt.
Speak for yourself, faggot.
When you produce a product or provide significant value, it doesn't matter what you look like. But those jobs and opportunities are few, and the people who have them aren't prone to debilitating degeneracy on the scale that tattoos and piercings typically indicate.
Exceptions prove the rule. Tattoos and piercings are degenerate
tatoos are degenerate
its not so much the tatoos/piercings themselves, but rather what they represent. Now, I'm sure there are people out there with tats/piercings who are perfectly respectable, but there is a STRONG correlation between body modification and poor impulse control and attention-seeking behavior. If you're going to be in a non-customer facing job, that's fine, but the fact is that modifications make a lot of people uneasy, be it subconsciously or overtly.
It's the same as being a delivery driver and having "FUCK" written on your car. Sure, it doesn't make the deliveries any slower, and might even be acceptable in some circles, but it projects a poor image of the company to the general public.
>work industry
Somewhat this. I have worked with programmers that have these stupid piercings but they are always shit. Always went to a meme tier university studying some bullshit like "Video game design" instead of Computer science because they are spergs.
If all my salesmen looked like this arsehole I'd be out of a business.
Yes, they're douche bags who have a childish "my feelz" impulse to have permanent, meaningless, superficial mark put on them because they lack depth of thought, consideration of future and consequences, and all around are superficial jerks still thinking like an unaware animal trying to peacock it's way through life instead of growing up to be a human. These people are totally unaware of themselves.
I laughed, then got a little sad. Honestly they need to get rid of all public sector jobs. Why the fuck do taxes need to pay for $20/hour with full benefits and for the union that ensures they cant get fired for being useless.
Fuck that shit
>work industry
Exactly. I don't think people deserve to be punished forever for bad decisions they made when they were younger, but they do need to demonstrate that they have now grown up.
Get it removed or covered up, go back into education or work a shitty job for a while to get a record to show you're turning yourself around. Then we can consider your interview.
Although i would tend to agree with the image i cant help but feel how useless it would be to fight for such.
>I went to stock market today. I did a business.