EU #Brexit #Remain #Leave Debate - Thunderf00t vs Sargon of Akkad CONTINUED
My wife's daughter loves having discussions about how great atheism is.
Brexit: the movie is obviously a propaganda movie from the beginning.
"When Britian leaves the EU, we will have prosperity BEYOND WHAT WE CAN IMAGINE."
Holy shit. Any rational person can see there will be a downturn in the market and then everyone sorting themselves out and making new deals. Even if Britain is better off, no one but the lowest classes will really have a higher standard of living.
Somewhere you can get a gun for starters.
I am packing atm and leaving for the land of the mountain jews hoping they don't turn sjw on me too.
Otherwise the US if you are capable enough for what is to come or if you have the money Panama.
It's called Brexit the movie for a reason. nobody said it was a balanced discussion you nonce
that user is asking for sources, asshat. The only correct answer is 'lol.'
>downturn in the market
[citation needed]
>Even if Britain is better off, no one but the lowest classes will really have a higher standard of living.
So a larger middle class has no positive effect on the economy?
Americans is about to shit their pants because their way of life will crumple because europe don't want these unfair trade agreements.
Even John Oliver came charging out and started spewing "its bad for the ameri.. WORLD ECONOMY!"
Fucking jews, gas them first. Americans second.
Then Euros.
You Danes are alright, same with the Norwegians. You guys are excused from the holocaust war.
ANY feeling of uncertainty will result in more conservative investment.
I just tuned in, who won?
>more conservative investment
You mean like local industries?
they both embarassed themselves. They don't really have any debate skill and they wandered all over the place. They were both so poor at getting their views across that neither seems to even consider changing his mind on any individual point - both more open-minded men than average.
Thunderfoot is a fucking moron when it comes to anything but raw science.
He was all BAN ASSAULT RIFLES THINK OF THE CHILLUNS after sandy hook like all the other good little leftists too.
the biggest industries too, especially the globalized ones who will be most affected by the changing trade rules if Britain exits. I imagine small businesses will be glad to get rid of some red tape.
Sounds about right. Both of their channels are built around analysing statements before making a written response which is then read, I can't imagine either of them being good while being forced to think on their feet.
A weapon of war like a grenade or a tank is harder to justify in the same way as a shotgun, handgun or rifle. Now I know pretty well that the AR-15s sold in America are not really the same thing the military is using, but the government does have a legal leg to stand on in governing them.
Sadly the whole 'citizen militia overthrowing the government' thing isn't going to work in the US any more due to the difference in technology.
This may come as a surprise to you, but the american government and military is actually comprised of... AMERICANS!
Even without defectors a country of 300+ million civilians with 300+ million guns isn't negated by planes trains and automobiles.
So its better to have no business than big business or do you mean the small companies that are essentially crippled by EU regulations?
I am not actually expecting that kind of thing to happen, nor do I think most American soldiers would shoot fellow citizens. I mean that, as far as the legislature is concerned, the argument can be made that the 2nd Amendment is no relevant for that purpose.
Is Sargon doing okay? I hear he's typically pretty shit at debates.
the economic downturn would be caused by slower investment from big money imo. I have heard some British online friends say that their small businesses would benefit from Brexit though. Maybe there would be new rules to learn, but the red tape is their number one complaint about EU. It seems bad enough that some were able to swallow the Brexit Movie propaganda.
I am not anti-business of course, it its necessary to the development of new technologies and the general standard of living.
So why pretend that Britain would need a pat on the head from the EU despite them being the largest consumer market for our goods? Sure there are more facets to the entire debate especially when it comes to economy but its not about the economy but sovereignty.
I was surrounded by bootlickers my entire life and there is nothing more despicable. It is a question of principles and I have to ask you here and now what happened to yours?
I am not pretending; I am pro-exit. But it's not like all of the effects of an exit will be immediately good in all ways. I do not think the downturn will be a big deal, and Britain may be better off economically - maybe not - but untold prosperity? kek. The important thing is to protect what Europe has. Britain can get a sensible immigration policy, invest in science and protect western values while the rest of Europe commits demographic suicide. It will be nice for them to regain their national sovereignty and illusion of collective political will too.
I doubt anything can help us short of mass deportations.
We can actually own tanks here.
not grenades though
What about a knife?
at the end of the video
>no one notices for 50 years
Then maybe you aren't as important as you think you are.
Nah, I'd agree with him that theoretical research is important to the national interest. Shit like quantumn physics went into the electrical engineering and manufacturing of the computer you are posting on now, unless you are running an 8086 or something like that. Whoever is on the edge of new technologies should have a market advantage.
Yes, but some types are banned.
We need to throw more money at the scientists so that they can science faster.
I've been writing a status everyday since Thursday, decided to hit the women with this one. Anyone have some good posts they've been posting?
Women don't generally think in those terms.
>excused from the holocaust war.
Holy double standard batman!
So was there any agreement?
Did thundercuck admitted that he was wrong?
Or it was waste of time.
Whats Fat Gordans youtube channel lads?