This woman spent over $1000 in groceries
Notice anything Sup Forums?
This woman spent over $1000 in groceries
Notice anything Sup Forums?
>whole foods
>converse chuck taylors
>that sparse amount of food for $1000
She's a liberal
groceries are expensive in NA
shes not wearing her burka
nice arse
She's dressed like a POS mongoloid? I mean what kind of Che Guevara-tier degenerate still wears converse sneakers?
She's an idiot liberal who buys "natural" food for more money even though it's the same as normal.
What's your fucking point?
Whole Foods?! So, fucking, what? Maybe she doesn't want to eat GMO and super-sugared foods.
I don't eat shit, why do you?
I do monthly big shopping and spend between 200-300 bucks and my cart is overflowing with food.
Where are the other 90 trollies?
then go to a farmers market or something
>Maybe she doesn't want to eat GMO and super-sugared foods.
Then she can go to her local farmer's market like everyone else who thinks that way
>I don't eat shit
>posts a picture with a shit smeared NES cartidge
Must have bought at some all natural hippy bullshit store that sells vegan crap because $1000 for a single fucking cart is bull shit.
she doesn't do squats
0/10 would not have as sugar-momma
>not GMO food grown without excessive usage of chemicals must cost an arm and a leg
U dumb son. U are very dumb.
>converse chuck taylors
Hey, user, I don't know if that's a con. I always thought girls looked pretty cute in a pair of chucks.
What is hilarious is that these whole food cucks are usually commies.
They would be the first to hang on the day of the red revolution
>tfw shopping at lidl and aldi
You're not wrong but Sammy Hoidelberg drew this neat illustration about how people who wear Chuck Taylors and drink water bottles are effete liberal millennials
something about the shoes not providing proper arch support, but I wear insoles anyway so who gives a fuck
>Literally blends into car
She is Homeless?
>tfw have a great paying job
>tfw still don't spend a lot on groceries because I am cheap
>Meanwhile Paco is filling up prime steaks in front of me.
at HEB that much is like $80-100 worth
It's less full than my cart when I got to Sobeys and spend $150.
>tfw shop at Waitrose
Its in Los Angeles
They love their steak tacos
>tfw my mom found an illegal's wallet on a payday with over 2k in it and multiple fake IDs
Stupid spics
Base Wars is a sick NES game bruh.
>implying there's anything wrong with steak tacos
Perfect source of carbs and protons
I hatw the people of whole foods but man is the food good. The pizza and sudhi they make in store is fantastic, better than some restaurants
lmao wtf is this
people actually pay for this?
Leftists are cucks.
>Iceland and farmfoods.
is this a joke?
>Those skin-tight yoga pants
She's obviously presenting herself in order to look for a strong man to dick her.
Shes not fat, why isnt she arrested? I bet there are brussel sprouts in there.
fucking kek
No it's a real product they tried to sell. They have a huge customer base of retarded hippies that overpay for food.
Is she sliding threads too?
Who Publix here?
Why do people go to whole foods instead of a farmers market?
My negro. Posh enough for me.
Yes and no.
Whole foods in an extremely overpriced place that is convenient for urban city dwellers to get relatively high quality foods easily for a high price.
The argument is stupid because in other countries to have anything not local is cost-prohibitive, thus all the locals eat local foods, which are cheap. In the US people make enough and have the convenience to pay extra for whatever the fuck they want. Food diversity in the US is unmatched.
Yeah, I noticed something:
>1 post by this ID
I'm on to you, shill.
God why are people so retarded.
Fucking asparagus costs like 4€ the kg, for the quality you see in this picture.
The worst part is the don't even eat the asparagus, but its the fucking water they drink.
Please someone remove this sort of people.
publix Italian sub with everything, mayo no mustard, no olives.
Being a leftist is all about white supremacy: it's smugly showing off for your circle of liberal acquaintances by constantly trying to one up them by dropping thousands at Whole Foods, driving a Prius, adopting a niglet, prepping the refugee bull who sired your wife's son, you get the idea.
Good beer
>Notice anything Sup Forums?
Clown sized feet
That many whole foods bags is >$1000
I have half that many bags from Stop & Shop, and spend $250
(((((Whole Foods)))))
Mexico has more obesity
I make like $1000 after taxes per week from my job.
Who cares if one of those weeks pays for a month of food?
Flat lumbar spine and kyphosis of the thoracic
Rounding of the humerus, elevation, external rotation and protraction of the scapulae
Anterior pelvic tilt and uneven leg length
>pays for a month of food
kek, more like 2 weeks
lol this shit is worth than homeopathy
that's because more spics
>Notice anything Sup Forums?
She overpaid for her food but no clerk would help her unload the cart in her car? What kind barbaric company is this?
>Tfw they accidentally give you an extra tendie on your sub
I used to work in grocery business. One reason this shit is so high is they have to account for potential waste of shit not selling. So even if they just sell one or two, they don't lose anything if the rest get marked down or scrapped.
Whole foods is some fancy place but the place I used to work at would easily lose a few hundred daily between thefts and damages and out of date shit. So that money has to come from somewhere.
Maybe if you eat 5000 calories a meal.
I could buy a years supply of beans and rice for a quarter of that and it would look even smaller
Look at the radiologist over here.
Need some xrays for a more accurate diagnosis?
904 reppin
oh shit is that Dragon Warrior?
But if you just lower the price then you'll sell a lot more you fucking mongoloid and you won't have to worry about wasting food either.
Reminds me of when I worked in a butcher shop, we would make kebabs a 500% mark up from the cost of materials, and they'd still sell like hotcakes.
Wal-mart loses about $3 Billion per year in thefts alone. That doesn't account for other logistical losses.
Those costs are passed on to the customer like any retailer.
Whole foods strategy is basic economics: they mark prices at what people are willing to pay. It's not based on cost at all.
>Wherever I go, I must posturally assess
It's weird. I probably make twice as much as anyone who regularly shops at wholefoods yet everything there is so much more expensive. I only go there because my wife *needs* (read: wants) some esoteric exotic shit.
i make more than that and i live in a low cost area... $1000 a month for grocerys is insane! feeding a family of 3 often cost less than 400 for the month, and that was while stocking up for the coming happenings.
i get them everyday for lunch down here in Orlando, Florida
Are there ways to correct one's posture without resorting to x-rays/MRIs/surgery/paying a memekike like yourself
really? for some contaminated water?
fuck, these guys are retarded
not him, but that's what I do. Nejoy your cardiac arrest and destroyed organs by age 60, I'll be laughing when you pay later instead of paying now.
Oh but it's actually quite cheap to get foods from farmers I personally know.
tfw organic non gmo non pesticide non hormone non antibiotic free range master race. Get fucked poorfag obesensteins.
That the asshole hipsters that work at whole foods can't be bothered to help a woman clearly struggling with $1000 worth of overpriced food she just bought from your company?
I mean shit, if she's throwing around that kind of money for groceries, the tip might be awesome.
yeah I notice she stole the shopping cart right outta the store
She's not Venezuelan?
or she can spend a grip at whole foods, why do you care?
Train in correct posture and always train both sides
If you train chest, train back, if you train bi's, train tri's, ect.
Also if you're tight you need to stretch
For instance; rounded shoulders is probably caused by tight pecs, so do rows to build up your back, and stretch your pecs out
Anterior (frontal) pelvic tilt is usually caused by tight erector spinae, tight quadriceps, weak glutes and weak core
>Have hyper liberal friend who's never been responsible for his own money in his entire life (because of course he hasn't)
>Has no fucking concept of money whatsoever, him or his brother
>His brother actually thought I was making $9000 a month at K-Mart
>I should mention at the time he was getting his masters in computer science, so there's no fucking excuse for being that dumb
>Friend got his art degree and moved to California because of fucking course he did
>Finally has to take care of himself for the first time
>His apartment is $3k a month for a fucking shoebox and he spends $500 at Trader Joe's or some shit just to have two weeks worth of groceries
>Bitches to me about how life is so hard and wonders how I get by
>mfw living in the midwest in a small home-sized apartment for $500 a month and spend $200 a month for groceries that last for at least a month that feeds both me and my wife
To put this into perspective, $1000 will buy me:
250 pounds of rice
250 pounds of oats
250 pounds of beans
10 pounds of salt
1 pound of dried cinnamon
1 pound of dried ginger
1 pound of dried tumeric root
This food will produce survivable breakfasts, lunches, and dinners that taste reasonably good for 500 days. Five hundred days.
You can add vegetables and meat to increase the flavor and nutritional values, but they are not necessary for livable health. If you buy these, you should buy all produce at a farm or farmer's market, or grow them yourself from seeds (a 5 cent seed can produce 5-20 tomato, for example). Eggs are also an excellent source of additional proteins.
how come there isn't a Lake County flag?
Never said I do. Just think it's funny how she's willing to burn her money
Spotted the golden cart.
Zelda besto gamu.
Also those things you listed are just solutions to the symptoms, they dont actually fix the problem
> $200 a month for groceries that last for at least a month that feeds both me and my wife
what about your wife's son?
her butt and left hand are invisible
They're actually not, she just bought from a place notorious for selling pretty high quality at very high prices.
>no meat
The second negates the necessity for the first.
Here's the updated version
She has really big feet