Why do Christcucks love Israel so much?
Why do Christcucks love Israel so much?
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Because the rebuilding of the temple of Solomon will begin the Apocalypse and God will recreate paradise.
It's not only christians
The vast majority of Sup Forums became pro Israel and pro jews because their bullbro Donny said so
I guess the right wing in general just has a tendency to become cuck useful idiots
they are brainwashed by propaganda.
Catholics don't
protestants do
I have no honest idea.
If I had to choose between muslims and jews, I'd say jews are the lesser evil.
Jews infiltrated Christianity and sold them the idea that Jesus was a Jew and to be against Israel is to be against Jesus. What they don't tell them is Jews had Jesus arrested for stopping them from Jewing and had a rapist released and Jesus killed in his place. Jews think Christians are Goy cattle so moronic Christians don't realize that Jews are the enemy.
Until the tribes are restored, the Judgement day wont come.
It's just that we'd do anything to spite the sand niggers at this point and it's not like anyone actually cares about Palestine or any of the neighbouring countries.
>Jews infiltrated Christianity
you are aware that Jesus was Jewish?
Christians are literally Jews 2.0
Israel is the only civilised country in the Middle East
I would love Israel if all our jewish politicians, bankers and degeneracy-promoters would move there. I would even wipe all the muslims in 500 km radius from its borders just to make sure that jews will never come back and infect our governments.
Not all Christians love the fact that we live in the End Times. A lot still have hope that everything will be all right. Not me though.
I'm pro-Israel. Deporting Jews and putting them in a camp in the Middle East is what Hitler wanted.
You're projecting. Lot of them hate Jews and Israel
conservative people*
Jesus would be considered an Anti-Semite in this day and age. Everything the Jews believe is in direct opposition with what Jesus believed and taught in. Jesus was against Circumcision, Jewry and treating non Jews like cattle.
It's like if someone was raised to be a Christian but does nothing but preach for Atheism, you wouldn't call him a Christian.
Here's the true red pill: Jews created Islam to destroy Christianity. Muhammad had ties to Arabian Jews and Jewish tribes in Medina supported him in his early days.
1,400 odd years later their plans are coming to fruition.
>Why do Christians love a white nationalist state that literally btfos shitskins on the daily so much?
No idea.
Nice one
Confirmed for having never read the Biography of the Prophet (Piss be Upon Him).
But basically you're wrong.
Israel took US aid money in the 50s and bribed US pastors to preach about "Judeo-Christian values" and protecting Israel as a religious imperative. This created the now infamous evangelicals, the worst of which is the Southern Baptist Convention.
There's no religious reason to protect Israel. Its literally a meme.
But don't worry. Once Christianity is extinguished in Europe due to the depredations of the Jews, Israel will cease to exist as well. There's no possible way that little dirt strip will survive two billion Muslims at its doorstep. I hope the last Israeli is cognizant enough to curse his own kind for the fate that befell him.
>I hope the last Israeli is cognizant enough to curse his own kind for the fate that befell him.
I hope the last Israeli presses the big red button and nukes a good chunk of the Middle East as a parting gift and reparation from the Jewish race.
Even if you disagree with your parents and you know they are wrong, you should never hate them nor wish them dead. Also, remember to send them a card on Christmas.
> jesus was against circumcision
> jesus was against jewry
> against treating non-jews like cattle
1 of 3 is a shit score.
>> jesus was against jewry
The entire New Testament? You do realize why the Jews killed him, right? Kicking everyone's ass at the Temple wasn't just a prank bro
I don't think you've read the New Testament, bro...
> the entire new testament
you mean like the part where he said
"Don't think that I came to destroy the law or the prophets. I didn't come to destroy, but to fulfill." ~ Mat 5:17
jesus was trying to Make Israel Great Again by overthrowing the secularism of the sadducees and pharisees who had rejected the tanakh and instituted the rabbinical law of the talmud, in which even the voice of god himself was overruled by a vote of men.
see Baba Metzia 59b
You just agreed with me without knowing it. That's exactly the point, he came to fulfill the law. Guess what the Jews weren't doing at the time? Fulfilling the law. Guess why he kicked their asses at the temple? Because they were being hedonistic shits, just like they're being today.
If he was there to tell the Jews 100% of what they were doing was A-OK, would they have killed him?
Jesus said that if God wanted us to be circumcised, we'd be born without foreskin.
>Against Jewry
The money changers, having people who are mourning at Church show up to pay what little money they had for their deceased love one, only for Jews to tell theses mourning people that their money is no good and they'd need to exchange it to their more expensive version of money is straight up Jewry. Jesus was so pissed that he whipped the kikes out of the temple and the Jews had him killed over it
> you just agreed with me
no. youre ignorant.
the sadducees and pharisees were NOT judaism
much as democrats claim to support and defend our constitution, while doing everything in their power (and much that is not) to destroy it, the rabbis were wrecking judaism
jesus came to Make Israel Great Again, not to tear down judaism and replace it with some bullshit
he was PRO-Judaism, but anti- secularism and legalism.
> Jesus said that if God wanted us to be circumcised, we'd be born without foreskin.
citation demanded.
youre just making shit up.
> dat list of shit that is NOT supported by the tanakh and the laws of judaism, but rather by the secular laws of the sadducees and pharisees
Murdering innocent children and harvesting their organs is anything but civilized.
It looks like the sticker to the left of the license plate says "Jesus is Lori".
>Thanks, Lori.