Europe will never be the same again

tfw when the most beautiful place on earth, the heart and soul of western civilization, has been permanently ruined in only 5 or 6 decades.

Why Sup Forums?
Why are we leaving this?

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and the answer of course is jews

At least France won't exist anymore.

That almost makes Europe's destruction worth it.

Anti-semites who want to exterminate the Jews but don't have the chutzpah to do it themselves invited sand niggers to do it for them.

Hilarity ensued.

Why are they even doing this?
Ruining an entire continent is bad for business.

Imagine plowing through that crowd in a field combine
Just chopping through all the human chaff would be amazing

>tfw I will never going to visit a major European city with its ethnic inhabitants in it.

Does anyone else see some real weird coincidences with the fall of Rome? Didn't Rome go to shit after they gave citizenship through military service to too many foreigners from conquered lands, who then disintegrated Roman culture and inadvertently brought plague?

Makes me want to play farming simulator. Wish they included that.

Euros are reaping what they sowed.
Their exploitative colonialism is what led to the globalism that will be the end of them. Their disgusting world wars traumatized them into thinking nationalism is evil and multiculturalism is good.
And yet they are still so smug, so assured that they are superior beings meanwhile the chinks and Muslims are rapidly gaining on them.
I am laughing at the Euro.

Just get comfy and wait for the decline lads.

>Does anyone else see some real weird coincidences with the fall of Rome?

All the time. I now know what it's like to live in a dying civilisation, looking back at our glory days with longing, looking at the future with fear.

It feels bad.

Not unless you start getting out in the streets and doing something about it Piere

It's amazing how it only took 6 decades too

Oh stop fear mongering you god damn ungrateful faggots. The refugees that crossed many miles to reach a safe haven and now you want to expell them because you think they're the destroyer of nations. Yeah right, keep your sensationalist crap out of here because most of the refugees do not commit crime, if anything small portion do commit petty ones but thats to feed themselves because European nations are not doign enough to help them.

Its a long term investment. Once things cool down and white people are extinct they will have a never ending supply of easily controlled workers that breed like rats.

European ancestors fought the muslims invading in the past for nothing.

Kek, that's some pretty funny shit, Shitpostralya.

Muslims hate Jews and will drive them out of Europe entirely.

This, to be honest.
There's still racism and xenophobia in Eurpe to let a peaceful civilization develope.

Becsuse the aren't doing it on purpose. Jews have always been big on left wing ideology. They're the biggest race mixers in the USA and Europe. People only say the Jews are destroying the whites on purpose because they're projecting their own conniving and psychopathic thoughts. Example, the Nazis.

Jews are naturally attracted to left ideology because they've been raised with the narrative they've been persecuted for eternity and left ideology solves a big crisis for them.

The Orthodox Jews we all recognise, wearing that weird shit - they almost went extinct before world war 2 because of a Jewish Renaissance and a push they had to become more leftist. Ironically, ww2 was the reason it stayed alive and made a come back. Gg hitler

Nothing lasts forever.

Africa had Egyptians for 2,000 years.

Middle east had massive cities and sprawling empires for 2,000 years

Europe had civilisation for 2,000 years

All things come to pass. Now it is Asia's turn. Then after that, South America. Then, Space

All they need to do is place a puppet at the head of the religion.


>It's not their fault! We simply aren't catering to the righteous Muslims' needs enough!

Ignorance truly is bliss -- isn't it, user?

good point, think of the controversial corn dole as well, as the demographic of the city itself changed so did the atmosphere and life within it. As more and more and more poor and unsuccessful filled its streets for the benefits to the poor. Changes in demographics always have a big influence on how well places can do. For rome they had to handle the influx of less than great people, in great numbers, it is little difference to replace corn doles with actual doles from governments, and lets be honest how different are the desert savages than those of the poor and feeble peasants and plebeians that rome gave cheap corn away too (to get votes of course)
I am just a fan of history i dont really know my shit so dont bother picking me apart like i came in wielding the truth as a weapon as some in these parts are known to do

only Rome didn't 'fall' in some dramatic apocalyptic event that clowns like Gibbons would have you beleive. It suffered multiple sacks, moved capitals, witnessed rebellions and grew and retracted. No one in the Roman empire ever thought 'so this is the end' and much of Rome endured into the medieval period.

>Then after that, South America. Then, Space
So it's the mexicans who will conquer space?

I find the comparisons that can be drawn quite amazing. Good lecture if you have the time.

This is pretty much what's happening right now. Once-impregnable Western capitals are getting used to terrorist attacks "every now and then."

The best way to boil a frog is slowly.

you need to kill them. there's no peaceful solution. you're dealing with communism.

in china, a 98% ethnically homogenous country, things got progressively worse such that incompetent people got hired, and fired the copetent, worse until even water utilities stopped functioning

deng xiaoping needed to wait untl the ENTIRE communist vaguard died of old age before he could commence reform, with a group of patient people, who cared about china, with relatively high iqs, and it still took him 30 years AFTER waiting 70 years. and they're STILL poor.

in 30 years, europe is going to be half muslim.

you don't have time to wait.

you fight or you die. every minute you don't pick up a weapon is a wasted minute.

muslims have been pressing on european borders for 2k years. they made it all the way to austria once. they've never ONCE not been trying to genocide you. they established a permanent border in the balkans, having destroyed half of oriental christendom.

They want Europe to be exactly like Russia. A barren wasteland of post communism.

Americans laugh now but they'll be fucking next.

Its not beyond saving yet. Don't let shills and defeatists tell you that its over. If it was over, the liberal media would be celebrating victory rather than working so hard to distort ever fact it can.

The fight is far from over my friends.

hey man i got you. i mean i realize its this board folklore to be antisemitic but its still not very pleasant to read. i come here to political discuss some matters and not to get upset so i would be rly grateful if you refrain from these antisemitic posts so we can have actualy good discusion without being racist and hateful. you think you can do it?

Because you faggots didn't shoot them when they tried crossing your border to rape your own women. There are places in states where a full blown civil war would start if these sandnigger tried pulling this shit here. Mostly because we already have the Mexicans.

Having two savage hordes of retards? I'd execute the muzzies myself if they raped someone in my town.

One of my biggest dreams is travel to Germany and know German culture.

Sup Forums ruined all of my expectations to Germany. I will visit Santa Catarina countryside instead.

You should look at yourself too, nigspic

look at all those helpless women and children

it's not over, but don't instill false promises.

they need to fight. the only thing left is to fight. tey destroyed the family, they destroyed the job market, they destroyed the criminal justice system, they destroyed accountability.

there is NO legal process to restore order. they need to fight. any hope of a legal solution is a trap.

"open the city gates and we'll spare you!"

do you believe it? are you stupid?

This tbqh

And the old Roman Empire just became the Vatican.

Sorry, Hans- I mean, Jamal; you're probably going to follow them as they circle the drain

lol, this Germany doesn't exist anymore. I prefer visit Wisconsin or Santa Catarina or even Namibia than Germany.


don't be racist

Why won't the men just drive them out and kill them?

I never said anything about a peaceful solution. Even with electoral success in parts of Europe, to rid the continent of the leftist scum and their allied hordes of invaders violence will be absolutely necessary.

Sort of, for a lot of roman aristocratic youth the church became a very interesting career choice after there were no longer jobs in the Roman beurocracy. The unity of the Catholic church in Europe while being fractured politically is quite amazing and without parralel in human history.

Rome was never 'impregnable' and in fact it was built up of refugees to start with. It got sacked many times even in its glory days.


I honestly believe this will tear Europe apart in an unimaginably violent way. Already the continent is split, with every single major political election going 50/50 between reactionary and "progressive" camps.

With mounting tensions this ride will just pick up speed.

The leftist ideology and agenda will have accomplished what they thought they were trying to avoid with all their might: a split, infighting Europe, hurdling towards far right nationalism.

Rome was more or less impregnable for a good many centuries (longer than our own Western civilisation has dominated) and there's a difference between people coming to Rome and "doing as the Romans" and the later Barbarians who came and did not integrate but rather lent their customs to the Romans.

Rome did not fall in one day, but over the course of many years it went from what we would recognise as "Classical Rome" of glory to just another sad Medieval borough ruled by petty Barbarian kings.

Kind of how the West was more or less impregnable for a while, built by refugees, but there's a significant difference in the type of "refugees" we get today.

Today's refugees don't "do as the Romans" they do as the Barbarians and the "Romans" of today are increasingly picking up their habits rather than the other way around.

This is symptomatic of a decaying civilisation.

They honestly are just ignorant and naive. That's it.

daily reminder that france was warned

Europe will never be the same again because it's learned the horrors of nationalism and anti-globalism many times thanks to some of the world's most evil men, like Adolf Hitler for example.

Europe is tearing down everything it meant to be European in the past. They are replacing bigotry with tolerance. They are replacing xenophobia with open arms. They are replacing whiteness with colour. They are replacing nationalism with globalism. They are replacing hatred with love. They are destroying the old European and shaping the modern European.

So you want the world like the Americas?

The Americas are the most boring continents by far.

Rome pretty much declined from the 3rd century onward. Honestly besides a few resurgent emperors later on, most of the empire's timeline was trending negative.

From the late Republic to roughly to the mid 2nd century AD was Rome's heyday. It was almost a joke in the 5th century...

Ignore Canadian shitposters.

No, I want the world like the world. Europe should accept everybody.

Rome failed to adapt because it relied upon unsustainable principles of a military economy. They didn't understand currency, so they just minted more coins at a depreciated trace precious element value and caused wild inflation. Rome couldn't control the conomy and it became too reliant on mercenaries. There's no decline from classical Rome considering the Empire was bigger than ever in Aurelians reign which is long after 'classical' Rome.

Yeah, interestingly enough the rest of the world doesn't want to be more like Europe.

If Chamberlain was UK's PM today, he would say:
Pieces in our time!

Rome's decline spanned many paradigms: economic, military, political, demographic, technological, cultural, agricultural, etc. and at various paces in different times, sometimes with reversals, sometimes linear, mostly not.

Much like our own.

As for there being "no decline" well that's just plain false, Rome did decline which is why there's no Roman Empire today.

Speak for yourself monkey prick. We're still the world's cultural, economic, and military epicenter despite being flooded with Mexicans. The show is almost over for us though, but the fact that we're still doing this shows the type of people that came here from Europe. All the best genes.

I don't want Europe, Africa and Asia be like the Americas, sorry.

The Americas is so boring and lack of culture that everyone muh heritage gets a lot of attention.

Oh, look! Polish culture is so beautiful!!! Korean culture is so beautiful!!! And so on...

Because the eurocucks thought birth control was a good thing that would solve the world problems.

Democracy is nothing but cucks, no matter who you elect it's all the same Christian filth with debatable Jewish background. They key word here is international. Those democratic EU leaders, sometimes you wonder if they grew out of sky overnight when they took key positions in EU or they flew in private jet from American bank company.


> interestingly enough the rest of the world doesn't want to be more like Europe.

Because Europe's proven to the rest of the world that white people (not all white people though) are dangerous because of our history, even if white people aren't as hateful and warmongering as we were centuries ago.

Give or take another decade and Europe will become an examplar of virtue and tolerance that the rest of the world will look up to and try to emulate. Europe is trying to rewrite and atone for the horrors it displayed to the rest of the world. Nobody wants to be like Europe now since it's still a cesspit of hate (people discriminating against refugees from the middle-east), but I guarantee you in 2026, when Europe's cleaned up its act, it will stand as a pillar of what civilization should strive to ultimately be.

Just got back from Italy, the National Museum of Rome had a HUGE and fascinating fault showing the transformation of Roman currency from the Republic to modern day Italy. However, the focus was fromt he Republic to roughly the 6th century. Literally thousands of coins with explanations of currency shifts, devaluing, silver/gold content and political ramifications. It amazing.

My thoughts on Romes's fall was multifactorial.

1. Malaise/Stagnant
2. Christian value snot in line with worldly conquering
3. Tax revenue decline
4. Huge influx of immigrants/auxiliaries.
5. Weak emperors
6. Constant invasions

Mexico it's in north America. Chile will go to space

Why don't you go back to India?
I don't care about refugees, because i didn't wreck their homes. We should send refugees on private islands where those Hollywood actors and politicians hang out after they make pro-refugee speeches.

Rather, Europeans gave up on family and personal responsibility in favour of the nanny state.

>YFW Nige has been on TV the last few days defending why that exact pic is NOT RACIST!

I think, you don't know how this board works, nigger faggot soap. :^)

This could actually be accurate...

Scary thought.

Yeah this.
I wanted to experience the European culture and do all the shit that tourism does. Visiting museums, learning the history, taste the food. Now all i will have is a travel to Saudi Arabia 2.0

>pointing out the problem is Nazi propaganda now

How else should this have been handled? Stage a picture with white people and transgender disabled in wheelchairs posing as refugees?

Oh wait, I think they wanted it not to be mentioned at all, yeah that's probably it

We have almost the entire establishment against us brother.

Yeah, if it survives the massive waves of cultural enrichment of truly more progressive and advanced cultures, together with the booming demographics making them a significant "minority" after a couple of decades.

Then it will start, through the democratic process, the changes in laws and rules, while the original inhabitants will be shackled within their own system.

I wonder who's behind your post, leaf...

there are parts in Germany, where it isnĀ“t that bad

Absolutely disgusting.

Kill yourself, leaf.

Maybe some good will come of this somehow?

Like a collapse of western civilization will force the shitskins to develop and raise themselves?

It's not a matter of who's behind the post, but instead what's behind the post, which is 12.5 layers of irony.

this picture is considered racist by medias lol


>ww2 was the reason it stayed alive and made a come back. Gg hitler

It's not Hitlers fault. If we're gonna place the blame on one guy - it must be Churchill.

All European countries were anti jews before ww2. After the war even the 'allies' were forced to become leftists because of all the propaganda they had invented about Germany during the war.

Okay Mohammad, whatever you say

I've never wanted to tell a member of my own country to fuck off more than I do now. I don't care if you're shitposting. Fuck off, faggot.

Jesus Christ, I wish that JK Rowling cunt just fucked off and wrote a new book, oh wait, she's a one hit wonder who has absolutely no interest in reality. Shut up JK Rowling you stupid slut bitch cunt


Yeah keep crying because you know I'm right you narrow minded freak.

We're heading for World War 3 and it might just be the best thing to happen to Europe in a long time.

Rothschild has almost completed Israel.