Political Compass Thread
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I like that graph.
Pls no bully
u r fagit
>click update
>does not show up until I post again
that was odd
I'm not really a Sup Forumsack btw. /fit/ Sup Forums and /ck/ primarily.
I didn't have these compass memes. I only have commons
please get the fuck out with this bullshit
go there for this trash
Sup Forums /r9k/ Sup Forums and Sup Forums reporting in.
No, post compass memes
I'm gonna need more compass memes
>reality oriented
I'm needing the cartoon preference one
I'm so glad you other chaps collect these This is the only one I have left. Not too good either
literally everyone understands that libertarian communism is easy to achieve.
This the only other one I have
Freer the market, freer the people
Just found this one
This guy gets it
These guys get it.
I loathe degeneracy, but don't see it as the government's place to stop it.
Where the center actually exists/10
Where is this test?
>tfw INFJ
Just google political compass
We got the same place senpai
I thought Burgers loved freedum.
You are a: Socialist Anti-Government Non-Interventionist Nationalist Progressive
WTF kind of schizoid test is this?
freedom ain't free
just stay away from the green part mate
Same here achmed
you can meme us all you like, statist fucks, we are superior
no bully pls
>Right leaning
>Slightly on the left side
What the hell am I
that result on the top is notorious for being fucking useless. It's an interesting test to take, but the results consistently contradict many other tests
>you are a Right-Leaning Authoritarian Non-Interventionist Nationalist Reactionary
What are the two balls down the bottom supposed to represent?
very nice
which one is this
Left-Leaning Libertarian Isolationist Nationalist Reactionary
I think egoist anarchism/Stirner
This test has a left wing bias.
That was drawn by a woman wasn't it?
Individualist Anarchism and Egotist Anarchism (Stirner)
I'm voting to leave the capitalist shit hole that is the EU.
Based, me too lad. Socialist British Republic when?
Can a more educated person in political terminology than me explain to me what this means and who in history has had similar views?
I feel like this implies that I'm commie scum
Who do you vote for at General Elections. I vote Green but it's a massive fucking compromise.
You're getting close to Stalin
Green is def authoritarian side
Pretty shit that they put Vlad in the "Murderous Villain Test".
Replace alcohol with cigars
Labour last time, I know they're shit but I hope Corbyn moves them left
Pun tiny neonazi Costanza up top kek
How did I do guys? Honest opinions please.
I'd rather you not tread on me, thanks.
You'll do what you're told and you will like it, faggot
Good blue quadrant is best.
Fuck I got stalin, which feels disgusting for a Libertarian-Nationalist protrumper who despises communism.
well im happy
Intp master race
Well.. shit..
Same senpai
I take offence to that.iam not a jew
>left leaning
My apologies friend, that was one of the few political compass memes I had. It gave me a chuckle, I don't take it very seriously
Are you me?
anything else is trash
>people oriented
>reality oriented
Get fucked commie
Well,arent I a fucking faggot