Time traveller from 2040 here
Ask me anything
Time traveller from 2040 here
Ask me anything
Other urls found in this thread:
Is England still white?
Whiter than it is now
How many playboy bunnies live in Elon Musk's palace on Mars?
Did Farage win?
Does a form of neo-confucianism become part of mainstream politics?
What's the birthrate of whites looking like?
How mixed race are you?
Race war when?
Op here im a nigger using proxies
Did the race war happen?
Did Jesus come back yet? How big is Israel? What happened to ISIS?
How much was your sex reasignation surgery.
Op, answer this
Please bro Finland.
I know you're just a roleplay wizard but riddle me this, does Trump win in a landslide and do we Make America Great Again?
Yes, "leave" won. At first, the EU insisted the referendum wasn't valid to begin with, to keep the UK in.
This caused massive social unrest, so the EU decided to withdrawl
This event later caused the total dismantling of EU
What notable diseases have been cured? Which ones are still around?
Does the UK Brexit?
What happens to Trump?
Did Trump win?
What's the state of the US?
Who is the richest person alive in 2040?
Are we still allowed to Frack?
will I impregnate a jap qt?
Depends. When the EU collapsed, Iceland promised to take in native European refugees.
Iceland is doing well along with the Faroe Islands and UK, having a sustainable birth rate.
Has Geert Wilders become prime minster of The Netherlands? And did he remove kebab?
Did we blow it up?
>All favourable answers are dubs
Thanks Finbro, it gives me hope.
How is babby formed?
How is babby formed?
Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
What foods have been found to be unhealthy in your time?
No, Hillary won. I'm sorry.
The US quickly took a bad turn - Hillary established a socialist party with her and Obama as presidents, and slowly made the country socialist. She and Obama were in power for 15 years, until Hillary died. Obama was supposed to carry on, but the economy crashed badly, leaving the country entirely in shambles. As the country neared its collapse, Obama dissapeared, and the governmental institutions broke up. The state had been abolished.
In 2040, governmental power has been reduced to cities, communities and towns. Mind you, many large cities like New York and Los Angeles are still practically warzones, so not every place is safe.
Do you have at hand access to some sort of encyclopedia like Wikipedia?
>As if civilization would still be around in 24 years time to construct a time machine
quit fucking with the worldline, john. you're creating mandela effects errywhere
No and no. Europe is a mess after the collapse of the EU, the Netherlands is a warzone
How's italy doin
I like to reply to these on the off chance they're real. are there any companies I should invest in now that will pay off huge in the future? i.e. Amazon in 1997
Did Balkans explode?
In which year is time travel invented?
Can you travel to years before time travel was invented?
How does it work?
Aclaris Therapeutics.
Bioviva Sciences.
How does elon musk die?
Pfft, totally fucked. You are on the frontline of Africa, you and your neighboring countries were totally annhilated during the collapse of the EU
What about poland?
Are we still regional superpower?
>Time traveller from 2040 here
sit down and let that vodka go buddy
What foods have been found to be unhealthy in your time?
Do you have at hand access to some sort of encyclopedia like Wikipedia?
Are they trading publicly yet?
In 2019, but it was kept secret until 2038.
Yes, but it creates an alternate timeline.
Please tell me Scotland got rid of the SNP.
Does the united states collapse? and if so does Utah go full /Deseret/ mode?
What happend to Sweden?
Did SD win the elections in 2018/2022/2026?
Did a war start?
Man, the future sure is uncreative and baiting.
>run by a woman
Does this bullshit clamouring for disproportional representation by bitchy minorities in america ever fucking end?
It exploded didn't it?
How does it navigate space?
Poland is the safest country in Central Europe. When the EU started cracking apart, you guys secured your borders.
>What foods have been found to be unhealthy in your time?
>Do you have at hand access to some sort of encyclopedia like Wikipedia?
Why did you come to this time,. this time is shit
unless... it's all downhill from here?
Did we manage to kill the dragon below the mountains or did he espape during the EU chaos?
Where's your proof that your a time traveler?
How did you get access?
How old are you?
Are you originally from Finland?
WW3 when?
will Jesus come back in the next 25 years?
is it safe to join the german army for the next 13 years ? or will i die ?
Where did the refugees go?
The future or the past? they had to go somewhere. I guess the future, right?
What happens to Weed Man?
Do we finally get weed?
Aclaris is.
Did Scotland dispose of the SNP?
What is the state of Scotland in 2040?
Get in the spruce moose
Can't even come up with anything, most scientifical research stopped when the US and EU went socialist.
I'm in 2016 now. I came through the timerift and now I'm stuck here, so no. I don't have access to anything else than you do.
probably nuked.
Have we made contact with extraterrestrials yet? Does Islam or religion in general go away? What's the deal with AI?
What is canada like?
Answer this one pls.
Is Sweden kill or?
Will the Finnish Khanate rise again when Europe falls?
Did project /Namibia/ work? How did it go, how far is it now?
How's Australia doing?
I'm a bit unsure about Scotland, but the whole UK slowly turned nationalist as the EU started collapsing.
Are we a superpower or still a superpooper?
$11 a share, I might buy some. I'll let you know how it goes in fifteen years.
You aren't the Finn.
Am I a famous rock star in 2040?
Seems legit.
Two months ago our Minister of defence created "army of teritorial defence" 35k of soldiers. They will defend our lands and borders. Their third objective is to "strengthen patriotic and Christian foundations of our defense system and the armed forces."
Who won UEFA Euro 2016?
Do biologically engineered pets exist in your future?
Where did the refugees go?
It had to be the future right?
How far into the future did the refugees go? are they a problem for our grandchildren?
This I must know.
Also, how's Trump doin?
Your country is mostly a wasteland. SD didn't win, it was some other party (can't remember which)
I didn't take long for your whole country to collapse, 10-20 years or something like that.
I wouldn't reccomend fucking with KEK, OP, lest KEK fucks you back.
Praise KEK !
Fugg, What about Suomi?
Why did you come back?
Why aren't you telling us how the time travel moved you through space?
In 2040. Zozzle or kek?
You're stuck here and living it all again.
Enjoying the ride?
Is Germany finaly a Caliphat where we kill infidels ?
South mudland isn't part of the Kekland, my digits confirm keks will.
What about Canada?
rerolling for kek's true will.