do you actually know what is this used for? many tell me you dont and it's quite surprising
Do murifags know what this is
It's a kettle, an electric kettle, we have them here... Nice post
Is that a electric tea kettle? Mine and all the ones I've ever seen/used have been plain steel
>eurofags use electric kettles and USAryans use stovetop kettles
What happened?
I use my microwave
These are firearms in the EU, no?
how precise is the temp control on that thing?
And I use oven
If you drink anything but near-boiling black tea, stovetop kettles are a pain in the ass.
They're pretty common, usually university students and offices have them. Not usually in the home though, we don't drink tea.
got told all murifags microwave water like freaking mongoloids, wanted to check out thx for answers
you mean stovetop
What is this? Does this make diet coke?
Nice reddit meme, Nu/pol/
I don't know how your stovetop works, but my gas range has knobs to increase or decrease the intensity of the flame. Just open the kettle and let it cool down a little bit before pouring if you want to use just-under-boiling water for something like white tea or french press.
A good pyrex kettle ($10) is perfect though.
Glass so it's see-through, wash it out easily in the sink, put some water on in the morning and wait a minute.
I don't see the problem here, Americans are less retarded in this instance.
funny you say this - i'm american so i microwave water for tea at home but used one of these to make tea for my aunt today
Lol, you fucking pleb.
Tea makes me vomit if I drink it on an empty stomach so its shit in the morning.
Do Eurofags make sure to eat before tea time or do you build up a tolerance over time and it doesn't bother you any more?
>microwaved water in a cheap plastic cup for years
Cancer train a-comin'.
I go through one of those roughly once every year because they're all cheap Chinese pieces of shit. I'm currently boiling my water for tea on the stove because my most recent one just died on me.
>mfw Americans microwave a cup of water whenever they want to drink tea
The tandoor?
only real men boil their water on the stove
I think it's just you. Could be an allergic reaction to tannins
>americans don't drink tea
>americans steep their tea and then put ice in it and drink it cold
>mfw i went to texas and asked for milk and sugar and they looked at me like i was retarded but still brought me iced tea
that's the thing. most americans aren't big hot tea drinkers we prefer iced tea
i don't understand why this is funny
Cold iced tea with milk and sugar is actually breddy gud
I had one in college for making ramen noodles and hot cocoa.
>we just microwave the water
you've got to be fucking kidding me
it's not
probably more energy efficient to microwave
Please do tell me why your hot water is better than my hot water.
I first saw 1 when I was living in Norway where they had them EVERYWHERE
Came back to the US and found one at bed bath and beyond. I like using it for tea and that's it. I think they're becoming more popular here.
Does microwaved water taste different or something?
Just by the cheap chinese pyrex glass pots.
they last for a couple years, I love the one I have.
>American education
Electric kettle is most energy efficient
>second to last post quoted
>li'chr'lly nothing in there mentioned regarding microwaves
you takin the piss m8?
Don't knock it till you try it.
Also iced tea with a little bit of bourbon/whisky and a squeeze of lemon is refreshing
I used to but now I just get kurieg tea cups :^)
>microwaved water
This is a meme right?
Don't know about the taste, but it is definitely not good for you...
Not an argument.
This. I've had one for over a decade.
is it really too hard to put some water in a potand turn on the stove?
Sure, but does anyone honestly give a fuck?
I'm not really concerned with spending my life trying to erase my carbon footprint by focusing on silly minutiae that makes minimal difference regardless. But, if someone has that much free time on their hands to make it a "cause" to conserve as much as possible, that's their problem.
>he doesn't use a cup and a lighter
ITT: yuropoors learn that microwaves can heat more than just food
>they take pride in the appliances they use
eurofags everyone
>american understanding of science
>american education
It's also faster
Modern Britain is quite different to the tea and scones picture you have in your heads.
Coffee is very popular, especially among younger people. Tea is still the more popular drink but, unfortunately, is declining.
But we still use kettles for coffee. Instant coffee is the most popular, and Gold Blend (pic related) is the most popular brand. We see no point in investing in a drip coffee maker like you guys, when you can have a kettle and make any hot drink you desire.
I microwave the shit out of everything.
>microwaves dindu nuffin
>microwaves causing cancer is oven manufacturer propaganda
>1st Grader science
>sample size of 1
Sounds about right.
I'd appreciate a trigger warning before you mention firearms again, OK?
>pours hot water on plant
>plant is stress and stunted
No shit.
>water molecules cause friction which in terms cause heat
>this heat is somehow different than any other way to heat up water
its the same fucking thing, instead of microwave water he could've used boiled water from a stove or an electric kettle, same results
Italians prefer tea to coffee? Really?
>Drinking instant coffee
instant coffee is terrible
that is coffee maker bro
what the fuck is wrong with you dad
we LOVE tea here
also if youre going to drink coffee at least drink something good
Microwaves are heaters of peace, the few extremist microwaves do not represent all microwaves as a whole
Daily reminder that you're a retard if you don't have the specific heat of water memorized. And God help you if you don't know the units.
Step up, Eurocucks.
oh wait the EU already did
kek sounds like it's not a meme then, you really do microwave water, or at least a nice amount of mc donalds do
Yeah I use one of those bitches for pour over coffee, but the K-cup is easier now it got sent out to pasture.
Was this published in Nature?
>he doesn't use a spoon and lighter
It's a living meme passed down from 1 lazy generation to the next. Certainly is real. Who said a meme must be fiction?
>Microwave heats water
Was aware about that.,
But imagine a murrican putting water in any container putting it in a microwave, and do whatever he does with that hot water seems culturaly more strange then a bunch of shitskins feeding out of one giant bowl without knife and fork.
this isn't fucking Sup Forums you retard
keep this on the designated america obsession board
>Instant coffee is the most popular
Why do people even drink coffee if it's instant?
We don't drink tea
>article says she let water cool before watering plants.
Not saying I agree with it, but at least read the whole thing first.
Great tea or greatest tea?
>high school level science
Yup because I'm not a preening faggot
Gold Blend tastes perfectly fine and I have no reason to spend five minutes of my morning making """"""""""artisan"""""""""" """"""""""""gourmet"""""""""""""" hipster shit coffee
Firstly you're Canadian
Secondly as I said tea is still more popular in the UK than coffee. 165 million cups of tea a day, compared to 70 million cups of coffee. (
I'm just telling you how it is, instant coffee is by far the most popular way to drink coffee here because Gold Blend actually tastes pretty good. People are becoming more hipster now with their artsy fartsy coffees, but the electric drip coffee maker that you get in the States is very rare here. You get them in some offices but not in homes.
Meh. I prefer the Fairtrade supermarket stuff but I make tea stronger than most people anyway.
>Then after cooling she used the water to water two identical plants
>after cooling
>leaf reading comprehension
>Preferring fairtrade
Why do you want to pay poo in loos more money?
Not enough water, a shovel would probably be better.
>responding to a leaf
Exactly the point. You should know it.
When we heat water for tea or whatever we usually put it in a mug. So it's not like we are melting plastic into it. I don't see why there is anything wrong with this.
How long do you boil your tea for?
3 days
istant coffee is good, we are not so carefree as murifags with guns so that's a great alternative to use for suiciding
First worlders actually believe this bullshit, huh? You're fucking us over to feel good about yourselves.
>instant coffee
I know a guy there who can get you one m8. When you meet him, he'll say "Here is my handle." Then you reply "Here is my spout." Private message me if interested.
>Yup because I'm not a preening faggot
Instant coffee tasted like complete shit, everyone knows that.
We don't need some poor mans electric kettle, i think the eruopoors use them to save on the power bill or some shit.
Only hipster fags drink hot tea in America. Sweet iced tea is okay though.
The era of cheap tea is coming to an end. Terrible conditions these people work in. Fairtrade is bollocks but better than nothing.
Its a tea kettle not powered by thermite or a pulse Jet. You disappoint me Italy. Britain has superior tea kettles to your electric one.