What does Sup Forums think of vegans?
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They should stop eating the food of my food.
Vegan freaks out and whips cellphone at wall because he was surprised that the pizza his mom ordered him contained Parmesan.
She reminds me of a cow
Finally, an interesting topic.
What do I think of vegans? Well, normally they're alright so long as they keep to themselves and allow others to do their own thing. But many vegans and vegan values have their basis in misconceptions or false information. Not only, but many vegans absolutely refuse to accept inconvenient facts. For example, I recently had a conversation with a vegan who was strongly against wild caught fisheries, and said that "fishing is destroying the oceans". After proving to her that many fisheries worldwide are sustainable, only 30% are listed as over exploited, and fishery science is leading to massive improvements in fish populations, she refused to accept it. When I asked her if she had any opposing evidence, she game me a half-assed "well, I've seen it in a documentary or a book or something".
Vegans are alright, but they're way too self-righteous and have no right to claim that their views are the most logical. (a belief that many vegans have). This is not to say that the vegan diet doesn't have it's benefits, but it certainly isn't the most logical choice.
That's just my opinion though.
I can post the full conversation if you want.
If you eat vegan, what it tastes like?
Annoying at best
I think there's a lot of honor in holding such a moral consistency. I've taken it upon myself to eat only fish and selfish for meat, yet I still have a steak or burger once in a while. Vegans show restaint, and I think that shows a lot of honor.
What's the deal with fish anyway? A lot of vegetarians make an exception with fish, I don't really understand. Is it because they don't look as cuddly? I mean they're still animals
Keep in mind that this vegan chick types really weird.
VEGAN: Try Out Vegan Fish:)
ME: I'll just stick with REAL fish, thanks.
VEGAN: You Should Try Out Vegan Fish Though, It Is Better For The Environment.
ME: Not if said fish is sustainably managed. Many fisheries - especially here in the USA - are sustainable fisheries. While there is much work to do on a global scale, much work is being done and a lot of progress is being made worldwide. Fish is fine to eat (REAL fish).
VEGAN: I Just Said You Should Try It, And That Is Incorrect As The Oceans Are Being Destroyed By Fishing, So If "Local" Fishers Were To Stop Fishing There Would Already Be A Difference.
ME: First of all, why are you capitalizing every word of your sentence? Secondly, I am a fishery biologist, and I can tell you that by no means is fishing "destroying the oceans". In certain localized or species-specific situations, yes, overfishing is occurring. But globally, only 30% of fisheries are listed as "overexploited", and that number is slowly decreasing. Sustainable fishery management is - if anything - saving our oceans.
For more information on fisheries and fishery myths, I'd recommend this site:
CFOOD is a site run by scientists who discuss fisheries and debunk fishery myths (such as "the oceans are being destroyed by fishing"). I don't know any of them personally, but I have talked to some of them.
And before you try and play the "they must be funded by dirty money" card, here's their About page and their funding sources:
VEGAN: Fishing "Sustainably" Is Not Helping The Oceans. It Doesn't Matter How Low The Percent Is, It Will Still Help. And Do Not Assume My Actions. Plus, It Is More Sustainable To Have A Vegan Option.
Justified though.. Who puts cheese in sauce?
One of my friends has celiac and CANNOT eat gluten. Can you imagine if someone was trying to eat gluten free pizza (the dough was gluten free) but the sauce had flour in it?
I eat fish, eggs, vegetables, grains and dairy. It sucks because a bacon double cheeseburger is the highest form of food. Doctor said no red meat, my girlfriend is normally vegetarian. Fishetarian is an OK compromise.
> I dream of steak almost every night.
It's okay as long as you don't mention you're vegan all the time.
I think we should just issue them a medallion or ribbon or something to let everyone know about their slow starvation death diet just so they'll shut the fuck up while I'm trying to eat my god damned burger
ME: I have three questions and an answer for you.
What credentials/experience do you have to be able to make these claims?
On what evidence (not your own opinion) are you basing these claims on?
Did you even visit the links I provided? That was an awful fast reply.
While there is nothing specifically bad about being vegan, and I have nothing wrong with vegans, many vegans hold biases (whether they realize it or not) and commonly perpetuate "eco-myths" as many call them. Veganism does have it's benefits - but it also has it's flaws from both a diet and sustainability standpoint. But that is a completely different conversation. Let's just focus on the fisheries for now.
And before you say the "fishing is cruel because fish feel pain", here is a study showing fish do not possess the ability to feel pain:
VEGAN: I Have Done Research That Is Objective To Make These Claims.These Claims Are Based Upon Facts That Range From Various Mediums, For Instance Documentaries. No I Did Not Visit The Links, I Replied Based Off Of What You Said. Veganism Does Not Have Flaws When Having To Do With The Diet, And You Realize The Situation Can Be The Same As A Non-Vegan Can Also Be Biased. Fish Actually Do Feel Pain, And Let's Say That You Do Not Feel Pain. Does That Possess Me With The Right Or Justification Of Putting A Hook In Your Face When It Is Unnecessary, No It Does Not, And I Don't Understand Why You Are Getting So Defensive. If You Look At My Original Comment, I Just Said You Should Try A Vegan Option, There Is Nothing Wrong With Trying Food That Is Healthier For You And Different.
why do vegans always look so god damn old? i think it has something to do with growth factors in meat, you probably need a certain amount of extra hormones to keep yourself vital.
Speaking as someone who goes lobster fishing, the fishing industry, if well regulated, is sustainable. In fact, we've saved naturally declining populations by chucking used bait in the water. Hunting, even, is sustainable, because we've already left a footprint in the environment; the deer increase in population, which increases the coyote population, so we kill both deer and coyotes to balance it. More humane to kill deer than to let coyotes mangle them to death.
ME: Your post was kinda long, so I'm breaking it up and responding to it in parts. This post isn't as long as it looks, don't worry.
"I Have Done Research That Is Objective To Make These Claims.These Claims Are Based Upon Facts That Range From Various Mediums, For Instance Documentaries."
So you're not going to source your information but rather you're just going to give me a vague description of where you heard it? You're really not helping your case here, Madison.
"No I Did Not Visit The Links, I Replied Based Off Of What You Said."
And a lot of what I said is expanded upon in said links. You have no room to say I am incorrect, especially when considering that your "sources" are mysteriously non-existent, and I am trained in this subject while you are not. I'm not trying to sound like an ass (even though I do sound like one, I'll admit), but that doesn't change the fact that you have no room to talk.
"Veganism Does Not Have Flaws When Having To Do With The Diet..."
That is a blatant lie.
"And You Realize The Situation Can Be The Same As A Non-Vegan Can Also Be Biased."
There is no reason to deny this, for sure, but vegans tend to have many misconceptions behind their reasoning. Not only, but you yourself are helping support my point about how vegans can be biased, as you are using your personal opinions (with little to no evidence supporting them) to try and refute scientific facts.
Continued (one more post)...
I think it's to do with them being wild rather than intensively farmed. But that could change in the future.
Don't care so long as they leave me and my meat alone.
And by meat I mean my wiener.
ME: "Fish Actually Do Feel Pain, And Let's Say That You Do Not Feel Pain. Does That Possess Me With The Right Or Justification Of Putting A Hook In Your Face When It Is Unnecessary, No It Does Not..."
So you are going to completely ignore a scientific study and replace it with your own opinion? That's not how it works. Not only, but humans and fish are very different creatures. Humans have the ability to feel pain and fish do not. Science has shown this, and said science has been linked in my comment.
"And I Don't Understand Why You Are Getting So Defensive. If You Look At My Original Comment, I Just Said You Should Try A Vegan Option..."
And I simply declined.
"There Is Nothing Wrong With Trying Food That Is Healthier For You And Different."
Sure, there isn't. But is this "vegan fish" truly better for you? Real fish contains many vitamins, minerals, and proteins that are unable to be found in plant-based products. With that description alone, the claim that "vegan fish is healthier" is completely and utterly debunked. Not only, but your "supporting evidence" is fairly weak (and non-existent).
That was the end of the conversation, as she refused to respond after I sent her this.
I personally see it as morally consistent, because fish, insects, shellfish, and other small less intelligent animals are just that, less intelligent, and I think it justifies killing them. You wouldn't believe what kind of torture certain fish go through. I could put a fish or a crab on a spindle in the lobster trap, and it will still be alive after a couple days, some times. Fish are mangled by sharks and other fish; they're more brutal than our industries. And when I see videos of people complaining that boiling lobster alive is "inhumane"; my response to that is that I've seen worse; I've personally done worse. I believe that if you have the stomach to kill an animal, it justifies your right to eat it, as long as society agrees with it as well.
There are fish farms just as there are cow ranches. And there is game just as there is fish reeled in from the sea. I think if someone wants to eat meat, a good compromise would be to only eat meat that was killed by hunting. They lived a cozy life in the woods and then someone shot them, not a big deal. Deer and elk, and hog I guess. Or anything someone happens to bag
they might as well be eating dirt to be honest
Stop m8 we get it. Vegans are fucking lazy and follow their stupid dietary restrictions just so they can have a moral high ground to feel like they're better than everyone else. They basically diet aristocrats.
No one wants to read these long as conversations; save it to a fucking jpg or something instead of copy pasting it all.
>because fish, insects, shellfish, and other small less intelligent animals are just that, less intelligent
But there are also big fish. I don't see why a fish would be any dumber than a squirrel or a weasel or something. Hell, dolphins live in the ocean and they're probably the smartest animal. Granted they're mammals but they're basically fish at this point
>using clickbait as evidence
I get where they're coming from but it is seriously a case of 'first world problem'. They have the ability to take such a moral high ground in their dietary habits. They'll cite certain Asian cultures as being vegetarian or certain sects as being more extreme than them but they are seriously outliers.
tried it, ended up malnourished. but then again i run 10 miles a day
Meat eater "intellectuals" still haven't proved that humans are designed to eat meat.
top kek, leddit is the hate center of the internet.
This. I have yet to meet a vegan that doesn't look 10 years older than he really is. On the other hand, they are all hippie tier pot smokers.
>They're basically fish at this point
But they're not. They're considerably more intelligent than fish.
If you worked with them on a daily basis, herring, mackeral, haddock, pollock, gaspereaux, trout, etc, you'd realize how unintelligent they are. They're reactionary animals; they don't think for themselves one bit. They don't have the capacity to think beyond what they already feel, except for their natural instinct. Shellfish are even more stupid. Mammals, even most reptiles, are unfathomably more intelligent than fish or shellfish.
there is a type of acid in the the stomach thats only function is to digest meat enzymes
What is a more logical choice?
Thats fucking pathetic really. Only in our degenerate 21st century you can act like that and think it is justified and you're in the right. With his stupid "duwde" like the absolute American retard he is. Makes me sick.
Looking at our closest relatives, chimps, gorillas and orangutans, they all eat mainly fruit. But all of them are omnivores to a degree, chimps are the only ones who hunt meat but gorillas and orangutans eat insects. I would imagine our distant ancestor was similar. We certainly weren't equipped to hunt for anything big or fast so any meat we ate would just be scraps someone happened to come by. Then as time went on and we entered new environments, animal products became more central. I have no proof but again I would think there have been some adaptations to process meat more efficiently since we became somewhat dependent on it in colder regions. Similar to how people became more tolerant to lactose over time as we consumed more dairy. Inuits are able to get by eating basically nothing but seal
The human diet should probably consist mainly of fruit and greens with some meat on the side. I'm sure we eat too much of it today. But I'm also sure humans wouldn't be where we are now if we hadn't eaten animals
Eh, have not eaten meat for a couple weeks now, not turning this into a lifestyle but try to go on meat free as long as I can. Just trying something different, not taking a moral high ground or shit, I know I'll be back to delicious steak sooner or later, hopefully later tho.
Anyways, noticed that I dont want to eat chips or candy anymore. Also I do heavy manual labour and now when my lunch isn't so heavy I am slightly more productive.
>spelling "honour" like "honor"
it best be a spell check incident comrade
Hitler was vegan
Hunting for thousands of years have involved this, running, because the human has evolved bipedalism and sweat glands to combat energy-loss, which helps, because the human essentially can outrun any animal, because the animals that run the fastest eventually get tired, while the human keeps going.
Neanderthals in Europe were close-range hunters; as evidenced by their brawny build, they wouldn't have been very good at running; camouflage and baiting would have been useful, as the neanderthal weren't throwers but would thrust long sticks into the animal to kill.
We only evolved lactose tolerance within the last few thousand years. Meat eating isn't far off from reality.
Yea. I only went to school till grade 10; even then, education is poor in this area. I learned how to write and read on the internet, which is mostly dominated by Americans.
I usually spell "honour", but the spell check does make me spell "honor" (I hate seeing the red underline).
Vegans in extended family
they have children that they are raising vegan
other family members make all kinds of excuses for kid's nutrition
We'll see what happens
Topkek, post conversation
meatfag detected
I fell for the meme, and now I hate the taste of meat. Don't start, people are meant to be omnivores. I'll say this though a few of the smartest people I know are vegan.
Keep strong user, how long have you had that diet?
Vegetarian libertarian here.
They are fucking dirty hippies. That's all they are. That's my cousin in a nutshell. She's a vegan. She's dirty, she has BO, her breath smells, she has dreadlocks and piercings in her face, she barely shaves her legs anymore, and it's all sad because she used to be so pretty. Then she transformed into a dirty ass hippy who smells and does yoga. Her boyfriend is just like her, a dirty hippy. And they all of sudden give a shit about animals and don't even know what PETA is. That's a vegan's life.
Some meat eaters are proper pussies about hunting. I like to hunt deer. They're literally pests in this country and need culling.
But no, fucking Bambi has made everyone cucks.