You may only post ITT if you're not a white guilt cuckold who enjoys displaying his heritage
You may only post ITT if you're not a white guilt cuckold who enjoys displaying his heritage
>4 stars
Confirmed faggot who only started bandwagoning soccer 6 months ago
Spot the cucks
Looks pretty trashy desu.
says the twink
Good goy
Lol did you get a tramp stamp for your girlfriend as well?
Hey hot wheels, get back to your own shit hole of a site.
I own a confederate flag so I guess I can post here
Fun Fact: OP is the same cuck who posts the "WHY HAVEN'T YOU GOTTEN A NONWHITE GIRLFRIEND YET, VIRGINS" threads
>rooting for a national team other than the USA team
Literally Mexico-tier
Pics of your boipucci?
>Heritage fags
Oh boy
Regardless of what you call it,
>0-0 draws
>I don't think this semen slurping sport is for me
>American "heritage" faggots
There's nothing funnier than a yanky doodle doo grasping at people from 2 centuries ago to sate his desperate desire for cultural belonging and depth. It is an inevitability of living in a cultural wasteland like the USA though.
>m'Irish! fuck da brits!
>m'Germans! fuck da brits!
>m'Scots! fuck da brits!
>m'Welsh! fuck da brits!
Meanwhile, on planet reality...
Everyone who made the US what it is was a Brit
GW was a Brit
Hancock and Adams were Brits
Just so funny to me
If they were so proud to be british, why didnt they stay back and serve the king?
If a guy drinks alcohol every day and decides to quit to make himself a better person, do you say that alcohol is directly responsible for any success the person has after quitting? They would have been free if it weren't for the king hindering their freedom. Very double minded to be the party who hinders another then claims responsibility for their success after letting them be free. Looks like this brit is jealous
>If a guy drinks alcohol every day and decides to quit to make himself a better person, do you say that alcohol is directly responsible for any success the person has after quitting?
Well technically yeah
It might not be "directly" responsible, but it'd still be part of the causality in my opinion