Sup Forums will defend him no matter what dumbs hit nonsense trump is for . They believe he is infallible .He really could murder someone and his supporters wouldn't care. They don't care what he says or does. They only like him because he makes the people they hate mad.
Why do Trumptards worship Trump like cult members ?
>They only like him because he makes the people they hate mad.
So have you answered your question? Good thing you made a thread about it.
Name one bad thing Trump has done.
>They only like him because he makes the people they hate mad.
That's not a bad reason, considering people have been tired of the establishment for decades and they have a proven track record of fuck-ups. The odds of probability tell us we need to change our choice. This is literally the three-door gameshow probability exercise they tell you about in day 1 of stats class.
What has Trump done that's cruel?
Mexicans and Muslims aren't races ffs
Who has Trump oppressed?
>Vicious and Vindictive
Again, HOW? Some mean words and harsh truths aren't Vindictive
>Claims everyone loves him?
Has Trump made this claim? More importantly, have ANY dictators made this claim?
>They love other dictators
Hitler despised other dictators, especially Tojo and Stalin.
>Dictators are narcissists and selfish
Agreed, other than the fact that their narcissism turns into nationalism that benefits the country
>Popular among low income and ignorant
Hitler's greatest allies were the wealthy. Same with Mussolini. This is only true in countries with communist revolutions.
>They overreact to criticisms
So... Mexicans?
>1 post by this id
He refused to pay dozens of employees and constantly backed out of contracts, then relied on his massive legal team and sheer intimidation to prevent people from rightfully recouping their losses?
He relied on a slew of undocumented Polish immigrants for one of his projects then refused to pay them?
The entire birther controversy was absolute hogwash and enabled all kinds of conspiratorial idiots?
These faggots would support Trump even if he converted to Islam.
The image is shitty, but the OP is right. Trump was probably the worst person to chose as the nominee - even Yeb! would've been better.
Don't forget he swindled naive young adults into his scam artist Trump U
The fact that trump supporters are so shortsided on the con artist trump is really a telling sign . They have a seething hate for minorities
2 words OP: Hegelian Dialectic
If you forget the first two, the remaining points describe the current social justice trend pretty well
Trump likes kim jung?
>muh circlejerk
Sup Forums always proves itself as a fascinating example of the horseshoe theory in action.
You could apply most of this to Hillary.
While she might not be winning against the "ignorant and low income" she is winning with the "people who think they're smart and entitled to more income with their bullshit degrees".
Not to mention they are making Sup Forums extremely over modded now where they are silencing liberal opinions or any one who criticizes trump is up to getting saged and banned
They are turning Sup Forums into a safe space and turning into crazed SJWs
Le bump bump
>vicious and vindictive
>claims everyone loves him
welcome to politics
>They love other dictators
>narcissistic and selfish
i'd describe him as cocky more than narcissistic personally, not sure about selfish. he's running his campaign out of pocket and has vowed not to accepts money if elected POTUS
>popular among the ignorant and low income
>overreact to criticism
yeah i probably agree with that.
I love how they're all for the low-income and the poorly educated until those very same people decide to make a decision on their own. They they can go fuck themselves.
>He really could murder someone and his supporters wouldn't care
but Hillary is the one that actually killed thousands of people, and her supporters didn't care.
this entire list more accurately describes bernie sanders than it does donald trump
No, we like him because he has amazing policies.
Any other questions?
Heavily debatable
Of whom?
>Vicious and vindictive
Vicious as good leader is, vindictive how?
>Claims everyone loves him
We do
>They love other dictators
Did Trump every say he loved Putin and Kim Jung-Un? As far as I remember they just endorsed him as president.
>Dictators are narcissists and selfish
So are people who aren't dictators
>Popular among the ignorant and low income
"Oh yeah? Well... YOU'RE POOR AND STUPID"
>They overreact to criticism
Any criticism needs to be overreacted to when running for a position of power, to show the voters you are not afraid to defend yourself in a public display
The most ridiculous thing is that people actually believe he could be a dictator in the democratically election system the U.S has.
Le bump
>Conservatives going apeshit, think Obama could institute a Marxist dictatorship
>Contemplate violent resistance
>Liberals appalled, those violent racists!!!
>Call for all such conservatives to be treated as terrorists, rounded up and thrown in prison
>Liberals frothing at the mouth, call Trump a fascist
>Insinuate assassination may be the best way to stop him
>Applaud assassination attempt
>Is it hypocritical? No, because they do it with snark and attitude
Left wingers are not high minded idealists, they are brute-minded tribalists who seek the murder and ruination of anyone who isn't a member of their in-group
Everything you posted fits for Obama except the dictators he likes are Castro and Hassan Rouhani
How to espouse propaganda
>Brainwash children in public schools
>Addict them to video games, pop culture, and drugs
>Teach them to hate themselves
>Slowly integrate socialism into the system year by year
>Make political ads that only use the buzzwords children were taught in school to become aggressive indiscriminately
I remember writing a paper in my Catholic school which I half plagiarized from das capital. Not only did I get 100% by only using hyperbole and colorful adjectives to hide the fact that there no stats in the entire paper, but my teacher read it in front of the entire class and I received applause from every one of them