Pol I have a friend who won't support Trump because he says he isn't a true conservative

pol I have a friend who won't support Trump because he says he isn't a true conservative.

He also says that Trumps intentions to ease relations with Russia aren't wise, because Russia doesn't have Western values.

I'm stumped, what do I say to these things?

Give him an insulting nickname then say he has low energy

Tell him about the wall.
Then ask him what side he wants to be on.

> Because Russia doesn't have Western Values

What? What the fuck is this nigger on about? What the hell defines "Western """"VALUES"""""?

don't clap

>I'm stumped, what do I say to these things?

"We're gonna be se great folks, believe me.We're gonna be greater than ever,We're gonna MAKE. AMERICA. GREAT. AGAIN."

Surely this will convince him.

Your friend sounds like a cuck.

There's not much you can do besides remind him there'll be two sides to the wall. He can pick which side he'd like to reside on.

He's right, Trump is Hillary's Orange Herring, and you've been duped by shills.

Only thing to do now is kill yourself.

Tell him that we either join forces with Russia to fight Isis or we go to war with them + Syria while still having to fight Isis

Wait, what fuck is a True Conservative again?

Isn't it just a random hodgepodge of Right Wing Memes cobbled together by Nation Jewview and Talk Radio over the last few decades?

Your friend is a fucking meme voter.

>Western """"values""""

Come on, man, I know we are fucking corrupt and very incapable of entrepreneurship and far from the idea of an abstract universal law system, personal responsibility and putting in extra effort for the betterment of all those around you but
>tfw your friend is probably talking about tolerance towards fags and degenerates

Russia doesn't like the post-modern Western values. Putin and Trump want to return to the old conservative values and get away from the neo-con liberal ones.

way to debate the points the guy was making you dumb burger

Time to finally do it
there's no place left for you at the table


a true conservative wouldn't be a autistic turtle man, marry a four foot mexican woman, and be okay with letting in jihadists

your friend is an idiot

If you do not support Trump, you are a hillary supporter. It is an either or choice

Tell him that Russia have the most western of all values - a shit-ton of nukes. Antagonizing them isn't wise, especially when we're already busy putting down terror groups in the middle east.

>Most of Europe
>"Western Values"

That's pretty funny your "friend" would believe that most of Europe isn't suicidally inclined for how much it's denying all pre-existing culture in order to create one big mix of dependent mud people.

tell him trumps a fatty
then call him cuck

show him dis