Americans: What would you do if Hillary wins?
Fuck off you faggot.
Hillary Win : WW3
Trump Win: WW3
Hillary Win : WW3 against Russia
Trump Win : WW3 alongside Russia
Prepare for draft.
0/10 bait my friend, that was a shitty movie
Hillary is a strong progressive and is very qualified. Unlike Trump, she will keep guns off the hands of criminals and put an end to racism. Trump is just a bigoted racist that would ruin our relationship with many countries including our allies. I can't wait for her to win this election so we would have a Madam President
Stop paying taxes.
I'm self employed, so I can do it, and survive. It will just put a dent in my free cash flow.
I have a few plans, that's just the most logical.
So we're rooting for Hillary then?
>Trump Win : WW3 alongside Russia
Would that really even be a war? I mean even if every other country in the world was on the other side, would still be a blowout.
why is she crying? sauce? i want to know...
Not unless the enemy was China
Join the military, prepare for the inevitable coup d'tat
I highly doubt China could stand up to both Russia and the US, maybe one or the other but not both.
Then It would turn into a mountain warfare scenario because of all the piles of dead chinese.
What are you a women?
Absolutely nothing.
Unlike effeminate liberals, I don't throw a temper tantrum and threaten to move to a different country when my candidate doesn't win.
Stupid fucking liberals need to understand that you cannot move to any country of your choosing.
You will be arrested and deported.
Prepare for 8 more years of Conservative moaning and bitching.
Thank you for posting on behalf of the Hillary Clinton campaign! $1 has been transferred to your account.
>what happens if Hillary wins
She isn't a progressive. She's center-left, at most.
yeah russia is so le evil xddddd :))))))))
sit in repose, sadly watching a powerful empire go the way of so many others before it. Crumbling and becoming a shell of its former self
The year is 2020. The world is rightist:
Trump, Putin, and Farage invade Europe and carve it up.
After doing more research I realized that Hillary will win, and it may be a good thing
Trump represents many ideals that are great, but he just doesn't seem to have any idea what the fuck he is doing as far as policy and governing goes
The important part of his work has already been accomplished: he has shifted the overton window far to the Nationalist Right, given the public a distaste for open borders, Islam, and political correctness
I've realized that I don't care if he wins, I care if our culture is a Marxist cesspit. The fire he has started will not be forgotten any time soon.
Hope like hell there is a Republican majority in the House and Senate to block her agenda as much as possible.
No. Bernie Sanders is a progressive. Hillary is a Wall Street shill who will say/do literally anything to get elected.
Nice try, though.
That would be glorious.
Watch the overflowing Sup Forums butthurt. It will be the butthurt to end all butthurts! I can't wait!
No she is %100 behind whatever poll that says %51 for the country will vote for.
>implying McConnell and Ryan wouldn't """work with""" Hillary
Hope I have enough brass, .224 bullets, powder and primers to make it through a "gun scare." And then probably give up hope of buying an AK at a decent price in the foreseeable future.
I would wait for her to get assassinated, so her VP can Roosevelt this bitch.