What is it?
My support for the next president of the United States of America
>Trump calls her out for playing the woman card
>she admits she does and memes it into her campaign
When will you return to reddit?
You're not a woman though you stupid fuck
I have one also nigger.
i don't post on Reddit
Gender is a social construct, shitlord
Hello friend! Looking forward to the mass suicide of alt-right as well?
Got mine packaged but this is one i took a while back
Already ordered my women card
This makes me proud to be a Sup Forumsack
Please poop on it like that one guy did with the job guac bowl
just die already holy shit
Do you support her enthusiastically even though she one of the most disliked presidential nominees in US history? Or just because you find her the lesser of two evils?
>they are probably underage
>they waste money on politicians
>on a hyprocrite, a criminal
>just because she happens to have a vagina
The US is like wonderland, you wonder how the fuck it became world's 1st supperpower with such retarded citizens
>not a reddit user
>AMA guise
slide thread detected
General rule 7 :^)
Citing the rules is a clear redditor move
saged to oblivion
>mass suicide of the right
Careful friend they're more likely to get trigger happy than suicide.
Tits or GTFO - unless if you are not XX.