Is he a hero?

Is he a hero?

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Out of all the recent shooters he was the one that had the clearest reasoning and the strongest will and did the the cleanest way possible. He didn't even take the bitch way out by killing himself.

I'd say he was a Dark Knight. He wasn't the hero we deserved, but the hero we needed.

But was getting caught part of his plan?

I don't know about that tho, he must have been scared to go to jail but he surrendered.
In his situation I don't know what you should do, surrender and be humiliated or die in honor but death is always scary even if you are very motivated.


>killing a bunch of children

>Breivik will never kill more traitors

I wish we could free him.


What? He will be released in a couple of years. He only got 21 years.

He killed traitors, the fact they are children means NOTHING

lol I guess if Sup Forums was as motivated as he was, it would be no big deal.

And a real human bean.

He killed a shit load of liberals that were the progeny of traitors. Breivik is a hero.

Didn't he just kill a bunch of random children? I don't really know the exact story.

Not random children. Participants in the social democratic party's youth camp.

Kids can be traitors just as much as adults.

Breivik is a hero.

Yes, that or be shot.
He did not want to do the police any harm, he was quite respectful to them all the time.

>Because he's the hero Norway deserves, but not the one it needs right then.
>So we hunted him.
>Because he can take it.
>Because he's not our hero.
>He's a silent guardian.
>A watchful protector.
>A Dark Knight.
soon he will be leading parliament located at his castle in utoya


It has to become a misstrial

Even his fucking lawyer ran for mayor for AP in Oslo.... He did not respect the court.. Also AP aka Pakkis Partiet

He did not see the jew, but I think he does now


Never to be topped...

Based Breivik

He slaughtered a bunch of kids, Wtf is wrong with you people?

>high as fuck K/D
>20 years maximum because of cuck nanny state
>killed 70 or so liberal Marxist brainwashed kids
>slightly publicized cultural Marxism being an enemy

Hero as fuck desu

they were liberals idiot

They could have been redpilled, faggot.

I was a liberal as a kid and teenager. Most conservatives I know were previously liberals due to societal brainwashing doesn't mean they deserve death.

not random, he killed the AP youth.

First he sat of a big bomb in parl square in Oslo, as a diversion, so all cops flocked there, while he in a fake uniform drove towards utoya....

His main aim was Gro Harlem Brundtland who is responsible for this immigration crapfest, while she lives in a chatau in france her self.... caught for corruption, cheating on taxes.. "representing" workers my ass.. representing her own corrupt greedy cunt to land fancy position by saying nice words. Fucking shoot gas bitch

Jonas Gahr Store, because he was currently fucking the country.

The kids were future traitors, he sent them to the great hall.

He planned every single detail in 2 years I think, learning bomb making, making weird ass uniforms and police shit he just ordered I think lol.

He woke the poeple, I thank him for this.
Some half nord-aussie's father said this
"Når rosene visner, står bare tornene igjen"
When the roses wither, only the torns are left.

This is pretty much norway these days, people are fucking pissed off, coup is not entire impossible som divisions under parl demanded to be loyal to the King and country and not the goverment


They werent kids.

They were young adults, 14 was the youngest, and he is on record as having spared another 14 year old for looking too young.

Conservatives are still race traitors.

Not right enough.

Those were also commies, in a commie indoctrination camp. Long gone.


Redpill me on him please

In norway people dont get more than 10 or 20 years of prison, no matter the crime and prison is like a fucking paradise emphasizing rehabilition over punishment.

Hes one lucky motherfucker.

You wanna get high and go on a killing/raping spree? Do it in Norway

Killing 77 defenseless people doesn't amount to any kind of heroism.


Thank you

they were cultural marxists, they were all interested in holding a political office. He almost single-handedly stopped the Islamification of Norway. Fuck off leaf.

not the hero norway wanted. but the hero they deserved.

there is a difference between liberal teenagers and liberals circlejerking on an island

Didn't know they gave you access to the internet Breivik

Give the man a PS4 already.

yeah teens, I say kids when they are just 14 and so. Some were closer to 30 I think.

But did you get this part? There was a ship on the island, that could take many people.
But progressive AP/AUF(their jugend) had to have a homo leader....
They planned future homocards to play.

Well guess what the fucking faggot did?
He alone demanded to be freighted in the boat, and did, all the way into honefoss.... Then staying there..
>What a hero
>Save me don't mind the kids/teen!
and he was older in his 20ies too
what a lit faggot.

He's pretty much done for, so now they are trying to play the paki-woman card.... Well it ain't working out.. reading comments in papers where you have to use facebook with fullname is almost like reading pol these days, it's glorious, the normies are fucking ready for taking the pols head soon.. very very soon

pic is that disgusting coward degenerate

This is why women and homos+other degenerates never can rule or have any position of importance at all


>they believed in something i don't agree with
>better kill them!

Hmm, where have I heard that logic before?

Yes. Sir Breivik is a hero

Yes. We'll breed him to Nigel Farage's daughter as the new king of Norway.

I'm not sure if the UN is done and come to a verdict on this. The case got locked for the public, so lots of sneaky shit going on there.

I bet they don't even give the hero his ps4

Death is not a motivation , we are not nihilist or islamist , we love our lifes

He kill 70 leftists , and he is in jail in a nice room (better than my student room) and with a little bit of luck he will see the liberation of Europe, what is the problem ?

AHHAHAHAHA reminds me have to watch that crap before sleep

fucking saved my glorious morbidly obese friend

also pic is Olav Thon, this be Burns from Simpsons actually, I'm not kidding

He went rogue and killed a bunch of leftist "kids" (college aged), bombed the labour party office, and prevented the labour party from winning the next election. Norway would have been West Sweden if it wasn't for him.

Sup Forums should worship this man.

>bunch of kids
>average was way over 20
try harder, hans


>he will see the liberation of Europe, what is the problem ?
He should lead it, or well HMS Crown Prince Håkon Magnus, currently active regent, should lead. But Breivik should be his top ranking general.

>To take Sweden with the entire Norwegian army, would not be something to be remembered,
>because any old lady could do it. But to take Sweden with only myself, two dragons
>and two hundred(240) men, this will be something to be remembered
>HMS Crown Prince Håkon Magnus of Norway.
>Oslo, speech on 17 of May, 2016

They were in a pollitical movement which is hostil to Europe , they knew what they were doing. They weren't innocent.

Random people can be redpilled , but leftists don't


>political muslim
Thanks for reminding me there are mentally ill people on Sup Forums

are your parents prominent leftist politicians?

thats liberal logic you faggot libs always parade kids around and claim they cant be touched

Did nothing wrong.

You know how people do thought experiments about going back in time and assassinating hitler before he came to power? That's essentially what Breivik did. He killed the future marxist leaders of germany. He nipped the problem in the bud. Things in 20 years would be so much worse had these young marxists been allowed to go on and attain power.


I think this is the most interest worthy thing I found that came out of the whole situation:

>Quoting Breivik here, at his trial:

One of the most influential people in Norway, Arne Strand, voiced his opinion on public/state funding of the press frequently. He was a protagonist for keeping everyone right winged, more right winged than Carl I. Hagen, out of the democracy. He stated freely that state funding of the press was necessary to preserve the current political hegemony. We must protect the hegemony, we must keep right winged people from expressing themselves.

Public funding of the press ensured that Norway will never be a democracy, because it will not let right winged extremists participate in the debate.

I will name some examples that I haven't addressed on April 17th. Cause and effect of the politically motivated violence July 22nd. To name just a few, but important and typical acts, that were committed by the powers that be in Norway that are, at least as a whole, capable of provoking violent resistance. It is correct that the Labour Party, to avoid having to persecute their enemies in a court of law, put them in psychiatric wards. That was after WW II.

Holden stated it wasn't that many that Norway put in psychiatric wards out of political motivations. He thought it would have only been Hamsun and minister of justice Riisneas. But it was many. It was many. I will elaborate on some cases.

So, it is not a secret that many cultural conservatives and nationalists were neutralized in psychiatric wards after WW II. In any case, the following members of the party "Najonal Samling" (National Socialists) were put into a madhouse by the power apparatus of the Labour Party after the war: Halldis Neegaard Ostbye, pioneer of woman skiing, secretary and chauffeuse of Quisling and NS-ideologist who among other things, published the book "War of the Jews" in 1943. In the end she died in the mental asylum of Dikemark.


First she was incarcerated in 1945 for two years, eight months of those two years in solitary confinement. Later she was sentenced to seven years in prison and a cash fine that was ruinous to her; also her entire wealth was confiscated. The ski factory "Splitkein" in Olso, that also produced the top selling ski wax, was taken from her husband Peter Ostbye by the Labour Party as a sort of revenge for the war. Knut Hamsun is known to us. This unjust war settlement that violates our constitution still is a fester in today's Norway and it will remain that way until the truth becomes part of recorded history, the unlawful sentences are revoked, and the victims or their descendants have been compensated.

It was also attempted to declare non-NS individuals, who were enemies of the Labour Party, as insane. An example is editor Toralv Fanebust. As they did not succeed they gave him a long prison sentence because he disclosed the truth about the people in the center of the Labour Party and their acts during and after the war. His grandson, Frode Fanebust, recently published the book "History of War - Settling the myths" in which he deals with the matter of Fanebust and how the apparatus of the Labour Party tried to declare his grandfather insane.

longer than expected I guess, 2/3

>what is the muslim brotherhood
god damn people are fucking ignorant.
Islam has both political and military elements to their doctrine, jackass

What else has the political power milieu done, pushed, permitted, celebrated, that is capable of provoking violent resistance instead of peaceful political resistance?

The Fatherland Party received 0.5% of the vote in 1993. 1993 was the first time the party entered the election. Bjarne Dahl, 1993, the first candidate on the Oslo list of the Fatherland Party, tried himself in a lawful, political resistance against established immigration policy. During an election campaign on the Oslo marketplace on September 4th 1993 his face was shattered, his jaw bone broken, and some of his teeth knocked out as a result of an attack from members of "Blitz". The leader of the party, Professor Harald Trefall, was also hit in the face by something that was thrown or swung at him during the same attack with the result that he also suffered open wounds in his face. Others were also subject to physical attacks.

As a terrified bystand sent a notice to the editorial staff of "Dagbladet" of this violent attack he received the following answer: "Ok, but is that not something to be considered good?" That was the statement of Dagbladet. And that was their position on the coverage of these attacks. The same position, so it seems, is shared by all of Norway's press. The mainstream media didn't report on this violent, dangerous attack on the Fatherland Party.

>"Ok, but is that not something to be considered good?"

>"Ok, but is that not something to be considered good?"

>"Ok, but is that not something to be considered good?"

You were commited and engaged in a leftist pollitical movement ?

You are out of your fucking mind if you think this man was anything other than an absolute lunatic. You might share his views at their core but if you approve of his methods you are on the same level as child raping mujahideen.

TLDR - the government just prior to his actions banned all peaceful political movements against immigration, and when a party was started, violent antifa's threw a brick in its leaders face in a public square, and smashed people with pipes.. and when Dagbladet, which I believe is their biggest media outlet... was contacted about the lack of coverage, the editor asked:

>"Ok, but is that not something to be considered good?"

On June 28th 2002, parliament politicians begin, in concordance, a massacre of small parties.

They pass a new election law which automatically liquidated all small parties. All parties that didn't at least receive 5000 votes in the last election prior to passing of the law were removed as listed parties. To participate in an election in the future, all others must meet similar requirements. And anyone who does not work from within a listed party, is required to collect 5000 signatures under strict regulations. This has led to a significant reduction in the number of listed parties and it is almost hopeless to found and run a new political party in Norway.
In Sweden, which has approximately double our inhabitants, the requirement is 1500 votes, and there is no automatic liquidation of parties that receive fewer votes.

says the german.

wish we had better photos of this glorious event

2003 to 2012.

PST bragged without restraint about how they had accomplished to dismantle the political-religious organisation "Vigrid". They recounted proudly how they did it, by inviting all young devotees with their parents to the local police stations. PST accomplished their goal of destroying the organisation by maltreatment of the younger members.

Beyond that PST busied themselves with the extensive maltreatment/mobbing of the leader of "Vigrid", Tore Tvedt. Among other things via extensive monitoring, repeated unfounded searches of his residence, arrests, with which they accomplished that he was continuously thrown out of the apartments he rented. He confirmed this as a witness during this trial.

And during a school debate on August 28th in Tonsberg in association with the parliament election 2009, Oyvind Heian, leader of the party "Patriots of Norway" was hit on the forehead suffering a heavily bleeding wound, forcing him to leave the meeting immediately. The meeting was resumed as if nothing happened. Neither the school administration nor the police took steps to apprehend the person responsible for this violent and dangerous attack on party leader Heian.


Before the local election last year the "Christian Unity Party" was subject to an attack by an individual who was a member of "SOS Racism". These are communists, organised communists. Anti-democratic incidents like this as mentioned earlier, be it with or without physical violence, naturally serve to provocate everyone with a nationalistic attitude in this country. That there was no counter-attack surprised all nationalists that followed the developments.

The anti-democratic powers that rule our country obviously anticipated something as well, as evidenced by the ongoing surveillance that was implemented here and drills/exercises for scenarios like the one that is the subject of this trial. But the political milieu that steers this country avoids a debate on the motives of such counter-attacks. There is nothing that could motivate them to reconsider - that is the impression of themselves they want the public to see. It might be that many members of that power milieu actually believe that without recognizing the connection.These are dark outlooks for our country.

So again, this post and:

All Breivik talking in a court statement about reasons he decided to do what he did.

It does, these were all traitors of the Kingdom.
Most importantly it also sent a message to these lying kikes and the others as well.

The norseman is angry, breivik was only the first and acted alone. It wouldn't take many to massacre the parliament, well the traitors there.

Funny thing is that AP got like sympathy for I dunno, that wasn't long.. They surely are not in gov now, but still very big. There are fucking pakis there, they think this will help them in politics. But all it does is further infuriate the norse population who REALLY HATE oslo and the ones who rule the country from there. Everyone except mudslimes and commies love the King and will stand behind him, nomather what this very interesting future will give us.

I smell blood. No more pretending to be christians.

Óóóóðin komtú!
All faðir needs his servants and his soldiers.

>I think we can all agree that what happened on July 22nd was an act of barbarism.

>What happened on July 22nd in the government quarter and on Utoya, were barbaric acts. I remember that on July 21st, after many years of planning, I thought: "tommorrow, you will die". And as I was 200 metres away from the government quarters, I remember that I thought: "in two minutes, you will die".

>For what would I have died? I now want to talk a little about that.

don't worry we'll bust him out.

>Didn't know they gave you access to the internet Breivik

no on the contorary, I've had internet access all the time, but they monitor fucking everything. I am not allowed to admit who I am. First I had to use tor to browse pol so I couldn't post, but the UN said that was against the human rights. Svó hérna er ég.

dat pic

I wonder how he feels now that his high score is broken. Maybe he wants to retake it.

You aren't born a certain way. You're either a conservative or you're not you piece of shit treasonous faggot.

>tfw you finally understand what shia lebouf meant when he yelled JUST DO IT

Nigga grew up in hollywood and was redpilled as fuck

He killed over 60 people IIRC. Muslim killed 49.


someone else will if he's not let out by the King.
We can't let other's have records, ask Sven, it's not ok to be nr 2.

It's like with fishing, you always have to break the record.

he still has the record

Its going to require a political pressure movement to have him released when his time is up.

The question is will Norway and Europe have enough people that have woken up and are willing to pressure them economically etc into letting him go, because as far as I understand, they plan to never let him out for parole and to keep him past his actual sentence date.

I get that you're just to disrupt the circlejerk but you really are just coming off like a normie dumbass.

They weren't children, they were future traitors and cuckold Larvae

>Killing children that will kill your children in the future by not letting them have a future


kinda, he expected to be shot, but prepared for imprisonment

damnit... you almost got me up there
that shitskin only killed 50ish or so didn't he?

Fack.. it would have triggered some mountain monkey
begin planning

>spawncamp shamelessly
>+77 killstreak

well, the court will probably give him another 21 years for being dangerous to society
its backdoor 'we can do what we want'

All I could do is 78-7 on Rust and that was with several apches, harriers and pave lows

top kek pic

one prime target Jonas Gorra Store...
Damn that he and Shitland went before he arrived, that was his one mistake

this, they can do whatever they want now, hold you for ever "by their judgement"

where the fuck may I find a source for this?

did some people do data mining for these people and find pro-islam sentiment on each ones blog or something?

like how the actual fuck do we know?

>he sent them to the great hall.
do you think Odin has mercy for traitors?
he has thrown them to Jörmungandr

Im pretty sure its conveying a message not based in reality, but one that could be expected. You wont get sources, and I dont feel bad for the people who think each individual was doing exactly as described, who knows, maybe that actually is what they were each individually... but of that group, you can pretty much assume they were all those things, and some were probably collateral damage.