Luke did I ever tell you about count Dooku? In the Galician and Portuguese languages, "do cu...

Luke did I ever tell you about count Dooku? In the Galician and Portuguese languages, "do cu," pronounced exactly as in "Dooku," means "from the ass" or "of the ass". For this reason, Dooku's name was changed to "Dookan" in Brazil. He was a good friend.

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He was a good friend, and a dangerous adversary.

More like count dooky

I wonder why they never changed Elan's name.

>Luke, did I ever tell you about the tuskan raider? they killed your grandma because the jedi council wouldnt allow your dad to rescue her. She was a good friend

>Now we must leave before they rape us to death too

count dooku once used force lightning on me which i absorbed with my lightsaber. yes, a lightsaber; a weapon that you now own does that.

Luke, move away from the stove. Did I ever tell you about fire?

Fire is the substance with which material burns. The Jedi used fire for ceremonial purposes. Your father had previously been burned alive by fire on the lava rivers of Mustafar.

He was a good friend.

It makes sense because lightsabers are photonic blades suspended, force lightning is just lightning, so probably absorbed by the photonic blade and dispersed in the exhaust ports.

Luke, did I ever tell you about lightsabers? They are blades which are sheathed and unsheathed by the press of a button, for all intents and purposes, the photonic suspension acts as a solid object when pressed up against another lightsaber. With this knowledge, you will be able to learn disengaging techniques, where you purposely deactivate your lightsaber in order to off-balance your opponent. Had I taught you this, you might still have your hand.

I was a bad mentor.

Luke, sit down and eat your breakfast. Did I ever tell you about your cereal?

Bantha Breakfast Biscuits are a popular food of the Biscuit Baron chain. They are often eaten with blue sauce.

It is a nutritious start to the day.

Did Obi-Wan ever lose his virginity?

I just realized that most jedi are virgins

I've always thought about disengaging the lightsaber mid fight to throw off the opponent. Has anyone ever actually done this in the EU?

i bet you mace windu isn't

and you JUST KNOW yoda and yaddle had a thing

>Luke, did I ever tell you about Darth Maul? He was Sheev's apprentice before Dooku and Vader that used a double-bladed lightsaber. He fought against my master Qui-Gon on Naboo, and managed to kill him. Fortunately, even though I was still a Padawan I managed to cut him in half by taking advantage of the fact that he didn't know how to use the High Ground. However, it turned out that his hate somehow allowed him to survive getting cut in half and falling down a bottomless pit, and he somehow managed to escape from Naboo and become a cyborg spider on some other planet. Years later, during the Clone Wars, his brother Savage Opress found him and upgraded his cyborg legs. They went on a rampage across the Galaxy, trying to get revenge both on me and his former master Sheev. It's such a pity that he never told anyone that Sheev was a Sith Lord, that would have saved us a lot of trouble. They eventually took over Mandalore and killed the only woman I had ever loved right in front of me. After that I kind of lost track of him, not sure what became of him. I hope he's doing well, he was a good friend.

Yeah. Its legends now but it was called Trakata.It wasn't that looked into but it existed. Think it started as a fan thing but was official at some point.

yes, Duchess Satine, it's canon
jedi weren't allowed to form emotional connections but they were permitted to fuck as much as they wanted, also canon.

I did it in a home video with after effects hen I was 15. It makes no sense becuase every swing of your saber should be intended to hit the oponent and not his saber. So if you turn it off, you get killed

Unless you're a Jedi who isn't out to kill, but to apprehend. Cool though, if I was a director I'd have shit like that and pretending your double bladed saber only has one blade etc

Technically Maul does that when he fights Qui-Gon one on one.

The only reason these threads are funny is because I read these all with Alec Guiness's voice in my head.

Luke, did I ever tell you about Dexter Jettster? He owned a small 1940s cafe on Coruscant which doesn't make sense because 1940's aesthetic would not exist in a galaxy far far away. I came to him once while hunting for a famous bounty hunter, and due to his odd and rather random knowledge of specific poisons he pointed me towards Kamino, a planet he shouldnt know existed because it was wiped off of maps. He was a good friend.

Luke, sit down my boy, did I ever tell you about Finn Balor? He was a rarety insofar that he was a black stormtrooper. I believe he was hired in a bid to challange racial stereotypes within the Empire. He did this by running away from his job, stealing a dying man's coat, constantly chasing a white woman around and jacking Han's ride.

He was a good friend.