kek, anyone got that one with the enslaved nigress with a muzzle?

>Alchemists, shamans, herbalists
Niggers are the eternal snake-oil salesmen

Why is one of them white?

no they just love wow


If they're so proud of having been these things in the past, why don't they become them today?

if true then why are you thugs now?

>Keepers of sacred knowledge
Of what? KFC's secret spices?

ever heard of Ben Carson?

>why don't they become them today?
Something something, slavery, something, slavery, slavery, something something.

Why does the black woman look white OP?

Is that supposed to be a white woman?

If not, why does basketball American have red hair?

If you believe the narrative, because inbred, stupid, weak, white savages from up north somehow took all the black man's achievements, possibly after the black man brought them out of darkness, destroyed them, then rediscovered them over the course of thousands of years in other continents before showing back up to enslave the now completely declined black race who had completely forgotten their culture, knowledge, and high-borne ancestry.

Shit, I'd read a fantasy book about that if it was written well.

Because da whyte mayne be usin his devil powerz n sheeeeeiitt.

>black men
>wanting black women

That means they have to work for it, user.

>anyone wanting black women

>using mosaic-like style
>In ancient egyptian imagery

I swear if i see some bullshit like this again...