I'm tired of living here. In Canada you basically have two options. You either live in some white, redneck shithole, bumfuck backwater town. Or you live in overpriced Vancouver or Toronto with a bunch of chinese and shitskins.
It's cold, everything is expensive. The people are boring and dumb as shit. What the fuck, Canada?
Canada, shittiest country ever?
At leaf we're not American (^;
I want off this ride, bud.
But cucknadians on Sup Forums told me it's a perfect paradise.
There are such things as suburbs,
There are warm areas in Canada like Niagara County.
Kill yourself.
Hello false flag
We don't have counties in Canada, you ugly, slit eyed piece of chinese shit.
I feel bad for you Ontariofags.. your province is run by a fascist misandrist dyke. I will stay comfy here in Hongcouver.
Come to the USA. I'm a former socialist quebecois turned nationalist American and it feels good to pay 25% less taxes for sh%tty healthcare
I live in Kamloops. Vancouver is overpriced, filled with chinese, indians, japs, and shitskins all over the world. kill yourself.
I hope not. I just sent an email to Trudeau asking for asylum in Canada. I said I am Muslim
Don't come to Canada. You ugly shitskin. I hope you die during your flight here.
Brazilian planes don't crash.
Kamloops is a shithole filled with degenerate biker gangs and chugs...I live in a 95% white neighborhood. Here, the noose if for you.
They're called boats
babbies first vpn
semi-standard rant until:
>It's cold
I'm not planning on staying, I just want to take advantage of your stupid PM.
I'm gonna ask for money also if he replies to my email.
>tfw living in the only province that can afford to be in Canada
Kamloops is a shithole, but it's better than living in Vancouver, paying 3000$ in rent so you can live with a bunch of orientals and hindus.
what about Montreal?
it's where the people from Cameroon and Congo go.
We don't want you here. Stay in Hungary.
I'm moving to Canada soon
fuck you
Montreal is better than fucking Toronto or Vancouver
No, we don't want slavs in canada. please don't come here.
I'm like 5th generation Canadian. Sick of having to post proof. Unless you're French or British, Slavs are more Canadian than most immigrants. Ukrainians and Poles have been in Canada for like 120 years
Can you live in Montréal without speaking a word of english?
I live in Vancouver, it's the most over-rated city in the world. This place sucks but people constantly talk about how its one of the nicest cities in the world. Vancouver is literally just a shittier version of Seattle and nobody talks up Seattle like it's anything more than the fairly nice place that it is
yeah definitely. You can also live in Montreal without speaking a word of French. It's much much better if you speak both though.
Vancouver is retardedly expensive. It's only nice 'cause it's in BC and BC is the best province.
Change your fucking flag, bud.
Yep...it's Quebec. Pretty much everyone will understand French even if they have a different first language.
Then again the version of French they speak would probably be hilarious redneck shit to you as a frenchman
Defeatist shill detected.
>tfw living in Dartmouth NS
>tfw no Asian QTs but an abundance of ghetto ass niggers
>most people still leftist as fuck and think diversity is amazing
I'm from here so I don't want to leave but Canadians complain about Asians and seem to forget that it could be much MUCH worse.
I agree, Canada is quite bad.
At least it's safe I guess. At the cost of being a ripoff, mundane, cold, etc.
In 1885, John A. Macdonald told the House of Commons that, if the Chinese were not excluded from Canada, “the Aryan character of the future of British America should be destroyed …” This was the precise moment in the histories of Canada and the British Dominions when Macdonald personally introduced race as a defining legal principle of the state…
Macdonald’s comments came as he justified an amendment taking the vote away from anyone “of Mongolian or Chinese race.” He warned that, if the Chinese (who had been in British Columbia as long as Europeans) were allowed to vote, “they might control the vote of that whole Province” and their “Chinese representatives” would foist “Asiatic principles,” “immoralities,” and “eccentricities” on the House “which are abhorrent to the Aryan race and Aryan principles.” He further claimed that “the Aryan races will not wholesomely amalgamate with the Africans or the Asiatics” and that “the cross of those races, like the cross of the dog and the fox, is not successful; it cannot be, and never will be.” For Macdonald, Canada was to be the country that restored a pure Aryan race to its past glory, and the Chinese threatened this purity.
My country is a meme
Our leader is a meme
Life for me is all memes
Sorry it didn't work out for ya, you know where the door is.
uhhhhh wut
there are definitely counties here in ontario
not sure what shit tier province you live in ( aka anywhere that's not ontario )
I live in kelowna, kamloops is shit full of natives and foreign exchanges students from Nigeria and Saudi arabia. Place is garbage though there's some good craft beer there.
>he justified an amendment taking the vote away from anyone “of Mongolian or Chinese race.” He warned that, if the Chinese (who had been in British Columbia as long as Europeans) were allowed to vote, “they might control the vote of that whole Province” and their “Chinese representatives” would foist “Asiatic principles,” “immoralities,” and “eccentricities” on the House “which are abhorrent to the Aryan race and Aryan principles.” He further claimed that “the Aryan races will not wholesomely amalgamate with the Africans or the Asiatics” and that “the cross of those races, like the cross of the dog and the fox, is not successful; it cannot be, and never will be.” For Macdonald, Canada was to be the country that restored a pure Aryan race to its past glory, and the Chinese threatened this purity.
eh, aryan wasa term used back then? i don't think so. Anglo saxon more likely.
>housing completely affordable unless you get a 40 year mortgage with ADJUSTABLE rates so when interest rates go back up you're fucked
>job market is southern europe tier
>cost of living 2x sometimes 3x as much as America despite lower wages and higher unemployment
>third world infrastructure and telecommunications
>rampant nepotism
>white people population decreasing 1% per year
Kek, the chinese are technically more Aryan than the Brits.
Pretty much. me and my gf have a household income of 130,000 a year and cause we live in BC we can't afford shit. The only wealthy people here are ones who live off properties they bought or their parents bought in the pre1990s or they're foreigners who own factories that operate under slave labour conditions.
Canada, especially bc, is going down a path that's going to fuck the majority of people over hard.
I'm not saying the Chinese and shit are awesome and not an issue I'm saying that given the choice of minorities between Chinese and ghetto as fuck niggers I'll take the Chinese. Niggers here actually encourage other niggers to be shitty. They wanna get a job or conform to society in the slightest or just not be a giant welfare piece of shit? They're called an Uncle Tom.
At least Asians (most Asians) strive for more. And the women are better looking than nigger women.
On a side note why am I loling so much at this?
I chose option b
T.Chang The Dog boiler
There are plenty of cities with around 100k people that are all white and not too redneck.
Oh here he goes again. Look at you Canada, posting on Sup Forums thinking you just said some smart shit.
Out of all countries that post here Canadians are the ones that piss me off the most. Their entire fucking culture makes no sense. What exactly is it that you do? Wear flannel shirts and slurp syrup?
If I think of America I think of guns, pop culture and freedom. Sure, lots of ignorant baboons but at least they wear their retardation like a badge of honor, use it as a cultural identity, their flag promotes the unity of the country with all these stripes and stars.
Germany is orderly, a country that prides itself on its rules and their citizens who follow them. It's also the country with the biggest responsibility when it comes to destroying Europe with its two world wars and government sanctioned refugee crisis. Their flag waves strong colors, black, red and gold. A dominant flag for a dominant country.
Russia is strong and stubborn to a fault. They live hard lives and don't complain about it. Obviously the entire country is pretty much a shithole but it breeds strong people who can take care of themselves. Their flag represents the cold, the white, the blue but also the burning passion in the red, it all comes together to signify that their country is bleak but there is strength in that.
But Canada, what are they fucking known for? Being "nice", i guess? Is that your role in the world? Being fucking nice? That's not an achievement. Everyone can be nice. It's easy to be nice. You just don't have to say anything bad.
So what did your fucking country decide to put on their flag to show the entire world what Canada is all about? A leaf. A FUCKING LEAF. You decided that you like to slurp your shitty syrup so damn much that you might as well put the fucking leaf that it's made of on the flag. You don't even respect your own country so why the hell should I.
At least we're not Europe, places like the UK Swede and Germany look absolutely fucking terrifying to live in.
>cost of living 2x sometimes 3x as much as America despite lower wages and higher unemployment
t. never lived in US
t. comparing Toronto with Bumfuck Idaho
Buddhism is closer to Aryan religions than semitic Christianity.
Here come the poo in the loos
If it's too cold you could always start some fires to warm up.
>Tfw chinese and poo in loo
>Tfw still more Aryan than u
I'm tired of all those things too. I'd rather live in the city though, because at least that way you don't have to see the same unlikable people all the time and hate them more and more every time you see them
And the way they just stand there and gawk at things blankly like a cow
>Shitskins actually think this
In the 18th century, the most ancient known Indo-European languages were those of the ancient Indo-Iranians. The word Aryan was therefore adopted to refer not only to the Indo-Iranian peoples, but also to native Indo-European speakers as a whole, including the Romans, Greeks, and the Germans. It was soon recognised that Balts, Celts, and Slavs also belonged to the same group. It was argued that all of these languages originated from a common root—now known as Proto-Indo-European—spoken by an ancient people who were thought of as ancestors of the European, Iranian, and Indo-Aryan peoples. The ethnic group composed of the Proto-Indo-Europeans and their modern descendants was termed the "Aryans"
Move to windsor my friend, yes there are serbs and the occasional nignog from mo-town, but rent is cheap and it's kinda big.
Windsor or London desu for good Ontario cities.
Try Courtney B.C if you don't mind hippies and injuns.
Nope, it was a religious, cultural and linguistic grouping. Otherwise even Semites could be Aryans just by speaking the language. The sources you are using are from the 1800s when Europeans thought Caucasians(armenians, Georgians)were the same as them.
"Aryan" (/ˈɛəriən, ˈɛərjən, ˈær-/)[1] is a term meaning "noble" which was used as a self-designation by Indo-Iranian people. The word was used by the Indic people of the Vedic period in India as an ethnic label for themselves, as well as to refer to the noble class and geographic location known as Āryāvarta where Indo-Aryan culture was based.[2][3] The closely related Iranian people also used the term as an ethnic label for themselves in the Avesta scriptures, and the word forms the etymological source of the country Iran.[4][5][6][7] It was believed in the 19th century that it was also a self-designation used by all Proto-Indo-Europeans, a theory that has now been abandoned.[8] Scholars point out that, even in ancient times, the idea of being an "Aryan" was religious, cultural and linguistic, not racial.
Jeez, stormfags are in such denial
Also this definition you pulled up includes Iranians and Indians, who you have termed shitskins. If you're the same race as them, you're also a shitskin. Congratulations, you played yourself, shitskin.
Our bars represent blood spilled in WW1 and 2. But i guess you wouldn't know anything about that since you guys came in when it was over.
Aryans are white and there is nothing you shit skins can do to change that.
T.Aryan Invasion.
Indo-Euros were all white.
That report, based on a study conducted by researchers from the University of Utah and Andhra Pradesh University in India, found that the genetic profile of India “vividly reflect a historic event, or events that occurred 3,000 or 4,000 years ago. The gene patterns are consistent with a historical scenario in which invading Caucasoids—primarily males—established the caste system and occupied the highest positions, placing the indigenous population, who were more similar to Asians, in lower caste positions.”
One of the study authors, geneticist Lynn Jorde of the University of Utah, went on to be quoted as follows: “[T]here was a group of males with European affinities who were largely responsible for this invasion 3,000 or 4,000 years ago.”
The new PLOS-published research paper confirmed the previous theory and the study.
“A study of extended haplotype homozygosity in HapMap populations estimated that the most intense signals of selection detected in European and East Asian populations are found in haplotypes which extend 0.52 cM on average in length. Assuming a star-shaped genealogy and a generation time of 25 years, the authors dated the peak of these signals to ~6.6 KYA,” the new study paper said. (KYA=thousands of years ago, i.e. 6.6 KYA is 4000 BC.)
“They also observed that the second-longest haplotype (1.15 cM) in Europe includes SLC24A5, where rs1426654-A was found to be fixed. Using the same formula used by Voight to date the average peaks of selection signals in Europe and East Asia, the selective sweep specifically at SLC24A5 in the HapMap European sample can be dated to ~3 KYA.”
In other words, the dating of the European-origin allele seems to fit in perfectly with the time of the Indo-European Aryan invasion.
I like Calgary personally.
Vancouver is fucking stupid, everything is so expensive. I remember it was 40$ or something to see that capilano suspension bridge... 40$... to walk across a bridge...
Saskatchewan: A giant field, no idea how anyone can live there except maybe if there's work greasing hogs or some farm shit.
Manitoba: Same but even more mundane, tons of natives walking around drunk all day.
Ontario: Drivers are insane, north ontario is nice but no jobs and every city is a six hour drive away. Toronto is shit (lol people from there think its so great). Niagara region is ok if I had a boat and such but still not nearly as nice as back home.
Quebec et al.: never been, plan to never go if poutine is all they have to brag about.