Why does Mel hate the English so much?
Why does Mel hate the English so much?
Wyatt Cooper
Tyler Sanders
Eh !? What doya mean ? Cuz a dude is the Aussie ... ???
Owen White
Everybody hates the English. Not a question.
AHHAHAHAHAH based, anyway.
Parker Fisher
>oven dodger
Henry Phillips
Why do they insist upon spreading lies about based Mel?
Zachary Rogers
more like a PAYMENT dodger, amirite comrades?
she steals stuff
Eli Fisher
well she is Jewish after all
Ryan Jenkins
Brody Morales
>Mel coming back
>Noni isn't early-2000s batshit anymore
2017 is looking good senpai
Kayden Bailey
He's a Traditionalist Irish Catholic. English oppressed Catholics in Ireland for a long time.