What the fuck is this?
What the fuck is this?
Do your part and downboat the linked video lad, like to dislike was around 80-1000 last I saw.
Link? Not there for me.
That's you being on the losing side of the culture war. We leftists control EVERYTHING. We're in your governments, your media, your universities, your grade schools. Reveal your powerlevel and be punished.
t. Indigo Pill
"First when i got to Berlin, I slept 4 days."
Yeah, thats all you good for nothing subhumans do you dont need to fucking tell us about it.
>over 4k dislikes
LOL Holy shit, it's got an even worse like/dislike ratio than Rick Perry's "Strong" ad!
I like how it portrays the migrants as mostly female and wanting to get into STEM.
Isn't the reality that migrants (yes, I understand that not all migrants are refugees) are like 90% fighting age males with no educational background?
>comments disabled
Yup, typical liberal propaganda.
Top KEK.
Gives me some hope that not everyone is retarded.
lel south america
There's only 20,000 views. those dislikes were all /pol
Thanks potatobro
inb4 leftist media takes the dislikes on this video and uses them to make a case on how nationalism and racism is well alive today
>Sup Forums has 4k unique posters online at any given time
At least these 2 aren't a complete waste of space.
>What the fuck is this?
White genocide.
>owners of JewTube
> have under 6k subscribers
> most videos have under 50k views
>implying it doesn't
We're one of the most active boards on a site that gets over 27 million unique hits a month.
Really strange with all their engaging interviews with the most intelligent and important people in the world.
The comments are delicious
Use based bing
Just FYI, that's over 3 times as large as reddit's US audience (which is roughly 50% of site traffic).
>supporting hillary
>comments disabled
Say no more.
>doesn't know Sup Forumss power level
support for world refugee day... obviously,
if someone blew up your house wouldn't you want somewhere to go?
But you don't control the guns
Just remember that this got on the Google page, yet D-day did not.
There was a thread earlier encouraging dislikes, Sup Forums Sup Forums /k/ was there too
-single tear on cheek-
AKA WorldCuckedDay
So he's saying that European culture is indistinguishable from Islamic culture? :^)
just added some
Them dislikes, wow.
>5000th dislike
Feels good man
They had to disable them 10 minutes after Sup Forums discovered the video.
I wonder why.
>over 27 million unique hits a month
Except the vast majority of people have dynamic IP's.
The real number is under 5 mil
ISPs are giving static IPs, I know I have one and I never had to request it.
If all your userbase is on a static IP, it's easier to track them.
>the majority of pro refugee comments are women
Naive children
Not really. You can spoof IPs pretty easily(See this: ietf.org
google just removed it because of the negative response probably
SeƱor Girafales is ded ;_;
I'd love to drive 30 busloads of sandnigger refugees and drop them off at Google's headquarters.
For liberals to suck more Muslim cock
Corporations and celebrities love to make humanitarian statements, while they live in fenced off mansions
What can i use besides google? I knew they were bad but this is getting ridiculous
Immigration even from an humanitarian standpoint doesn't make any sense at all.
How about this user? It's far better than Bing, Yahoo, or Ask Jeeves (kek).
those guys are giving a chance at other human beings to achieve their status by letting them in better nations.
doesnt mean these people are responsible in babysitting them in their own property
food wastage in the USA is estimated to be able to feed 600 million more people per year.
Reminder Jewgle was founded by (((Larry Page))) and (((Sergey Brin))) and the current CEO is a NOWAG steet shitter.
ixquick ; doesn't save your search history, and doesn't push agendas on you
This comment makes me want to kill myself. Several times.
Nice vid.
But nobody will listen. This whole clusterfuck has no logic at all, yet they refuse to admit it.
The numbers
The cultural difference
>'we want muslim immigrants'
>'we want gays too'
>muslims shoot gays and shit
>U-Umm islamophobia!
Also, leftists should be anti religion. I cannot understand why they have such a hardon for deeply religious sand people.
wow never used it before
looks pretty good
They call them in and influence masses to support this nonsense and then we have to pay the bills?
I aint paying debts, i wont pay no rapefugees too
>mfw the only data Jewgoole has from me are searches for memes like "greedy jew" and "dirty Mexican".
>muslim pedo working with kids
Let this planet burn. Burn everything.
It's not our job to feed the world. If people don't like American military intervention they shouldn't get other aid either
That's liberal free speech for ya.
At least dislikes are still allowed... Fucking YouTube.
>comments disabled
They knew exactly what they were getting themselves into.
They see the sand people as inferior, and their """humanitarian efforts""" as them being good people, but they'll never be able to admit, especially to themselves, that they treat these people this way precisely because they view them as inferior.
They're a company. They are free to voice their own opinions. What's so hard to understand about this?
Why doesn't anyone talk about the Indian conspiracy?
>captcha Lies Rd.
Its a bandwaggon, we started it today (there was a thread here), it was just 300 dislikes at that point.
thats how I like it
If you were winning, you wouldn't feel the need to point it out...
wew lad, jewgle btfo
Wow. "Welcome to europe mysterious stranger! You seem qualified to work with children."
My sister is an interpreter and they made her jump through hoops for years before they gave her certification to work in elementary schools. And she's a college educated female with no criminal record of any kind. This fucking guy probably killed people in Syria.
>that overexposed souless photography
>that gay piano
>that mudslime girl slowmo
Why do ngo-welfare related media looks so bland and boring nowadays? Specially when it comes from Europe.
Be sure to report the video for child abuse and to state your reasoning why.
Even though this may not change Google's policies, we may at least red pill the poor shmuck who has to read through youtube reports.
Remember, for every organization, there are a multitude of human workers that we can reach out with our messages and change their minds.
The winds, they are a'changin'
>I'm not a robot
Fucking retard. Google knows about your Sup Forums comments.
>comments disabled
At least I can report it
My JDAR is ringing with this poo in loo.... Look at the ears and nose...
>reporting google on their own service
And it confuses me to no end why Sup Forumslacks wouldn't have Reddit accounts for this specific reason. I've been to the front page a few times, and two of those times were for counter signal memes I found here; they're obviously open to taking a dose, so why not pill them? That's a HUGE community of everyday jackoffs stumbling around for answers. Each of us was bluepilled at one point, unless you were one of those lucky kids with a Grand Cyclops for a dad. So why not? All it would do is grow our ranks.
No, Billy. You are the cancer.
This gives me a kek
20 Million Refugees?
If this is true though, I don't think whites are going anywhere soon.
It's more to sew distaste between the two cultures, maybe cause violence.
Because everyone makes fun of reddit here, I wouldn't be caught dead using reddit.
What if I become one of them?
>What if I become one of them?
How easily lead are you? Just think for yourself. Why would that pose a challenge?
>implying they wont see the thousands of reports
cmon, an aussie like you should understand this advanced shitposting
>I want to save Western society from invading Muslim hordes and SJW tyranny, which, left unchecked, will succeed in the genocide of my people, and the undoing of our way of life.
>I am unwilling to accept potential new allies to this end, since I have arbitrarily pledged singular allegiance to an anonymous imageboard which would never even know I died, were it so. I am also unable to accept the fact that nothing lasts forever, and despite the pseudo-Nazi jerkcircle that is Sup Forums'S insistence, there is nothing I can do to stop that because I am a water molecule in the current of time. This is because I am a child, and have not lived long enough to learn that life is about compromise and picking your battles.
It's not there for me
>5k dislikes
>comments disabled
Joogle btfo
>currently 3.71% of the likes/dislikes are likes
Realistically, what is Google's agenda here?
What are they looking to achieve by broadcasting progressive immigration ideologies?