Does Sup Forums approve of nudism?

Does Sup Forums approve of nudism?

Absolutely haram

only if youre hot

Only for males.

No, the Qur'an forbids it.

Those are some pretty tan ass cheeks.

Only if they aren't fat.

I don't understand why people do it.

I'm not a cultural deviator

I respect the laws and customs Pierre Trudeau left in Canada, even if his son is trying to ruin his name.

When did males start to look that feminine?

Do i have an acorn sized dick? No. Therefore i approve

That is a guy

Nice little ass eh. I thought it was a wimminz at first too

I don't know, user. I don't know.

>not having KEN in your life

Faggot detected.

He doesn't look that feminine, have you ever seen anyone naked before?

yes, i unironically do
i wish there where nudist places in my country.
in the mean time i'll keep hanging around naked in my home, feels comfy/10


He doesn't look feminine to you because you are so used to seeing men like that on daily basis that he looks normal.

What's Algeria like in general?

hot and sunny

Like France but with less mosques