However, I can only answer questions for a short while before I must return to my own timeline, because my dinner is in the oven and it will get burnt if I stay here too long.
I am a time traveler from 2109. Ask me anything
Did we find the ayy's yet?
Microbial life has been found to be very common in our home solar system, and is believed to be common throughout the universe. Europa, Triton and Titan are teeming with microorganisms, and extremophiles have been found in Martian lava tubes. We have yet to make contact with intelligent life, however.
What does the first flag planted on Mars by a human look like?
Is Canada actually relevant yet?
What's the deal with AI
Who will be the next major celebrity to die?
give me documented data of all scientific accomplishments and all knowledge learned
The first flag is planted on Mars in 2025 by a contingent of five men and two women sent by the American astronautics company Space Exploration Technologies Corporation. It depicts Earth on one face and Mars on the other.
Go home future nigger, we are full
no you're a faggot from 2016
Do we vote leave?
Post a picture of every premier league result for 16/17
Does Britain look like the movie children of men?
American business magnate and presidential candidate Donald J Trump is found dead in his Manhattan apartment on November 2nd 2016. Two official autopsies confirm that he died as a result of an undiagnosed myocardial dissection, but conspiracy theories are promulgated online and on US talk radio that allege he was the victim of an assassination by his chief political opponent, now known as President Hillary Clinton (2016-2022).
I'm surprised to see Triton and Titan considering the ultra extreme cold, I would have thought Ganymede or Callisto instead. Interesting. Do their biologies rule out a common origin for life in the solar system?
Does Trump MAGA?
You have to go back.
what year does Charlie Sheen die from AIDS?
Britain voted to leave the European Union on June 23rd, 2016. The EU collapses four and a half years later.
AIDS is cured in 2024 by a novel gene therapy technique. Sheen dies in a motorcycle accident in 2031.
That's an awful lot of detail about a minor event from nearly 100 years ago. How have data storage and retrieval interfaces improved?
Feels Bad Man
How you know she gonna be in office till 2022 if you from 2019?
Ignore this. Read the date wrong.
wew lad
Brexit result
>I don't know how to read
Despite expectations, Ganymede is not found to harbour life, and no evidence of past life is found during robotic expeditions.
Callisto shows evidence of past microbial life in a sub-surface ocean, but no present activity.
Please give me detailed scientific documents in all fields if possible
Why not have your robot AI waifu tend to the oven for you?
>6 years
Does she get JFK'd?
does poland rule over the europe as is our birthright?
Is Half Life 3 already out?
Do you still claim Antarctica, crooked teeth bastards.?
This question best question.
I want reddit to leave
She is such a weird character, no figure or anything. But I want to fuck her.
Donald J Trump's death is not considered a 'minor event' in my time.
The United States suffers a devastating economic crash in 2021, leading to the successful impeachment of President Clinton. Vice President Warren refuses to serve, citing mass dissatisfaction with the policies pursued during the Clinton administration which she had supported, leaving Speaker of the House Booker as Commander In Chief. Hopelessly out of his depth, he resigns after 8 months. Snap elections are called and are due to take place in 2023, but growing mass civil unrest and multiple terror attacks by the Patriot Union force the declaration of martial law and the elections do not take place.
Democracy is restored in the US in 2030.
Are black people still claiming that they are kangz n shieeet?
What major diseases or disorders have been cured?
Also, do the feminists and leftists win?
Will I ever be able to record my dreams and/or thoughts? When does the bottom drop out of the hydrocarbon fuel industry? Will I ever be able to "talk" to my dog? What concrete actions will be done to combat "global warming"- if any (sun-screen in orbit etc) ? Will I be able to purchase a robot "butler" (C3P0?) by 2100?
Are you still here? When will the Angels and Ducks win their respective championships?
>britain in charge of believable sci-fi
What is the life expectancy in your time?
>Democracy is restored in the US
>United States
You do know that the US is a Representative Constitutional Republic and not a democracy right?
This. I must know if we win the race war
Hmm... ok Sup Forums who we gonna believe some "Future" fag or almighty Qek
This bong is obviously just D&D'ing it.
stop being so autistantic
Its autistic to make a minor correction now?
ya ok
Why can't you just travel back to a time before your dinner is burnt?
what is the major event in the fall of this year that "changes everything"?
The Negroid race is decimated in the late 2020s by a deadly respiratory disease that causes death in approximately 9 days after initial symptoms are manifested. Approximately 83% of the black population worldwide is killed.
It transpires after the death of the Russian Federation's President Vladimir Putin in 2042 that it was the result of a genetically engineered virus that was specifically designed to target the negroid haplotypes. It is believed that the project was intended to make the Russo-Chinese conquest of Africa possible, but the virus proved more difficult to contain than anticipated and spread worldwide.
By 2036, most of Africa had been conquered by the Russians and Chinese. South Africa was returned to British rule, and remains and important trading outpost.
What kind of technologies have been perfected? Are qt robot waifus reality during your time? No hippy liberal dickheads calling for their "rights" yet?
Protip: Return to the moment dinner is ready.
What Happened to Russia
All of them.
Feminism is considered to have been a fad.
Leftism in the traditional sense became obsolete after widespread automation, beginning in the late 2020s and reaching culmination in the early 2050s, made 'work' obsolete. We now have manageable matter; which was invented by the Technetium Corporation in 2065 and was widely adopted within 10 years.
Shit roleplay tbf
Do you spit or swallow?
Life expectancy is no longer a relevant concept. The SENS Research Foundation developed robust therapies in the 2030s which effectively ended ageing.
yes, and your passive/aggressive reply was uber-autistic too
fucking gay
Hot damn, bix nood!
Full hype!
blow me.
What's the fate of the jewish race? Have they been overthrown and wiped clean from Earth for GOOD?
I'll give rp op this, he's knowledgeable enough about current trends to put on a convincing roleplay.
Is Islam dead?
What is the next war the US engages in?
Is there a global goverment? What discoveries have been made about God's existence?
only if it'll help bring you out of your autistic shell
What are/were best known Polish multinational comanies?
>How you know she gonna be in office till 2022 if you from 2019?
>it's another shill
What happens to the biodiversity of Earth?
Also, what happens to the general climate of Earth and the poles.
Should I invest in bitcoin?
Shit. Still not soon enough.
Based Putin though.
Does Australia ever become an American satellite state?
May as well head that way, Britain couldn't give a shit.
Did Miura ever finish Berserk? Does Brazil win another World Cup?
The Italian time traveler was better
also what about Israel? same size?
>Existing in 2109
I guess the Brexit is imminent, huh.
So what are the emergent markets in your time?
Based. What was the final result?
do i ever stop being a neet?
You piece of shit.
Nice skinhead pron faggot
why president from 2016-2022?
presidential cycles are 4 years, so that would mean she would be president 2016-2024.
You are a miserable failure OP, please fucking go back in time remove yourself from history before you were born. Literally fucking travel back in time and kill your unborn self, fucking pleb.
You should go back to R9K, you are too fixated on autism and its paradigms.
Odds are you are autistic.
again how do you know what happens in year 2024, when you are from 2019? Fucking retard literally kill yourself
He says he is from 2109 literally in the fucking title.
Shit RP though
He may have dyslexia.
awww I made you cry!
What about Gary Johnson? What happens to him?
Also, are firearms prohibited in futureland?
what was the end result of the Syrian Civil war?,
2109, you dyslexic fuck.
Crying them dick tears man.
I predict the amending of the Geneva Convention to exclude the Middle East when it comes to use of WMDs.
Then we just glass 'em
What was the cause of the collapse?
Sorry, I should have stuck with the original "joke" and said pedantic and not triggered you.
The unsustainable debt bubble built up during the era of ultra-low interest rates from 2008-2020. Once interest rates hit 4% in 2020, all hell broke loose.