Even if he got the gun I doubt the faggot could have made the shot
Even if he got the gun I doubt the faggot could have made the shot
>You don't need guns, that's what cops are for!
>Holy shit this kid just fucked his whole life up.
I'll bet you my left nut he'll get a pardon from Obama himself, or at least one of his appointed stooges.
This is attempted murder right?
At least conspiracy or premeditated murder. Throw in an attempt to steal a weapon from the government and you're gonna be put away for awhile
So what happens to this kid going forward considering he is not an American? Does that change anything or does he go to trial in our courts like anyone else?
I seriously hope the media will react the same way they did to Jo Cox' murder. All Democrats are potential murderers and everyone should vote Trump because muh feelings now.
>Trying to open a lvl 3 security holster.
Nigga probably wouldn't even know how to take the safety off.
HOLY SHIT PLEASE BE TRUE! Leftist media will be in full damage control over here.
Wonder when it will show up on CNN's website, all I currently see under top stories is bullshit like
>Ripped soccer shirt prompts 'condom' joke
Nope. The media will say Trump brought it onto himself by inciting hate against minorities and insulting people.
Imagine if he had succeeded.
>Donald Trump Jr. pissed beyond belief
>creates private security company to protect himself and his family
>Eric fills it with his fellow autistic Sup Forumstards who are willing to swear their lives to the royal family
>get high speed paramilitary training paid for by the Trump Organization
>become campaign security as Jr. launches a political campaign to end all campaigns
>purge the Republican party in Night of Long Knives
>nail Hillary Clinton's hands to the doors of the Senate
>crucify democracy
>usher in the American Empire
It would have been the best thing that ever happened to this country.
He claims to be a time traveler sent back to assassinate Trump.
Now that he has failed there will be others.
Hopefully all will fail. If Trump dies he becomes a martyr. Striking him down will make him more powerful than you can possibly imagine. I'd rather he just lose the election or be a useless lame duck president. That way he's just a loser, instead of a rallying figure.
little fucker. he should go back to neogaf.
I am sad he didn't succeed. The butthurt on Sup Forums would have been so fucking delicious. I am sure at least some of the Trump supporters would have actually killed themselves over it.
I don't think you understand how powerful Trump would be in death. The last thing the left wants to do is make Trump a martyr.
Don't know why, but the idea of Trump Jr. having the political career and Eric having the Gestapo Secret Police career makes so much sense to me
gb2 Sup Forums faggot.
>Killing themselves when they could be killing traitors
>>tries to grab gun from cop
Why are liberals always trying to kill people?
I'd sign up.
Please tell me that someone has found his facebook page showing him to be a hard bernie or hillary supporter
Harm Trump ?
>DOJ removes any mention of islam or ISIS from orlando 911 call transcripts
>afraid of inspiring people to join ISIS
>this fuck tries to kill trump
>media will make a hero out of him
>blasting his name and face everywhere
>purposefully inspiring more attacks against trump
fucking faggots. cnn treated the barricade jumper like some sort of victim while he continued to send intimidating tweets at trump.
Liberal media has to answer for this.
They've been spinning Trump into a "literally Hitler" persona it was only a matter of time before dipshits like this kid tried something.
this is clearly the case of a suicidal bernout. hillary voters are too busy reading the instructions on the instant oatmeal that they literally eat every morning to come up with assassination plots.
>They go to hire /k/ and Sup Forums respectively
>Before they can shitpost we're all already there as they flick the lights on reaching for the gold and ivory phone in their late fathers office.
Too bad he didn't succeed.
libcucks will never answer for anything, they'll just cry about "muh hitler" all the time while trying to kill people
>taking a cop's gun
>instead of buying a gun at walmart
Imagine that skinny little brit fucc boi as the hero of liberals
This cuck is going to get raped so hard in prison
There's Glenn Beck's "patriot". Fucking pathetic. When will these manlets learn that you can't stump the trump.
>Go to Trump rally with the intention of shooting Trump
>Don't bring a gun
Make sure to track him down when the police eventually dont decide to charge him. Only right wing political tier crimes are punished.
it would be impossible to get into a rally with a gun. that's why he had to go through security and try to snatch a cop's gun.
>not naming gif "Canada's second winter sport"
He admitted to intending to murder someone under secret service protection
This kid's going away for a while
Fuck yes. Hed be a mad dog
>go to jail
>have tons of free time
>find Sup Forums
>get redpilled and realize you threw your life away for nothing
>under secret service protection
Does Trump have secret service protection yet? I'm pretty sure you only get it when you're officially the nominee. He's just the presumptive nominee.
Then again, they can give it to you if they feel you're at risk.
How would you browse Sup Forums in a US jail?
>Obama is president for 8 years
>not a single assassination attempt
>Trump isn't even officially the Republican nominee yet
>has already survived 2
what race are Americans racist against again?
Like Trump is gonna win. Fucking idiot
Trump has had SS for a while
He's a British cuck.
Nothing of value was lost.
>Then again, they can give it to you if they feel you're at risk.
both he and ben carson got ss protection early on. not sure exactly when but since sleepy ben was still in that should let you know that it was really early.
>trying to grab a gun from a cop
>not just bringing your own
god fucking dammit
stop making me sad because i know it will never happened.
>you'll never give your life for your leige Lord Trump
I was born in the wrong time senpai, there is no honour is this life
Liberals don't like guns remember user?
People don't assassinate shitty Presidents
>implying that wasn't his real goal all along
The cuck would never have landed a killshot anyway but GODDAMNIT JAPAN
I bet he used all the spiciest hashtags and everything. Gonna feel the bern now. In his arse.
Seriously though, this is what you get for trying to convince everyone two things, liberal media:
1) If you could have killed Hitler, you should have. First rule of time travel
2) Trump is Hitler
Shit presidents don't get assassinated
Great ones that oppose central banking do
>pic related except he beat the shit out of the assassin with his cane
And seeing that the event was under SS's control, cuckboi's charges are FEDERAL. He's fucked!!!
Stop spreading that fake "pro-Trump" video that was made to basically make the claim that only Sup Forums supports Trump... how do you guys miss the Hitler salute and Trump destroying the entire planet?? Is a little hentai really all it takes??? kek
That video was a shill assault on us, Japan and the Don.
Have you seen the guy's other work? I wouldn't read too much into it.
Fuck the video
I just want an Iron Man suit to protect Trump from assassins
This is supports that belief. Only the cops have guns and they keep them secure. Otherwise the kid would've just have gone straight to busting through the cops and laying down a hail of gunfire towards Trump instead of wasting time trying to steal a cop's gun.
This is nothing more than clear proof of white liberal privilege.
Any nigger that tries to grab a cops gun gets the 9mm sleeping pill to center mass.
Saint Mike Brown in flopping in his grave.
You overestimate the general populace. Most will look at this video and think Trump is more fresh and hip than an old cunt like Hillary. Usually niggers, which we need to swing to R.
I mean, if the general populace was smart enough to discern the "message" from that video, they'd be smart enough to not fall for the blatant misquotes, kafka traps and homophobic muslim apologists the liberal MSM throws everyday about Trump.
I wouldn't worry about it too much.
It is true. He is a British citizen.
And that's where you fucked up. There is no us, there has never, ever been an us, this is not a clubhouse. If you want to belong to something, you're going to have to stand up and walk outside.
>So what happens to this kid going forward considering he is not an American? Does that change anything or does he go to trial in our courts like anyone else?
He gets an American trial. He gets protected communication with his nations representative. Upon sentence completed, he gets deported. US Marshals usually take care of that. He will probably go to the most violent federal facility.
>high ranking official in state corrections
Limeys btfo