There's right now a movement that goes against the stupid laws of the president in Oaxaca.
800 Federals went against this movement using full force shooting against people without weapons.
There's right now a movement that goes against the stupid laws of the president in Oaxaca.
800 Federals went against this movement using full force shooting against people without weapons.
Other urls found in this thread:
What are these stupid laws?
>Mexican Intellectuals
Can you explain further, my future wall building friend?
man, in the future we will have list of countries NOT in conflict
>which will be none
Last night we were talking about this shit and today I got a live link of a protest but nothing happen, I guess is time to turn the tv on.
Can you guys explain more? I don't really know anything about what goes in your country.
>Government corruption, and poor people getting shot in a 3rd world shit hole
Can't say I'm all that surprised, senpai
Those dumb commies aka ''''teachers'''' must be deported to africa.
Is this the direct result the the other incident? the one that ended up with 6 teachers dead?
Are communists to blame for implanting this anti-government commie mentality on Latin America?
For reference.
Mexico has its own canada?
Redpill me on these ""teachers"""? why every one accepted the Educational Reform but them?
From my comfy chair it looks like they do not want to stop sucking on the titty of the budget and want to give their jobs to their own kids when they die and also do not want to take periodic evaluations so every one knows they are good teachers.
They look like parasites from here, why should I care if they are being murdered for being a bunch of communists?
>Are communists to blame for implanting this anti-government commie mentality on Latin America
Yes, but also on US just look at your liberals m8
One of the most up voted comment in the "anonymous planing cyber attack on Peña Nieto"
>-First teach me how to hack Clash of Clans and only after that tell me about the protests :V
Holy shit you fuckers are doomed
Anti-government mentality isnt exclusive to commie mindset. In fact, in my country the biggest pro-government are both big left and right parties (which are pretty much moderate left and centre-left), and both are the reason why we haven't improved a tiny bit since the 90's.
I don't understand. What's going on in Mexico? What are they revolting for?
Yes, but the leaf represents the leaf of the tamale
Nice Canada bro. I see you also use yours as a hat.
Can yadayadayada
Guys it isn't looking good..
Mexican intellectuals are predicting a Hillary win!
Just end us already please.
Why the fuck can't any Central or South American country go a decade without some form of coup/uprising?
Seriously, get your shit together.
Doesn't Mexico have some extremely strict gun control? Funny how the fedarales have all the guns and can shoot unarmed civilians..... yet somehow this could quote "never happen in America, stop being racist" as some gun grabbers say. Really makes ya think.
Federal cops also got shot by the people
Who cares about mexico this is just a normal mexican day
Yeah its the same, day two just ended and a lot of skulls were smashed
this ppl are not teachers you dumb fucker, its ppl who get paid for fucking shit up they break and burn stuff, their own city stuff you think ppl from there will be willing to fuck up their city just to maintain the privillege of a few?
the educational reform, took away the teachers sindicate privilege and power, they had all their families with a free paycheck, they took thousands of ppl who were just gettig money from noting, and their leader is being jundge right now for money lawdry and diversion of funds.
if you really believe those shitty facebook videos fucking kill yourself.
Leave mexico right now fucking illetrade piece of shit
this, the teachers syndicate is a fucking cartel feeding off taxpayers money, fuck them. They are protesting because the federal government wanted to substitute the teachers that were protesting for over a year leaving a shit ton of kids without classes, i hate Peña like everybody else, but at least he did fuck up that teachers cartel pretty good
Oh so you guys are killing commies? Good. I approve.
stfu kid fucking learn about politics this kind of videos are there for the views, you are feeding lazy ppl like you do be ignorant and shitty.
What you dont do foryourself no body will do it for you kid, the goverment is not to blame if you are a little lazy and shit.
you even know how old are those teachers? they are not teacher you fucking stupid monkey they are all young 25 or less, why are they so young if supposely they have years in the syndicate?
dont be so fucking stupid, and read and study more and dont lisend to your parents they are as fucking dumb as you.
You always bring up the cartel, what has to do the cartel with the teachers syndicate? you are fucking dumb, i am from sinaloa and you dont know shit about cartels stupid fuckers keep waching lopez doriga fucking dumb sheeplete.
do you even come to pol? how many years? 2 days?
i wish, its just some dumb propaganda, they are blaming the police.
those little fuckers had pistols, and they are destroying shit up just to blame the goverment.
ikr i wish a fucking bomb blow up in the capital to fucking erradicate all those fucking dumb chilangos ppl in central and south mexico are as dumb as southamericans.
nice meme i know you have a shitty opinion so just leave all the memes you can.
there you go annon
just dont care about your contry. its all fine.
>13 million illegal mexican immigrants
>Brutal cartel run government
>60,000 people killed or even more
>Cartels still classified as criminals and not warlords
>Billions in money laundering by American Banks
Wtf is my country doing? Why are we fighting wars in the middle East for a bunch of sand jews? There's a war on our border right now.
>spictard posts 4 videos in spicinese
>no fucks end up being given cuz anyone with potential fucks to give cant understand spicinese...
nice one dumb shit
Can a Mexican intellectual provide a livestream? My desire to get comfy as fuck is intensifying.
Indroctinated roaches.
ok burger this is pol not a fucking pug, prove all that or you are a pussy faggot, you know the drill right? oh wait are youa summerfag?
i know exactly what is my country doing, and clearly i know more about your racist and enophobic shitthole.
Dont worry you have niggers, black lives matter right? lmao you already forgotten the beta uprising? or your shitty education system, dont worry your socially segregated country is better?
>Swearing constantly
>No cohesive point just random bits of information
>Ad hominem arguments
>Defending the cartels
>Claims he's redpilled
Yes, yes little goyim. Defend our system.
Exactly what I was thinking, either put up the fucking wall or send some jets to put the fear of America in them
fishing views is so hard in these days
lazy faggot kids think what ppl do for views is real lmao and come to pol? what is happening with young ppl of these generation?
That vid is still one of my favorite things Sup Forums has ever produced
Yep, that's why they are fighting, and then they go and tell people that the education bill says that the basic public education is going to turn private instead of being free, which is a lie, and that they have to pay for the school bills, and to mantain the schools and everything
No, it's more like venezuela KEK
pay your debtsbsbts
lol, good job again burritos. This is why you're not welcome here
you only talk english? lol poor bastard
redpilled? ty gringo.
ad hominem lol wasnt that straw man?
no you are not clever you are just a member of
It's about time the dagoes did something instead of running away.
See, you guys are already fighting over which of you gets to pay for the wall.
i am welcome, and i go there everyyear many times a year, i really doub a poorfag like you know whats up
I was going there this October. Did the Communists make their move?
> basically a non-stop warfare
send the jets annon we really need them, aim for oaxaca please.
Spare sinaloa or you wont have more cheap drug
Wall just got way more necessary
Build Wall!!!
Don't you fuckers start claiming fugee status!!!
>Don't you worry you have niggers
Mestizos are tequila niggers Paco. If you think the cartels aren't in place to spur mass immigration into the US then you have no idea what you're country is doing.
All you did was make the typical mexican arguments of "ayo ese we wuz natives n shit" you xenophobes. If we're such a racist and xenophobic shithole then why does your government print out info pamphlets to hell you all not die on the way over.
Kek. They literally have to tell you to bring food, water, and lube when your women are raped by your so called "protectors" when crossing the border. Mexicans man.Mexicans make rest of the Latin Americans look like saints.
Wait, Mexico Generals now?
lol just keep buying corn and mangoes faggot, and i can build the wallmyself.
Don't come here as a refugee faggot.
Stay there and fight, like a man. Get guns from Honduras.
>Get guns from Honduras.
Why, Obama will happily supply them for free
Are the Federals trying to summon Great Cthulhu with a blood sacrifice?
Good. Mexicans should've revolted a long time ago. This time make a constitution protecting your right to bear arms so that your people can defend themselves from the cartel criminals there, instead of having to come here just to be able to defend themselves.
Yet another reason we need to build a wall and put guns on it maybe even a minefield.
are you mad?
>Ad hominem? Strawman.
>Calls me gringo in the next sentence
The wall just got 10 feet taller.
Lol is your govt secret atheist commies?
in battle rock paper scissors i think the tunnel beat the wall.
been debunking your shit since day one, its my peasure burger
I've been to Oaxcaca driving through a few times. *THE* lowest IQ, most pissed off people in Mexico, in the shittiest part. Even the kids were mean.
I'm sure their gripes are legit. I hope Obama declares them refugees so we can bring them to So Cal with all their relatives.
but I thought you wouldn't have any crime when you banned guns
nah we dont have the kind of damage control your goverment have, in mexico global media is not controlled 100% by the goverment.
i hope they kill them all
nothing on plebbit about this, but I'm not surprised.
M E 7 I C 0
He's right tho, the problem with modern education is that ancient dinosaurs have all the high chair and refuse to let them go because the dumbasses decided to buy 4 different cars and cant go back to a regular salary because their own taxes would end up fucking them, there's a lot of young new proffesors who cant find a damn job or are sent to the middle of nowhere to work because there's people with 50+ years of working on the same school and refuse to leave, the ability to forcefully retire them is something thats very much needed in our educational system for it to grow and expand
It's a third world country filled with brown people. What more do you need to know? Rape, AIDS, and violence.
I dunno, but they sure as fuck aren't learning how to form complete comprehensible fucking sentences now are they?
stupid fuckin wetbacks
It's hard to win in the face of such persuasive argument from Mexican intellectuals.
I don't get it, Mexico.
Every time I see footage of Mexico, it is either some swanky resort, or a broke as shit city or town, and skinny dogs running around.
How the fuck do people survive there?
>There's right now a movement that goes against the stupid laws of the president in Oaxaca.
>laws that prevent teacher's unions to own their job positions and even own several of them in spite how many hours they actually spend on their classrom
>Laws that makes it possible for every people with a vocation for teaching to enter the public education system after presenting a general exam and not having to have a friend on the union leadership or having to be brain washed in the marxist teacher's education system
>laws that evaluate teachers to track their competence and remove those who are worth shit because they don't even got an education degree because they inherited their job positions through someone in the union (see above)
Yeah you stupid chairo fuck, fuck those commies and fuck them up good.
I have a friend who went to Oaxaca he said that the teachers he met were actually forced to be a part of the syndicate as soon as they decided to be teachers. I bet ost of them get brainwashed along the way. CNTE holds on to the money the goverment gives to the teachers, so at the end of the day when kids dont have a seat, concrete floors or a blackboard to teach on the teachers blame the goverment.
Its like my parents divorce all over again
>Be spic
>Gained full legal citizenship less than a month ago.
>Open up Sup Forums
>See this.
>Everyone I talk to supports the "teachers"
>They are even in support of an armed revolution
Why is everyone so fucking stupid holy shit
Communist delusion and fighting a war against only helicopters may be manageable.
You need an armed revolution paco.
You need gun rights.
This is not a debatable issue.
You've needed an armed revolution for a long time now, I don't know how many of your people have to get narco'd before you realize that.
None of the Mexicans in this thread can type in English
Stay away from Sup Forums you dumb beaners
>You need gun rights.
>This is not a debatable issue.
>You've needed an armed revolution for a long time now, I don't know how many of your people have to get narco'd before you realize that.
except these retard want a commie revolution which would grant nothing you mentioned.
Except that this revolution is fueled by liberal commies. It could only get worse from here.
Mexican education is controlled by syndicates that are corrupted as fuck and greedy.
The government is trying to take their powers away but the syndicate leaders of CNTE is blackmailing the teachers to do their bidding or they will lose their jobs and all their privileges even though they don't teach anything, they have poor knowledge and basically don't do their job.
In this case the government IS RIGHT and they are trying to improve the education of Mexico, they are trying to remove the teachers that don't approve the requirements so they can be replaced but their leaders totally oppose this because of money.
Read more about Elba Esther Gordillo and Ruben Nunez so you can know more about this and how corrupt these people were.
> 7-0
What leftist assholes here in Mexico dont understand is that a revolution happens. Its not somthing that in your disposal just because you think the system is unfair. A revolution is not somthing that happens because the people want it, more like somthing that happens when there is no other way out. Countries collapse and need decades to recover from a revolution.
All these leftist assholes wont have any idea what to do if their wishes come true and they "beat" the goverment.
Gordillo holds significant powers from the national public schools system dominated by Gordillo's union in which teaching positions could be sold or inherited.[1] There are roughly 1.5 million teachers in this union which she has controlled since 1989. In 2008, she was reportedly caught on camera having bought 59 new Hummer vehicles to give her aides, only to raffle them off when the media brought the purchase to light.[8][9]
Gordillo is notorious for wearing luxury brands such as Hermès and Chanel. She has allegedly spent US$2.1 million at a Neiman Marcus department store in San Diego between March 2009 and January 2012.[2][7] Gordillo allegedly used the money on properties, including in the US, a private jet, art work and plastic surgeries.[1][2] She has allegedly amassed some 10 properties, including a US$1.7 million home in San Diego and a $4 million water-front house in Coronado, California.[10]
Gordillo allegedly set up a political party that followed principles of a patronage system in 2005 that became notorious for obtaining privileges and appointments in return of its support in key elections. It was widely speculated that she helped former president Felipe Calderon obtain his narrow victory for the presidency in 2006 as part of a deal that allowed her to place individuals in the government who held allegiances to her.[9]
The former union leader was formally charged in February 2013 with embezzling US$200 million from the union to fund her lavish lifestyle. She is notorious for her expensive Hermès bags as well as numerous plastic surgeries from clinics in California. She is believed to own or be connected to three residences in California. One of which, where she spent most of her time before her arrest, was a $4.7 million house in Coronado Cays with a private dock, a boat, and Jet Ski.[11]
Gordillo was arrested on corruption charges by the Mexican authorities on 26 February 2013 after her private jet in which she had travelled from California landed at the Toluca airport near the capital. She was arrested for allegedly embezzling 2 billion pesos (US$156,816,000 or €119,242,600) from the Mexican National Educational Workers Union (SNTE), according to Attorney General Jesus Murillo Karam.[12][13] She also allegedly wired large sums of money to Swiss bank accounts, while other funds were used for plastic surgeries or personal luxuries. Among other questionable expenditures, according to Karam, were the maintenance and rental expenses of a hangar and aircraft. Prosecutors argue she would not have been able to make several purchases on her salary.[14] (31,398 pesos or US$2,459 per month.[15]) She has been charged with embezzlement and organized crime.[1][3] To head her criminal defense, Gordillo hired prominent penal lawyer Marco Antonio del Toro Carazo who is also defending labor leader Napoleón Gómez Urrutia.[16][17]