can we talk about racial profiling and why its bad
why is it bad?
Can we talk about racial profiling and why its bad
Because innocent blacks and Muslims will get treated unfairly through no fault of their own.
Governments should want to lift minorities up to be equal to everyone else, and a society where all blacks are treated like criminals because of a statistical likelihood will not do this.
That is the cool headed, rational reason for not wanting racial profiling.
once again proving that
mathematics = autism
the government should not lift people who are not equal up
So this picture is basically admitting that our probabilities of success are based off our actions and decisions and that black people aren't trying hard enough?
It should, because you don't want a persistent underclass that fails to integrate (like blacks).
Even if blacks are genetically a bit dumber, integration and intermixing will even it out in the long run, provided they actually integrate. I believe it's all a cultural issue, myself.
you have yet to prove that their "color" is the cause of their crime rate.
until then, you're just using the lowest common denominator fallacy.
Being searched is not being treated as a criminal.
You are not a criminal for being looked into more by the police.
Also, the government is in no way obliged to lift any demographic up.
NGE is shit btw.
nothing wrong with it, if muslims really want to help they would like the idea
muh feelings basically
Now this is bait
also, same reason why all men shouldn't be considered as rapists.
you're basically no better than a hardcore feminazi.
being profiled does not disadvantage you.
The only way it effects you is if you are committing a crime, in which case you should not flourish.
Blacks are more likely to being stopped and searched with no drugs to be found while whites are statically more likely to have drugs on them if they are searched. Why aren't whites searched more often?
The government is there to serve the public interest. How is the public interest served by maintaining a permanent black underclass?
>15% of the population commit over 50% of all violent crime and get profiled accordingly
>this is exactly the same as assuming every man is a rapist because of a couple dozen actual rapists
Pick related, it's you.
because the blacks are more likely to be violent offenders
Think hard and try to understand why a law-abiding black might get pissed off by being searched every time he encounters a cop.
>You have a choice between two cups
>Nothing in your life except your own actions are stopping you from picking the superior option
>Blue is remaining uneducated and working a shitty job, barely getting by
>Red is putting some effort into your life and going somewhere good in it
>Niggers would rather stay in the ghetto and steal the coins in the cups instead of following the rules and putting in effort to shake them
Because blacks are more often searched as a result of being arrested for theft or assault, whereas whites get searched pretty much only when they're being confronted for having drugs to begin with
Assuming you didn't just make that up
Wait a minute. 50% of the population (men) commit 99% of the rapes.
How is profiling men as rapists not much more justified than profiling blacks as criminals?
You know, you can avoid being racially profiled simply by dressing better or otherwise presenting yourself as NotANigger.
If you look like a nigger, you will be treated like one.
It's no different than if you're overly pierced and tattooed and white.
>99% of the rapes.
Ah, a real feminist, I see.
Look up actual statistics next time, kay? Not to mention, the statistics for false rape accusations.
A black dude on YouTube was ranting about profiling.
But in a different way.
He basically said that if black people don't want to get pulled over and/or frisked all the time they should stop committing crimes.
You frisk 10 black guys and 7 of them had drugs/gun
You frisk 10 white guys and only 3 of them had drugs/gun
Yeah I'd tell the other cops "hey check the blacks, they usually have something"
Because the likelihood of any given man being a rapist is exceedingly low, where as approximately one in three black men will go to jail at some point
> the existence of false rape accusations somehow changes the fact that 99% of rapes are committed by men
Probably nearly the same proportion of the murders too.
In any typical rape investigation men are suspected over women
Men may be 99% of rape CONVICTIONS but only because female rape is only rarely even prosecuted, and in some regions literally not a crime (they can only get sexual assault).
>not obliged to lift any demographic up.
Oh but it is, since this serves the common good. In fact this is the exact opposite of what it's doing today. If the government were really interested in helping the black community it would recognize that blacks are on average less capable of high skilled job due to genetic deficiencies. It could then invest in creating a robust low-skilled job base, which would help poor whites as well, while setting up a trade school system in impoverished minority (and white) communities.
>blacks overwhelmingly commit majority of crime
>avoid black neighborhood accordingly
its my fault though right? i should just go there and get mugged, its just their culture, i'm a racist
Well, it kinda is hard to rape a flaccid dick. And since women are physically drastically inferior - except for the man beast female bodybuilder/MMA monster who would still be BTFO by her male counterpart - you most likely CAN'T even rape.
I suppose that part of the argument is meant to be that races affected negatiely by racial profiling are then becoming disenfranchised with the rest of society and more insular as you can see in ghettos in most Western nations which then leads them down life paths where they are more likely to commit crimes and continue the cycle of:
cops are discriminate against you due to skin colour -> you become disenfranchised with the "white" way of life -> don't contribute back to society as a whole and turn to crime -> cause the cops to discriminate more against your race because of the disproportionate amount of crime
I don't think it's a race thing in that cops are racist and hate black people, but they are just going along with the "squeaky wheel gets the grease" mentality which is certainly justified. I also don't think there is really a solution to the problem that doesn't involve fair discussion from both sides to lead to a proper integration into society and doesn't devolve into "DEY RAYCIS" yelling and screaming, I know on here on Sup Forums you would say the answer is just to deport or kill all non-whites, but that sort of answer just doesn't apply to the real world.
I mean, I could live aside non-whites a lot better if they were all as generally well educated and well behaved as, say, East Asians tend to be, though maybe not so much the Chinese 100%.
So, extrapolate you to the whole country
> everyone avoids black neighborhood
> blacks stay as permanent, shitty, criminal underclass
What's your solution?
From a common good point of view, we should prefer policies that promote integration of shitty minorities, not having them be shitty forever.
its bad because Europeans have been suckered into tolerating darkies and their race baiting cucktural Marxist masters
>shaking the red cup is profitable at the expense of inequality
>shaking the blue cup isn't profitable.
I don't believe in equality. I think blacks shouldn't have been taken from Africa, and we shouldn't have invaded the Native Americans. I believe that, left alone, we would inevitably lead up to our own form of social progress, and it wouldn't be based on stupid notions such as equality (Who in this fucking world is equal?); it'd be based on honour and virtue.
Oh no! Poor innocent muslims! I sure feel bad for that religion!!!
>ur doin the same thing feminists do
if what i was doing was remotely analogous to what modern feminism calls for in response to """"""rape"""""" culture, i would be advocating eugenics for blacks
>East Asians
I would rather live next to a ghetto black family than an asian family 10 times out of 10. If I have a heart attack and collapse on my porch, or my house was burning down, who do you think would come help? Hint: it's not the asian. They're soulless subhumans senpai.
Yep, well put.
The SJW Left and the right wingers both don't want to discuss what's needed: integration, with respect for everyone's basic dignity.
Are you a chick? Guys can't actually control their boners. Also chicks can and do mollest passed out drunk guys, and can physically overpower other chicks.
Not that these are exceptionally common or anything, but neither is male on female rape in the west, especially if you don't include shitskins
Care to provide a single example where the integration of shitty minorities produced a good community?
My country is the living result of integration with minorities.
It doesn't matter at all. The causation is irrelevant if the probability is still there. It's not the color of the cup (red) that changes the probability, but the percent is still 80%
Just look at the Irish.
Or even the Italians in America 100 years ago. They were all bomb-throwers and gangsters. Now they think they're white :^)
>we should shit in the punch bowl to improve the environment of the shit
yeh u rite
Eh you know what I mean,
Both groups think they can exploit the issue so will as much as they can.
But it is.
It is up to men everywhere to ensure that women feel safe about it, by first and foremost not raping and watching the intentions and actions of other men.
And alarm women on drugged drinks and escort them somewhere if needed.
>Inb4 white knight
99.9% of you (would)do these things every day.
> I can understand complex societal problems by way of metaphors about shit
If they stopped doing crime, people wouldn't avoid them. They don't do crime because of white flight, white flight happens because blacks are shitty and violent and destroy everything they touch
you don't have your logical link.
you're just using a primitive tribaliste generalization.
>muh tribe is better than the other tribe.
"Drugged drinks" are a complete myth. It's just stupid, hysterical women who've had too much to drink.
Alcohol is about the ideal rapists' drug already.
So why do you think they commit crime?
The reason the Irish and Italian sterotypes went away is because they were actually wrong
>Well, it kinda is hard to rape a flaccid dick. And since women are physically drastically inferior most likely CAN'T even rape.
>what are accidental erections
>what are drugs designed to give men erections
>what are drugs designed to physically incapacitate humans
>these things don't exist in the mind of the feminist. Except for the last one, which apparently women can never, never, access.
Try again, that isn't a solution to the USA's problem with a black underclass. All you're doing is restating the problem.
Not allowed:
> Deportation
> Genocide
Italians is italy are civilized. Irish in Ireland are supposedly civilized. So both these groups have the potential to be integrated and function in a white society.
Perhaps there are some civilized muslims societies but I don't know any civilized nigger society.
Not all rattlesnakes will bite you,
But that doesn't mean you should start petting them.
ive actually been racially profiled before, it isnt so bad just annoying
Inferior average intelligence, compounded by the smart ones leaving the black shitholes at first chance. That and an extremely anti-authortarian counter culture which vilifies the very things they need, work ethic and education
But they weren't. The Italians were a really shitty group of people who totally failed to integrate and did nothing but organized crime.
Ever heard of the Anarchists? They were about all Italians, and they bombed Wall Street and tried to shoot a few presidents.
Yeah; very bad.
No, this is definitely not good.
Because if we're honest and cut the BS we might fix the things they're counting on to stay broken.
How else you gonna divide and conquer, if not from within?
whoops, you left out not letting them in in the first place britcuck. but you wouldn't understand that anyway
inshallah all those ISIS sleeper cells will behead you and all your family
Yeah that sounds about right, I agree
why do men commit more crime than women ?
Fuck you limey. Those are the only solutions, besides various sorts of eugenics. And if we're not willing to do that, which apparently we aren't, we're just going to have to deal with it forever
So, your solution is to go back in time and not have slavery?
> hurr muslims
Yeah, well, I'd rather live in a Muslim country than around your blacks.
Well then, the more you know.
I need to get my ass to the bar.
i shake them both until my arms fall off. there is no down side to getting tails with either and no limit to shakes
Also, from my knowledge the only time niggers were more or less well behaved in the US, was when they were openly segregated from white people and allowed to have their own communities.
I've been racially profiled because I've got a durka beard at the moment and I've got dark hair.
They leave me alone every single time when I show my ID or they've figured out I'm not up to any terrorist acts.
If you don't want to be profiled, don't look like a stereotypical criminal.
>Yeah, well, I'd rather live in a Muslim country than around your blacks.
A disproportionate amount of orgabized crime was italian immigrants and their children. But the vast majority of them were uninvolved, as literally had to be the case, there's only so much room for professional crime. More importantly, it's certainly not the case NOW.
It's not that it's always 100% bad in principle but the statistics do not always support the level of hatred you see on pol
People think police racial profiling is bad because it fosters a culture of anti police mentality among blacks
I'm not saying police shouldn't profile blacks but that argument seems reasonable to me, it just also seems reasonable for the cops to do it anyway, because most of the crime is coming from young black dudes
> things are bad, so there's no point trying anything else
You could always try to get blacks to integrate.
Hm, how would you do that? Maybe, just maybe, try to reverse black-white segregation? And work against attitudes which keep blacks apart from the rest of society?
There are other ways. Stalin would've just bulldozed the ghettoes and made all the blacks work on farms a long way from one another.
Because most crime is done to obtain shit, and women get their shit from men, in exchange for their company and vaginas
That is a legitimate suggestion. Black nationalist separatism might work, like Jews did in Israel. But you'd have to give up part of the US to give them a real homeland. Liberia didn't work out.
>You could always try to get blacks to integrate.
How do you integrate that which refuses to be integrated? You can take the nigger out of the hood but most of the time you can't take the hood out of the nigger.
"crime" is too broad to give a decent answer.
Blacks keep themselves isolated. They intentionally act extra aggressive and taget other races for crimes to drive them away. They LIKE being criminals
how long does this integration shit take
its been 250 years and the nogs still nog
you could actually say things got worse post-segregation
This song is a good example of why racial profiling exists in the first place in the US.
But of course Ice Cube is labeled as a pussy by anyone "hardcore" these days because he actually cares about African Americans.
Don't be silly OP, professor Goldberg in my African-American Studies class told me that blacks only have a higher reported crime rate because police are racist and target them more.
Webm related, an innocent black child being murdered by a racist pig who is probably a member of the KKK.
> 250 years
> slavery outlawed in 1860
> Jim Crow in law until 1964
> Majorities in South against interracial marriage till early 2000's
>support profiling because limited resources should be expended on actual likely risks, such as blacks for crimes, whites for spree shootings, and Arabs for terrorism
>someone posts a reasonable counterargument
>all the responses are retarded and make my point look bad
This is being the only intelligent black guy all over again.
>obama forced integration laws of 2019
>nogs now commit 100% of all crime as there are no whites left
>you can shake a cup to flip the coin inside 10 times
>10 times
>Continue moving towards an officer holding a gun at you
>"Ayy mang whid he get shot he was a good boy he didndu nuffin he was goin to college tryinna cure his cough mang"
american education system at work
blacks have a black separatist place. it's called africa.
they literally can't read dr. seuss. their separate country will fail, then they will flood back into america from the south again.
maybe we can shoot them at the border. but it won't work. they WILL fal.
I bet you think Africa's a country, don't you, Cletus?
>How is profiling men as rapists not much more justified than profiling blacks as criminals?
It is and that is what we do.
I bet you think all minorities are part of the same common group, Jeremy.
>"Drugged drinks" are a complete myth. It's just stupid, hysterical women who've had too much to drink.
The fact that this myth has existed for so long proves how much we profile men even unconsciously. But even then believing that it is true has probably stopped some rapes in the end.
>> blacks stay as permanent, shitty, criminal underclass
How the fuck is people running away from them making the an underclass nigga? What the fuck.
The fuck did I do!?
Statistics don't lie.
how many different countries have to fail before you realize taht niggers can't read, nigel?
how many countries that work do they have to go to, and be unable to read, and shoot people, before you realize they're animals?
funfact: genetic anthropologist have settled on teh multiregional hypothesis for the emergence of modern man. about 60k years ago modern man emerged somewhere in northern persia, and then spread out into asia and europe from there, into asia about 15k years ago, and into europe about 5k years ago as the ice age wound down.
introgression into middle eastern populations ends somewhere around egypt in terms of modern genetic man. what's interesting about this is that there are a few things that distinguish this type of man, including gestation length, teeth patterns, skull size, the early appearance of fire and agriculture, and certain types of stone tools, and a few key genetic markers.
NONE of this except fire emerged in africa, as far as we can tell, africans discovered fire about 1k years ago.
the problem with releasing this information is that it NECESSITATES that ;blacks evolved separately for about 100k years, and never met the key archeological or genetic benchmarks that the rest of humanity did.
so they're caught. the proved the racists right, but have to stifle their own field to keep it quiet.
recap: blacks have different TEETH than we do. we can identify different species of pre-hominid by SINGLE TEETH. and blacks have different teeth. that's how DIFFERENT we are.
Should be obvious.
> No opportunities to integrate or network for jobs
> Neighborhoods have terrible economy
> Get taken over by gangs
> Quality of schools goes to shit
> No opportunity to leave and move for better jobs or education
> Etc etc
Go back to Russia