Legal ‘male abortion’ on table in Sweden

>The group also voted in support of legalization of necrophilia, or sexual acts with a corpse, on condition that the person gave consent while still alive: “You should have the right to decide what happens to your body after you pass, and if someone wants to will their body to a museum or to science, or to bequeath it to someone for sex, they should be allowed to do so.”


>“You should have the right to decide what happens to your body after you pass, and if someone wants to will their body to a museum or to science, or to bequeath it to someone for sex, they should be allowed to do so.”

That logic is sound



>male abortion

I don't see the problem with that. At least you won't be stuck with child support for 18 years for a kid you didn't want. If women can opt out, then men should have the same option.

Just because necrophilia is gross doesn't make them wrong. If it's consensual what's the problem? Opposing something just because you don't like it makes you no better than SJWs. Real freedom includes being free to be a disgusting pervert.

Am i free to live in a world without delusional mentally sick people walking around?

Would you mind if your wifes son's teacher was found out to want to fuck dead people?

Also.... If consent is all it takes to confuse liberals...

Why cant a 12yo sleep with a 40yo man if they both consent??

Listen here you filthy limey cunt.

You are going to delete this post and your Sup Forums pass right FUCKING now or I WILL trace your IP and hunt you down.

You have 4 minutes (UCT). Only warning bud, I don't play games like a lot of the children here.

>Am i free to live in a world without delusional mentally sick people walking around?
Not really - their right to life and liberty trumps your personal preferences. You should however be free to set up a private community with like-minded people, exclude whoever you wish, and make whatever reasonable rules you want enforced there.

>Would you mind if your wifes son's teacher was found out to want to fuck dead people?
Cuck digs aside, I would not be at all happy if my son's (and I do have one) teacher was a necrophile. That said, I'd like teachers' sexual preferences left out of the classroom whatever they are. If it doesn't affect their performance in their job and doesn't hurt anyone what business is it if mine what they do at home in private?

>Also.... If consent is all it takes to confuse liberals...
>Why cant a 12yo sleep with a 40yo man if they both consent??
A 12yo is not mentally developed enough to consent to sex with an adult - this is also why we quite reasonably don't let kids vote (they'd be mostly left'wing lunatics anyway I reckon). It's a trickier issue than most will admit, but your example is pretty clear-cut.

>4 minutes (UCT)

What is that in (EST)?

I was meming senpai, UCT isn't even a real timezone.

did you morons even read the article?

>The suggested “legal abortion,” if chosen, would be irreversible and require the father in question to renounce all parental rights and duties, including the right to see his child once it has been born, should the mother decide to keep it.

i see absolutely nothing wrong with this. it simply gives men more say with regards to abortion without taking anything away from women.

who could have ever predicted this?

That will never pass due to having poor people. Two well off people wanting kids will not use this law it will be poor people knocking up other poor bitches then saying fuck this shit i'm out and having the govt pay for raising the child.
People are not going to vote in laws that make them pay for other peoples kids.

central branch of the liberals has dismissed the proposals by the youth wing as ridiculous though, they won't happen


Obviously the "Liberals" aren't really as liberal as they pretend to be. What would you expect from people who redesign their logo to look like a dick.

>“Men should have an equal right to opt out of parenting and choose whether or not to become a parent,”
other than Sweden trying to one-up Canada, this is a good thing

I hope this catches on globally. Equality at its finest. Can you imagine the feminist butthurt this would cause. Holy fuck.

Let me guess, you aren't allowed to abort downs syndrome kids


>without taking anything away from women.
except the child support

this law doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell (ironically not a bad description of Sweden)

There is no God...

From a libertarian perspective government interference with regards to consentual necrophelia is wrong

no legal rights = no legal responsibility

tough shit, muhammad

Is this what our world has come to? We're so focused on letting everyone do "whatever the fuck they want" that we throw away all our dignity as people?

Respect for the dead was something that we developed even before we fully evolved into Homo Sapiens Sapiens, why are we devolving now to animals who lack morals and just follow their own desires?

This isn't a freedom ideal, this is an anarchic one.

>no legal rights = no legal responsibility
even the shortest glance at how the family court system function should tell you that that statement is bullshit


>support of legalization of necrophilia
this is real cyberpunk shit


>male abortion

Holy fuck we totally need this. Did you even read the article?

Holy shit is NZ like some kind of negative Australia? Like, they're the most genuine, well informed posters?