if 9/11 is an inside job, what is the point in a controlled demolition? Would the planes not have sufficed?
What is the point in a controlled demolition of the WTC?
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9/11 was the result of an incompetent president and security agencies failing to communicate with each other. The Germans knew all about one of the cells, the one with Mohhammed Atta and had them under surveillance. When they went to the US they weren't picked up.
TL,DR there was no conspiracy just incompetence.
The fact that the planes COULDN'T have knocked down those towers PROVES IT WAS A CONTROLLED DEMOLITION.
But why must the towers MUST have been knocked down?
You're ignoring the entire question.
Why, assuming the inside job theories are true, couldn't the planes have sufficed?
there are skyscrapers that have been shot by tomahawks and burnt for days that didn't collapse
Because the towers were full of asbestos and needed to be demolished anyway, convenience played a roll
Because jet fuel can't, cannot, won't, will not, have not, and never will... Melt steel beams.
Alright, dipshit. But why did the towers have to come down? The attack itself was sufficient to supply the US with casus belli.
Strongest theory I've ever heard.
It seems like truthers are missing a big "why tho?".
9/11 "truthers" are leftist Muslim sympathizers who would rather have you believe bush murdered 3000 Americans than the poor innocent Muslims who dindu nuffin. Every 9/11 truther I know is also an open borders Berniefag or nigger.
destroy evidence
Silverstein was going to need to do huge renovations and the $$ he got from the towers being completely demolished was sweet
Edgy Sup Forums users just want to believe "the man" is out to get them. Name a conspiracy theory and Sup Forums will believe it.
Insurance info in pic related, could probably find something more official if you'd like
The towers went down because of the planes. That's the truth. The government and the people then played denial for about 10 years pretending it was all an inside job. The government did it to look powerful. The people did it to pretend like there wasn't an enemy. Now that enemy is obvious for all of us. It's time to admit that 9/11 wasn't an inside job. They might've known about the attacks before hand, yes. And jews definitely profited off of it. But I bet they did not count on the towers falling or all those people dying.
Also, someone please explain how thousands of pounds of explosives were placed behind the walls of each building in a way that nobody would notice.
You weren't kidding then?
Such as? What evidence could have been obtained from the wreckage that would have been incriminating?
So wtc7 fell cause?
it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know WTC 7 was a controlled demolition
planes wouldnt have worked.
There had been construction on the buildings for months. Lots of people in and out working on "elevators" in nyc the tired eyes pay no mind
Shit ton of debris fell on it. You can see from multiple camera angles how many holes it had in its walls. Its roof was probably gone at that point and entire floors had been crushed by falling beams and debris.
This entire building was on fire in Dubai.
It didn't crumble to the ground. In fact the structure is fine, they are currently renovating it.
Politically, it's much more dramatic if towers fall and people die as well, it was the start of what has become a 15 year war, you need a strong emotional foundation to get modern America to support this type of intervention
OP is one of the following:
>18 or younger degenerate who gets bullied in highschool
>NEET in his 20's who has no social interaction with the outside world
>neckbeard in his 30's who jerks off to child pornography
proving me wrong
Watch video of the building falling. It looks nothing like a controlled demolition.
Good post, CIA bot.
I didn't see any debris fall on it in the videos I've seen and it fell at a pretty rapid rate , frame being destroyed and all. Even the 9/11 commission report says muh jet fuel
It was in case the planes weren't enough to take the towers down
It doesnt have to liquefy the beams, just soften it enough so that it can't support the weight of all the floors above it (which is what happened)
Video comparing controlled demolitions
Wow that looks exactly like a controlled demolition
You'd have to place it in every office of every building to get the desired effects. Not just the elevator shaft.
That might be true, but wouldn't that make the execution that much riskier?
Americans don't need that much of a reason to go to war. There certainly was no reason for Iraq.
>People actually taking this bait.
That's not true
On skyscrapers you don't even need explosives on every floor
Just watch any video with it. You can clearly see it's got some massive gaping holes (hue) on its sides.
>youtube.com/watch?v=LD06SAf0p9A [
>Wow that looks exactly like a controlled demolition
No this is what a controlled demo looks like. Notice the loud explosions which would have been heard and seen in the wtc7 tower.
Those plains hit pretty high on those MASSIVE buildings, why would EVERY floor come down instead of just the damaged portions collapsing off, there is no way the damaged portions were heavy enough to bring down the entire structure.
Hard to say exactly, seemed to be in line with our previously established geo political strategy
Din't multiple people say they DID hear explosions long after the planes hit?
The owners of the WTC intentionally wanted to demolish the buildings to make new ones.
The new WTC looks far better, so in a way I don't blame them.
Youd be able to see and hear the explosions in be multiple videos that were released. Eye witness accounts are notoriously inaccurate.
What I don't understand is how people could have smuggled in the amount of explosives necessary to take the building down. All the bomb sniffing dogs, the people working in a 24x7 office building, security, etc. never noticed anything? It just doesn't make any sense.
I don't see why leftists and conspiracy theorists just admit that radical Muslims were the ones who attacked us. I know a lot of them say "well how did these cave people do it," when most of them were educated and NOW it's coming to light that Saudi Arabia most likely had a hand in giving them support.
In the end, I think elements of the Saudi government were complicit with Al-Qaeda and helped them get the necessary training, documents, and education on top of all the training they already had with Al-Qaeda.
Even with a fairly large majority of people reporting the explosions happening around the same time periods? People were very nervous, usually when people are nervous they are likelier to be aware of things like an explosion happening.
Very similar and pretty loud
I know that but the 9/11 conspiracy theorists point to the Windows blowing out of every office and attribute it to explosives. I'm pointing out that would be impossible.
The terrorists were real, it's just they were funded by the CIA and Saudi Arabia. Osama bin Laden was affiliated with the CIA.
impossible is 19 cave dwellers with box cutters taking down 3 skyscrapers with 2 planes
Very similar and pretty loud
Literally didn't hear a single explosion or see a single flash.
Israeli security firms were in charge of WTC building security
jump to your own conclusions
probably so they fall straight down and minimize spread
Defineitly hear explosions and not all controlled demolitions have a crash
unless you had xray superman vision you wouldn't be able to because the columns are in the interior of the building
Heavy fire load on multiple floors. The NIST report details it quite well. WTC7 burned out of control for hours before the collapse happened. A steel beam has a thermal expansion rate of 10" for every 100' section at 1000degree F. Easy temp to achieve in a building fire. Enough floors at high heat, for a long time, eventually I beams weaken, expand, and begin to cause failures in floors. WTC was a long span designed building, meaning long I beam sections supporting individual floors. A lot of new construction regulations came as a result.
Or an inability to read and understand the nature of fire science.
Are you forgetting gravity? The weight of the floors above the weakened floors was enough to crash straight down, bringing everything with it.
there is literally nothing to debate
>impossible is 19 cave dwellers with box cutters taking down 3 skyscrapers with 2 planes
That's the narrative I keep hearing from the left who want to open the borders to the poor misunderstand Muslims
Jesus Christ you sure are stupid kid. Research the amount of debt stored in the towers back in that time. All the servers and paper were right there, and by deleting them a recession that would wipe America was pushed forward a couple decades.
Planes were CGI, Fake, Not Real, Never Happened, buildings were never there, the holocaust happened, stop asking questions and submit
This reply was for
The one thing that points to controlled demolition is the destruction of WTC 7.
Notice the compartmentalization of the structure? The dedign of large buildings changed in the post 9/11 era. WTC7s NIST report changed everything. It was the first time a building in a state of uncontrollable fire that had burned for hours was documented like this. Large spanning steal structure could not handle the fire load. This buildind is much more compartmented and each of the individual apartments are a cement box that ventilates out. Additionally, modern steel construction uses much higher grade insulation on the beams. It's thought that the impact forces for both WTC 1,2 and 7 caused insulation losses on the I beams in the building, allowingsl easier heat transfer.
Get shot.
In the months leading up the the attack there was extensive electric work done in the three buildings that collapsed be an Israeli firm that has ties to CIA and Mossad. Not only that but there are pictures of them in the buildings doing their work with the boxes of "electric" equipment in the frames. If you look at the boxes and look at the SKU numbers you will realize that the boxes pictured are not actually related to wiring at all, rather they are boxes of detonators.
WTC7 actually had a large amount of office space devoted to CIA record keeping.
>be mexican
>be inferior in every way
>build wall
>get head cut off
With no resistance?
why bitch about something you have no control of? what are you going to do about it? you are waiting for a braveheart and like jesus he will never come.
Because the building is designed with the support structures as exterior steel frames with a hanging interior lattice. The joists holding the interior to the exterior are the weakest place. The collapse a floor above causes the collapse of the floor below.
>the towers were full of asbestos and needed to be demolished anyway, convenience played a roll
>if 9/11 is an inside job, what is the point in a controlled demolition? Would the planes not have sufficed?
Hey guys, I'm an explosives technician who helped place the explosive devices for the demolition of WTC7. I was going to write a tell all book and make millions on book sales but I instead decided to shitpost on Sup Forums and live the rest of my life in mediocrity.
Excuse to invade the middle east, excuse to get basically unlimited funds for the security apparatus.
CIA/NSA/FBI are spying on everyone and everything.
>heat moves down
is this bait or are you just fucking retarded?
Something about jet fuel and steel memes
sadly... this could be true
If it was a inside job I assume for the propaganda. What would be more powerful, the towers falling down and being completely destroyed or them being being damaged on 20ish stories and being repaired or at worse partially deconstruction of the top 30 stories and rebuilding them?
WTC7 caught on fire from scattered airplane debris across many floors, when water service was destroyed over many city blocks from the collapsing skyscrappers it went uncontrolled leading to a structural collapse like a house of cards.
>NIST model that was proven false
>NIST model what wasn't made public
l m f a o
Explain the sudden movement of stock just before the attack. There is plenty of evidence of pre-knowledge of 9/11.
Building 7 wasn´t hit by anything
If building 7 was wired, all was wired.
I love the commissions nice 3d animations for their story of how 9/11 happened.
What I love even more though is their lack of data disclosure as to how they got the animations to display what they display occurring.
Even better is the fact that given the data from the report that you cannot reproduce these same effects using the same program they use.
Yep, I totally trust data I cannot see because I have been assured that it is real data.
>Eye witness accounts are notoriously inaccurate.
So your opinion is better?
The shills are working over time
>may 9th 2001
Dr. Steven Greer, along with over 50 very high level government officials, pilots, workers, etc. were all giving first hand testimony on UFOs and very high levels of technologies that the "military industrial complex" had(and still are) been keeping secret for decades. This national press club even was the most watched ever and many people back in 2001 were starting to get real hype on full on disclosure.
4 months later.....
>September 9th
took the whole world's attention away.
Yes it was also an excuss to invade the middle east.
the "elite",/illuminati/builderburgs/rothschilds/whatever the fuck you want to call them have been playing both sides of all wars since the 19th century. This shouldnt really be suprissing
Yes it was a controlled demolition.
However, the ACTUAL technologies used to bring the building down was some shit straight out of science fiction. Hologram planes, scalar (directed) energy weapons, along with the typical demolition charges + thermite most think about.
The truth is stranger than fiction OP.
That's a lot of COINCIDENCES that result in only one building falling and falling in free fall as well
This guy was "suicided" by CIA for writing a book on 9/11.
Uhh it's public. . . and even a cursory understanding of fire science makes the report make sense. Look up the blue prints of the buildings. There's more info available about this than any damned tragedy to happen to the country.
All you're doing is spreading the idea that Islam is not dangerous. This is exactly what the leftists want. Even if it was true, nothing would help Hillary more to become president than it being revealed 9/11 being and inside job on bush's watch.
Huge amounts of stock moves every day.
>its public
No it is not.
The actual data is not public, hence why it's not a reliable source.
>Free fall
I'm sick of key board idiots using this phrase. You don't even know what that means.
>Huge amounts of stock moves every day.
You sound like one of those people who says that the Bunge corporation making 1.6 billion dollars the day of JFKs death with a put made two weeks before hand that was set to expire that very afternoon was merely a coincidence.
>Uhh it's public
No it isnt, you input the data they released to the public into that program that models building collapse that they used and your results will not be the same as the animations they used during the commission.
How do people still say this shit, do they not bother fact checking at all?
did 9/11 really happen cos I heard it was a movie
It means falling with no resistance
Everyone is shilling low expectations.
Larry Silverstein took out an insurance policy week's before.
Chaney's office had to be destroyed along with the evidence