When he says the bus sign had been debunked, he proved it hadn't. The UK does send 350M a week, the EU sends some of it back later as a "rebate." The original statement is still true. The time value of money is important.
>the UK might have to spend close to that amount to access the common market
No source, method, or figures used to create that estimate. You can disregard it as easily as he's asserted it.
>pillow regulations
He uses humor to dismiss 106 regulations after proving three of them useless. Is 106 a better number? I assume his team went through the rest, but I guess this is why a comedy show isn't a rigorous format for political discussion.
>China, the US, and India don't want Britain to leave
It's almost like they don't want to negotiate trade deals with Britain because they get such a cheap packaged deal from the EU bureaucrats that are appointed without Democratic election.
>le expert meme
Since when do leftists care about GDP? Why is GDP more important than sovereignty?
>UKIP are racists
And China practices overt censorship and slavery. Labor is complicit in the rape of 1400 children.
UKIP can be a satanic death cult. It's irrelevant to brexit.
>If we want to be part of the single market, we need to accept refugees
Good thing you don't have to be part of the single market and can choose to leave once you're out of the EU. And hey, if you want poor illiterate homophobic sexists flooding your country, you can still get that without the EU.
>have to follow most EU rules if you want to trade with the EU
Lol no. Complete conjecture on his part, disproved by literally any trade deal the EU is in.
>British companies have to follow EU regulations to sell in the EU
And? American companies do too, doesn't mean they want the same regulations here.
>le kid swearing so funny just don't change anything even though I just argued that leaving wouldn't really change anything