Decipher what this video means

Pro tip, you cant.

Other urls found in this thread:

Its about the coming of the antichrist user, its not that hard to decipher

Mexican communists getting REKT. Looks like trump.

Yes I can. Just because you don't have mental capacity to discern the meaning, doesn't mean others can't.

> it's what has been, what is, and what will come.

Whether we like it or not

generic artsy pretentiousness "lol2deep4u" tripe that undoubtedly will get put on some stoners list of "inspired" new media

A rabbit hole that goes everywhere and nowhere at once. Avoid at all cost.

INB4 shill




random symbology doesnt mean depth and thus nothing to decipher

>Pro tip, you cant.
Out of chaos comes order.

Not everyone is an idiot.

its the truth maaaannn *tokes peace pipe*

really nice video aesthetics

video fails to deliver its meaning though

This is old as fuck. We used to have this thread every night when it first came out. (Well like two years old).

>generic artsy pretentiousness "lol2deep4u" tripe
nailed it.

>video fails to deliver its meaning though

This, these videos are just "artists" trying too hard to be deep.

ayy, weird looking burning house on chalkboard...

almost looks like an orthodox serbian church

Holy Shit, Meme Magic Confirmed!

You're so new Jesus this is old news

the person who made this bought their clothes at hot topic 10 years ago

prove me wrong

I watched this video on acid and holy shit. Every other time I watched it I noticed new things and got a different message from it.

also, would avoid being in those dots on the map.

what does the cum dropping dick and shark mean?

** forgot image

>when the mushrooms that good.

>goy, is just snow flake...


could this image reperesent brexit.
>door with exit wriitten on it
>12 figures (12 stars on eu flag)
>girl seems like she's making a choice

oh fuck this video, it could represent anything...

kek, was thinking the same thing. funny how orlando and new york are ticked off

You know there's literally a 6 pointed star inside the snowflake right? This is what happens when you look so hard for something you don't even see it.

commie Venezuelan drowning

One world goverment and jesus coming back or some shit like that.


Bush turning into Obama was pretty clever.

I guess that was about the antichrist, end of days, shit like that.

>that pepe face
>that shiva dance

fucking meme magic

seems kind of silent hill

if I drew lines over it, how would you see it

Its about the coming of the Dajjal user. The third eye on the false Messiah gives it away.

notice how this girl has the same mark as obama on her left cheek.

I guess we'll only understand this video after all this starts happening in real life... Right now it could mean anything.

those are things that already happened

OK City bombing
9/11 new york
Katrina New Orleans

>Le military-industrial complex meme
>I'm 12 and I just want to be political

drugs are bad, mm'kay

Don't forget the BP oil spill.

Pretentious try-hard bullshit with a cringe self-insert.

The coming of the anti-christ (why the jewish and masonic symbols?)
>I liked the video tho

whats the fourth??

on a second look, maybe this image in op represents the failing of socialism in Venezuela.

This is no way a russian, also, has "Juanita" written on arm.

also believing in le new age crowley-esque just a prank religions make you an annoying pseudointellectual faggot.

loss of innocence and loss of critical thinking

she is protected by a circle, maybe parental guidance but in the end she loses her ability to think before it can bloom and she becomes like the scared or "indented" (something is missing) children behind her

you can also see the checkerboard floor which is freemason symbolism and i think also used to indicate mind control

Poo in loos figured out 3d animation.

who is the antichrist?? jesus figure in the boat or the girl with the apple?

I would assume its the girl, since Satan does everything in opposite to god.

Alot of this is pretty obvious
>George Bush is a puppet acting like a fool on purpose
>He turns into Obama who acts scholarly, hence the graduate cap but still is the same person
>Not sure about the girl with the apple
>Checkered floor like those in a Masonic Hall
>Apple is two halves from which a lotus flower blooms symbolizing nirvana and reincarnation
>We're in a winter thanks to 9/11
Which is true, optimism tanked
>oil in the background, Osama as an angel calling down the weather
>Star of David under the Statue of Liberty, hinting at the true nature of America
>Egyptian symbolism of referencing Anubis and the afterlife
>Third eye which is enlightenment
>Illuminati in a television screen with a snake's tail tormenting an ill man who is obsessed with money
>Attacks on Islam
>peaceful doves from Islam (the mosque) die
>Christian symbolism
>Not sure
>Communist drowning in soylent green (dead people)
>Jesus crossing the river Styx with Anubis, maybe referencing the death of Christianity
>Some witch having a period
>Kali God of destruction
>death orchestrating everything
>Turkey reference
>not sure about the breakdancing man with masks
>Jesus with wisdom leaves the cave (reference to Plato?) and awakens

and why is there exit written on the door?? your answer is just to vague to be correct.

you must explain all the symbols
>mark on left cheek
>12 figures
>the wire around them
>the deer on wall to the left

but I've watched the interview of the creator of this video on alex jones. He doesnt even seem to know what this video is about.

He probably took lots of drugs, had those visions and made the video..

did you watch the whole video? the christ figure is on a boat that features egyptian styling cues and shit, and at the end a cathedral with a cross atop it literally crumbles behind him as he opens his eyes. and he has some vaguely Illuminati looking symbolism on his head.

and seems to be associated with fire. even when he opens his eyes, there is fire in them. I dont remember jesus having much to do with fire

the black halo in the cave indicates the anti christ

Maybe the wire represents nations or peoples held in captivity

>>not sure about the breakdancing man with masks
that is the same guy that had the kali mask.

Well, he (Chist-like figure) seems like Christ, but so does the antiChist. And the world stared to change once he passed by, uniting all, both Christ and the antiChrist would do that. We would need to see the world before and after his presence to see if the change was for good or for bad.

>I dont remember jesus having much to do with fire

He does in the new testament, but as a powerful returning king

Are you sure, I thought the Kali guy had 4 arms.

Also what was with the old whore/witch trapped in the tower with the cross on top? The tower looked like an old Assyrian/Babylonian figure- I wonder if that is referring to the Catholic church.

Took me a while but here it goes. p1

the girl does not give birth, but DROPS the apple, the apple symbolizes the poisonned apple, and the kid si snowwhite, who refuses to bite the apple.
the apple then falls and rools to the feet of obama, where it opens, and out of the poision seeds grows lotus flower, that brings obama to sweat a drop.
in other words.
we will not take the poison anylonger, you can have it back, and see what grows out of it.

the american flag is ripped in two pieces and one flies away.
america will not be attacked, but suffer another civil war.

the two crumbling towers are not only a reference to the twin towers, but there are lights burning in the top of it.
it is the "ivory tower" that crumbles.
that means the monopoly on knowledge is over.

bin laden is at the very edge, praying to a blood moon.

the oil dripping into the sea symbolizes the continuous poisonning of our source of life, and the black color of the sea symbolizes the uncertainty that lies within the future and the püotential death within the poison.

and yes, the "liberty" of america was errected on the funds of zionism.
and they put their craws in it immediately, after america hat "freed itself".

israel will not fall with america.
israels true birth arises out of the ashes of america.
israel will fill the vacuum of americas fall.
israel's star lies beneatht he water's surface, that means two things; first it is not clearly visible, as submerged.
and once the weight of the statue of liberty is gone, the star of david will emmerge from the water.
thus arise from the rubble of america.

The egg kid is more or less us.

We start off being indoctrinated by sinister higher powers, but their words begin to lose their effect. Eventually we break free of the conditioning and begin to think for ourselves.


the all seing eye is anubis sign but it is upon jesus' forehead.
the heart and the head in one person.
he is the impersonation of both worlds.
the illumination, that lead to the destruction of the world, and the HEART, that will lead to its salvation eventually.
in the end, mankind WILL wake up and break the ice-prisons of death.

the man in the tv with the golden earring represents the banks, yes, but also the piratry, by wich they came to power, and the ipertinence, in which they speak with golden teeth (tongues), but who are sharp as razorblades.
there is an implicit threat in the words.
and the snake has wound it's way to a cracked open, thus transparent and helpess skull.

the attack on islamic nations is BECAUSE markets plunge, the snake repeats it in the persons eyes, it is not their thought, it is implanted.
they need a war to fix plunging markets.
that's how the system works.
through war.

not destroying peace with fire.
the fire is the fire of the heart, that melts away the ice.
yes, the fire IS destruction.
to the ICE.

you got the africa part completely wrong:
this is an african child.
it gets a gun as a gift, it is wrapped.
the kid is not a robot but "voodoo" remote controlled.
it is about african child soldiers.
and what sits there is anubis with two crossed bones tattoed on the opper arm, that means it is the same people giving them the gift, and even unwrapping it for them.
skull and bones. that is the satanic NWO.

russia will be drowned in poisonous slime.
but it not only symbolizes russia, the lumberjack shirt and the hammer also symbolize the common workman.

the yin yang dont symbolize that this is china, but she has a tiger on her back, as in opposed to the dragon.
that means seh is the light, and she wants to stop the machines of war.
bu then she is being brought to insight by DEATH.

nuclear symbol crossed out!

did you see the part where jesus burns a white dove (maybe butterfly)??
white dove is literally symbol of peace, why would he do that??
and those fish jumping on his boat and dying... doubt this is a "christ figure"

thats what I'm starting to think too, hence the EU and brexit idea

yeah, seems very weard. doubt its real jesus in this boat. also, seems in a trance.

the only thing I know about this scene, is that the tower looks like a penis. you can even see sperm stains on it.
that scene makes 0 sense to me.


not china will be smashed, but the peace movement resigns.
it RESIGNS in the face of death.
it is not china it is the counter culture!
and what happened to the counter culture we see later in the tower.

the christ fugure is being shipped through all this unconsciously, he is asleep, he doesn't notice.

the person being hammered by the machine is being weight down by the black energy that is being put upon her relentlessly.

the christ figure does not bring "destruction" per se.
it brings light.
it brings WARMTH into the ice.

that is not a dark halo, it is a halo of FIRE.

it IS a birth, but it is the birth of LIGHT out of darkness.
it symbolizes, how the darkness gave birth to the light.
the darkness PRODUCED the light.

the fish is the symbol of jesus christ.
it jumps out of the dark waters towards his feet.
mind you, the fish are black AND white.

the tower with teh heart also symbolizes something else, i believe.
i think the cathoic church locked up the hippie movement.
the old woman with naked titts has a flower skirt on.
i think she is, what remains of the seventies counter culture, and she will finally be freed from her catholic rpison through the hads of the REAL god, not what the church made believe.
and the heart on the tower symbolizes, though locked up, this heart is still BEATING and ALIVE.
but not all too well, as you can see by the rings under her eyes, she has suffered a great deal.

the part, where jesus arises in the middle of the grey men, symbolizes, that he will arise from within us.

Ok, Bush, then Obama, (both controlled by someone or something) are making "a play" in front of this girl, inside a checker floor classroom (masonic symbolism). Around her there are statues (maybe other dead(?) children that fell for the democracy meme), she has a circle in her left cheek. She drops the apple (maybe symbolism for sin) and from it grows a lotus flower (reincarnation) and then Obama looks down worried


he is one of us.
and he will wash the grey men away.
but the grey men are not alive, they are frozen in time monuments, like the army of terracotta.
so they represent the guarding principals of the past, who are dressed up in a modern view.
his heart BURNS.
and the machine (tv) has a scared eye and crawls into cover.

the person, who is finally freed fro the serpent's sting in the back of her head, GETS ON HER FEET AGAIN.

the "dead in jesus" is a muslim derwish.
he represents the enightenment movement of the muslims.
it represents, that also on the side of the muslims, the darkness will give birth to the light.

the dervish arises over all the city, and shines his light over it, while the littel devil dancing around the fire is in a cage of ice.

the cage is breaking, because there shall be none required in the future, and the peoples shall be free..
at the heart of these figures is THE LIGHT.
the devils mask is used to drive out the devil.
it is a symbol of PROTECTION.
it represents, that all religions will drive out their devils, and thus melt away their prisons.
the wild dance symobolizes the active action that will lead to it.
the dance represents the liberation, and the freedom to MOVE.

the dancer under the mask is always the same person, because cultures and mentalities may differ.
but the people are just the same everywhere.

the world is not at joy about the birth of the anti christ, it at jou about its liberation and about the return of christ.

when jesus is born out of the womb of darkness that is being guarded by the devil himself, a huge tremor shakes the devil.

out comes a man who is AWAKENED.
and he bears the mark of the HEART, AND the mark of the ENLIGHTENMENT.
the crown of spikes, that is a barb wire, vanishes from his head, and what remains is unlimited enlightenment.

at the end of this journey stands THE LIGHT.


about the luciferians using the all seeing eye as their symbol; it makes it just as much THEIR symbol, as much as the swastika was hitlers symbol.
it is an ages old symbol, and all that it represents is enlightenment.
there is no good or evil to enlightenment.

the icy church of satan with the symbol of god on it will be destroyed.
it will mark the end of the christian era in the sense of, there hasn't been one in a very long time.
the christians have been satanists in reality for a very long time.
at least since the borgias, if not even since the concile of nicae in 343AD.

the fireball that destroys ONE of the prymids, symbolizes, that the light will do away with ancient mysticims and superstition.
mind you, it does NOT destroy all three of them.
but only the one mostin the foreground.
tha "latest" so to speak, the ones futher away, remain.
yes, there has been a lot of death, destruction and hellfire (missles).
the sun is not only the destroyer, but it is also the bringer of LIFE.
the man staring at it, is the man looking at divinity.
it symbolizes our raise to the gods.

this video is about evolution.
it is about surcoming the infancy disease, that our current system is.
we shall evolve towards the light.
because that is what we were designed for.
both, darkness and light live within us.
so that we can understand both.
and take the right decision.
mankind has a decision to face.
evaporate, or evolve.

Kek the frogman is us you fucking faggot.


evolve we will.
god has returned.
he is here already.

he returns to earth like a thief, that means in stealth mode.
he is already here.
and watching closely.
and what he will burn up is all the evil deeds, they have brought upon us.
he will burn monsatans seed down to the earth.

America will not be attacked.
america will suffer another civil war.
it is their strategy.
america will be crushed through a civil war, and then pressure from the ourside, as they really don't have any friends left.

nobody, i repeat, nobody will attack the us, except for they themselves.
out of its ashes, in all the confusion, israel will arise as the new superpower.
it will conquer the middle east and possibly nuke teheran.

but they will not succeed.
they have one problem.
a conspiracy only works well, as long as it is one.
once the cat is out of the sack, it is not aconspiracy anymore.
and the conspiring doesn't work then anymore.
the world is awakening to their evil deeds.
in all of his deeds, the devil has laid the seed for his own destruction.
for that his his nature.
and be it his own.
and destroyed, the devil will be.
this time once and for all.
his evil ways shall perish from the face of the earth.


but then the devil is not, who most think he is.
lucifer is the bringer of light.
lucifer came in many characters.
loki with the nordic gods.
seth with the egyptians.
bacchus with the romans, and
dyonisos for the greek.
his purpose was CHAOS.
chaos is laughter.
laughter is HEALING.
chaos is challenge.
challenge is GROWTH.
chaos is confusion.
confusion requires to LEARN.
chaos is pain.
pain requires to ADAPT, thus to LEARN again.
chaos ALWAYS challenges authority.
which is why it is the enemy of authority.
and there you have your answer, why the rbinger of enlightenment mus be the devil, right...?

azazel was the true devil.
he laid the seed for evil upon us.
and his seed grew well.

I think its worth noting that he has all this jesus imagery (the heart) "painted" on his chest

p8 final

and then god also is not who most of us think.
the bible is mostly a satanic propaganda work, that has little to do with his word.

and those, who claim to KNOW HIS WILL.
are in reallity blasphemers.
because, to claim to know the will of god, means to be GREATER than him.
which we are not.
not yet, at least.
cos let's face it.
i cannot even guess the will of my 12 yrs old daughter, so everybody, who pretends to know the will of GOD, is just an impostor and a blashpemer.
maybe he created us in order to be his enkidu, when we are finally there.
maybe he created us, to prove a point to the universe.
however, our purpose is, to throughout all this confusion, throughout all the black influence, find the light.
all the healing powers, that reside within us, have only one purpose.
find back to the light, if you ever lost it.

that is what the unconscious ride on the bark of anubis through all that underworld symbolizes.
we are on our ride to the light.
and through the valley of darkness we shall pass on our way.
if we survive, at the end of this ride, the darkness cannot harm us anymore.
we ARE the light.
we will overcome the darkness in brief.
what remains, is the heart, the enlightenment, and eventually, divinity.

>did you see the part where jesus burns a white dove (maybe butterfly)??
>white dove is literally symbol of peace, why would he do that??
>and those fish jumping on his boat and dying... doubt this is a "christ figure"

Could reference Christianity rejecting Islam and Muslims after their fall.

the children are turned away from the exit, its there but they are not aware of it so they think there is no way out of this

the barb wire around enforces the feeling that they are trapped even though there is not much wire and its very loose

rabbit might be a reference to Watership Down, its placed close to the exit because storys like this teach about enslavement and systems of power and therefore help to see the exit

i explained the apple

dont know about the other stuff, and its all just speculation

>He probably took lots of drugs, had those visions and made the video..

you dont just make a video like this, technology wise its very sophisticated and complex and everything seems to be there for a reason. you also need a team of artists and animators who need to get paid and you need to render this thing somewhere

thats not Orlando you leaf

Whatever you say, reddit

When the tanks approach the girls you can also see a YinYang symbol dissolving, meaning that there's an unbalance.
When the Crist-like figure exits the church he leaves a trail of lotus flowers, but the church is destroyed. Can anyone tell my the relationship between jesus and fire?

>video released in 2012 references a bunch of shit that happened between 2000 and 2012
I have no idea mate, it's a true mystery

Antichrist destroys both the churches and the pyramid worshippers and illuminates the world in a glorious golden age.
Protip: the "Antichrist" is actually here to help. Corrupted religions have corrupted opinions.

>the tower with teh heart also symbolizes something else, i believe.
>i think the cathoic church locked up the hippie movement.
>the old woman with naked titts has a flower skirt on.
>i think she is, what remains of the seventies counter culture, and she will finally be freed from her catholic rpison through the hads of the REAL god, not what the church made believe.
>and the heart on the tower symbolizes, though locked up, this heart is still BEATING and ALIVE.
>but not all too well, as you can see by the rings under her eyes, she has suffered a great deal.

No you missunderstand. Note she has a wand, she is a magical being. When the light shines in she flees from it, she waves her wand to reject the Christ figure who comes.
She is obviously a whore, hence her nakedness and the flashing red heart (the red light district), the red heart symbolizes desire.
She has been caged up for a long time in the tower.
Initially she is seeking in the darkness with a smile but flees once the light approaches.
Note the tower is a bearded man, it looks like a penis and similarly an Assyrian or Babylonian head.
But there is a cross on top.
Her period dries up when he approaches.

I think she represents the Catholic church- the ancient religious practices held captive under a guise of Christianity, the whore of Babylon, she flees when exposed, she is no longer to bear children.

Quads determines what it means until the end of time.

>believes in nukes

it was a nice story

At the beginning there is a hang-man in the board, it is solved by the word "Evolution". There's also a simplified diagram of evolution (like 99 steps to evolution) but it shows the modern human as special. Also, right next to it the clock marks 12:00, the end of the world?

What does the mark under the apple and on the coin under his shoe mean?

>whore/witch trapped in the tower with the cross on top
whore of Babylon me thinks
>russia will be drowned in poisonous slime.
south american communism
>fish jumping on his boat and dying... doubt this is a "christ figure"
i agree they jump into the boat with who they think is jesus but actually suffocate and the anti-christ's feet
>scene makes 0 sense to me.
i remember someone calling her the whore of babylon
all i know is the blood disappears but idk what that means

best anaysis i've seen so far. what does pic related mean? why is there a sepparation (barrier) between the first 6 and the 7th stage of evolution.

also, notice how evoL (love is spelled backwards) on the hangman game.

nope, watch the video on alex jones channel. he did it himself and hired people or found volunteers to help im out with certain things. Its the dude who animated Gollum in LOTR, so it wouldnt be a big deal for him to do all major parts himslef.

But I got the hangman thing wrong. Maybe it means that now we are ready for what's to come, that now is the culmination of everything that has happened

look at the weapons
from man
to man with a club
man with a spear
man with a gun
evolution into violence and the barrier stands between us and peace/enlightenment

What does this sign mean? I am a pleb, thus i have only heard the interpretation of it being a satanic symbol.
>"A Satanic power" as Hitler said about the jews

He's the anti-christ, is it not obvious?
He has an Eye of Providence on his forehead.

Is that a penis on the chalkboard?

basic satanic shit
more importantly the owl
the symbol of the global elite
similar pictures where in the schoolrooms at sandy hook

never noticed the weapons

yeah, the cum dripping penis and the shark are stil confusing as hell. also, the burning house.

>Decipher what this video means.
its about jews


>peaceful doves from islam

Wow, these guys never opened a koran did they?

But no, it's pretty clear what the parts with 'Jesus' are. I'm sure its the Antichrist.

He enters and what seems to be the Church - cross - collapses. Symbols the persecution of Christians once a world religion and the Antichrist is in place, etc.

on the left, the materialistic retard believing in evolution
on the right side the enlightened who knows evolution is just another lie (like nukes, heliocentrism etc...)

That is lord kek, bringer of chaos.

>the christians have been satanists in reality for a very long time.
Can anyone expand on that? And if so, what alternative is there?
Someone very close to me has problems with the checker board satanists, this kind of brings me hope of not being powerless.

>the cum dripping penis and the shark are stil confusing as hell.

the staged shooting at the Orlando gay club
may be

Christianity being in anyway "satanic" is about the most retarded thing I've ever heard.

Don't listen to him, user, it's probably a load of ass.

The man with a gun is a nigger