>not having a sexy interracial relationship
post your race and the woman you want to race mix with, bros
>not having a sexy interracial relationship
post your race and the woman you want to race mix with, bros
Other urls found in this thread:
>mfw Ive been having sexy interracial relationships since 2003
BROTIP-Top tier black women absolutely worship white dick, though they are diamonds in a sea of shit.
Living the American dream bro
Colombians and Venezuelans turn my dick into a fucking alabaster counter-top.
>any woman who likes me
>throwing your genes away
By all means, go ahead. Your child will be a freak of nature and possibly the next Supreme gentleman.
Im half Dutch and Peruvian
i want to mix with a Dutch woman
Which one of those people is supposed to be non-white?
>muh interracial
>it's never a black as fuck black person, only ever some light skinned mulatto
>half black girls
some qt 3.14's in my high school and Pam Grier fucked my circuits
>American White/Japanese
>European whites and native Japanese
>Any whites* except Swedes but also Finns/Eesti, Turkmeni, Uzbeki, Kyrgyzi and Southern Japanese.
*Slavs are not white.
I'm white and I want to fuck a qt azn bish desu my friends and family members
>Scots-Irish Ginger
>not racemixing with a qt from zeta reticuli
I will have a place on the mothership when the deathray is activated. The same cannot be said for yourselves.
My boyfriend is Mexican. I'm a redhead by the way.
>Anglo and franco-norman
It is the Canadian dream
God pol has gone downhill, all you race traitors
I'm dating a light skinned poo-in-loo Stanford doctor.
It's pretty awesome.
I married a chug for native monies.
Metis girls are so kawaii
>interracial relationship
i'm mixed and wish i was just full one or the other. couples never think of the kids and how shit it is for them. this 50/50 stuff gets old, especially in America.
Find me a white woman who hasn't taken a black dick and you have found me a liar.
(((Please excuse me while I check the border that keeps all non-Jews out of Israel, BRB)))
Light brown spic
>Mix with
Any tolerably-looking female
I haven't had sex in 8 years. At this point I'll take just about anything I can get.
Would you an Arab Latina Sup Forums?
I haven't. Its stupid people say that because if it was true then every white woman would be with a black guy
Is this even pol anymore
No wonder everyone went to eightchan
wheres Jamaica? we should all go down to cocomo
>would mix with
any black chinese girls?
She could very well be over "jungle fever" due to having to have her jaw wired shut by the surgeon for 6 months or from having to pay for 4 or 5 abortions and 6 rounds of treatments for STD by herself.
BUT, she won't want to be seen as racist, so she won't say she's "off" black dudes.
>Top tier black women absolutely worship white dick
Why do top tier black women worship white dick, whereas the bottom of the barrel white women like black guys, despite all the propaganda going on?
wouldn't hesitate for a second m8
>Want to racemix with an Arab
Is it even really race mixing though? Genetically and culturally we're almost the same anyways
Not everyone likes black dicks as much as you user
>white male
>I wanna fuck that corpse from the time burton movie with the skeletons. MM-mm big 'ol eyes. Give that honey some spider-kisses ;))
I'm white, descended from slave owners who came to this country in the 1760's.
My girlfriend is black, descended from slaves in Mississippi.
Life is good.
Hey buddeh, it's 2016. Canada is a multicultural nation of immigrants. Our culture is literally about blanda-ing up.
It's wonderful/
Hey, I am a white dutch woman and I'd whistle your pan pipe.
after that big explosion of last year, sure
white (not hispanic or latino)
>would mix with
medium to dark skinned asian girls
You want prime example of race mixing? Look at thai women. So many of them are half thai and half mix, usually some sort of european. The rampant prostitution and race mixed marriages has lead to a generation of people that are almost all mixed, and most of them are absolutely gorgeous.
but the face shape is that of a 12 sided dice
>and most of them are really men
fixed that for you
I'm Estonian and my gf is Finnish. that's as far as I'm willing to go with mixing.
Nah, multiculturalism is a cancer. Asians and Latinas are all right though.
> Polish
> Would racemix with latinas in an instant
I accept non jungle asians as well.
>thai "women"
True, a lot of lady boys, but girls do exist.
She is my waifu. Be respectful please.
do they even have girls in finland
Asian-American here.
Father is white, mom is Thai.
I wish I looked good for a halfy.....instead I got an Asian face, can grow facial hair, and have an extremely hairy back.
Fuck my life. Least my dick is huge but people assume it's small due to Asian. Sigh.
This black girl from my work was trying to get me to come to her apartment after work tonight.
I got scarred and told her I'd get back to her in a second and bolted out the door when she wasent looking.
That girl is not hot enough for that guy what the hell is he doing
True. White aryan men should racemix, but only in non-European countries.
Yes, even their faggots are pretty bangable.
Canada from its origin is culturally diverse. Can't really get around it.
Besides we need all the immigrant qts to keep our population from declining.
Also metis qts.
> le no women in Thailand meme
I'm glad this is spreading, the less foreign guys know about Thailand the more for those of us who have actually been there.
Berber. I've race mixed with women of all races except indian. Now I want a cute westernized indian.
Mexican. I wants me a hot ginger.
No she is MY Waifu :^)
I have two half-Asian kids. You wouldn't suspect they were part Asian if mom weren't present.
There are two kinds of girls in Finland - Turbo sluts and ultra conservatives. You're very unlikely to find a middle ground.
It's a bad feel, isn't it Colombro?
I'm fine with it here in Canada, as Canada isn't a nation state, its just a state. Most countries in the world are nation states and ( imo ) should be tailored to suit the needs of the ethnic nation that resides there.
> tfw I took a Metis qties V card this year
The girl is obviously brown.
Lapps are fucking crazy m8
If they're not being violent alcoholics they're killing reindeer with bare hands and castrating them with their teeth.
I'm white. My fiancee is Filipina. It's good.
>tfw half white half asian and no strong black qt gf
feels pretty bad
This is the only lady I need...
Yea lots of beautiful thai women.
Our women do the castration with their teeth, not the men.
And please don't call us Lapps. We're Sami or Saami.
The ones that will fuck you have been passed around a bit much for my tastes though.
You're Lapps and your people still living in Lappland call themselves Lapps. And they're fucking crazy.
I've been in a relationship with this half black half Chinese woman. I speak Chinese. Her family just abandon her after her mother fucked a nig. However, the black side adopted her.
are you flying it yourself or is that some crypto technology high level cuck thing?
I'm from eastern Canada where native communities are way more mixed and less ghetto-y. richer than nearby towns in many cases. So many qts around there.
I'm a ginger dating a Mexican guy. The color contrast is pretty hot.
Multi-culture IS cancer, but natives aren't immigrants and mine looks german more than native.
>tfw I'm moving to Lapland to herd reindeer with my cousin Juukka in 2017.
are you a girl
My first girlfriend was a Japanese blasian and it was her dad's side that abandoned her lel.
White guy here.
Will only go out with women with green or blue eyes, so that's pretty much only white women with a small list of exceptions.
Asians or Taco
>this thread
what is this an image of?
Uh not at all. Every 3-4 weeks before I go back to Thailand I reactivate my dating accounts on Thai sites. I have a steady supply of middle class Thai tang waiting to be wined, dined and fucked when I step off the plane in BKK.
You should use establishments that test their girls if you want to go whoring. Annie's is my personal favourite. Tell any cab driver and they will know where to take you.
Either way there are plenty of clean and prime sources waiting for you there.
I don't think multiculturalism is cancer despite what the memes say. It's just that some cultures are superior to others. Some cultures are actually compatible with yours. You may even find the ways of some people to be better than yours, hopefully not in a weeb like way where you seek to try to emulate them and embarrass yourself... Other cultures are utter shit and you don't want them anywhere near you.
bruh this is a Thai girl? lmao my brother just went there for 5 months... cost of living there is dirt cheap
I go after really pretty girls, but race is not important. Culture/family values don't matter much since I haven't met one women I wanted to marry.
Mixing isn't degenerate. You probably are actually taking issue with "multicultural" social policies, which are a different discussion altogether.
People should be able to mix as much as they want, we should open the borders to all secured immigration, and just kill all social programs.
Or maybe some qt near easterner
i'm so pure nordic that anything will turn out pretty white anyway except with blacks
>Japanese women
Here, do what the rest of us lonely faggots do and listen to ASMR while jerking off.