/ourgirl/ and if you don’t agree, leave right now, pleb.
/ourgirl/ and if you don’t agree, leave right now, pleb
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Name one (1) reason why you don’t like her.
How many times she drop the f-bomb here
What's happening to her? Is the divorce effect resulting?
excellent thread, famalam
She's starting to get a Grimes-tier fanbase.
Can't sing, can't dance, can't write, can't play guitar, can't make good music, won't show tits.
Are you an 11-year old girl? And no I'm not reading your stupid shit link filled with stupid shit.
There's no fanbase, it's just one or a few autistic retards in the vein of Choaposter.
so what? grimes is cool and she has loyal fans. deal with it.
Holy shit you actually managed to get them all wrong
You talented pleb
Even the last one lol
Oh yeah they're out there.
How, did she get plastic surgery?
Ok you fucking faggot them show me how the fuck i fucking need to fucking talk in this fucking board you fucking piece of shit
Yup, best thread in the catalog right now. :^)
She’s the best female rock singer there is. She can dance albeit she’s nothing special. She’s a multi-instrumentalist and for sure can play guitar. She’s the primary songwriter for her band and never has outside writers. Say what you want about her earlier material, but the last two albums have been undeniably great and have received universal critical acclaim. And she has been lewd, but accidentally.
She’s pure, but is still being gradually corrupted by the Godless heathens within the secular side of the music industry she finds herself in.
It’s pretty easy to find. :|
Fake news, buddy. She has a considerable amount of fans here. Some are just more vocal like yours truly.
Whoa boy, don't try so hard, you don't wanna look like an over-compensating underageb& do you?
you're bandfu does lines of white off the BBC. the purity is long gone.
Really made me think. She’s straight edge and true to her word. And I’m not even white, so I don’t care if she likes black dudes desu.
I wonder who is pounding her perfect pussy these days
A dildo maybe...
In instagram she said that she doubt about founding true love
She's very attractive, but Paramore's music is awful.
>She’s straight edge
Surest sign of a talentless speshul snowflake there is.
Well, she doesn’t call herself that, but she lives a straight-edge lifestyle of no alcohol, drugs, sleeping around, etc. Plus, she’s Christian, so it makes sense why such a lifestyle is appealing to her. She doesn’t act like some special snowflake about it.
Which tracks have you heard? Checked out After Laughter?
>Plus, she’s Christian
Oh, so she's just faking it for those holier-than-thou points, the shameful hussy.
Girls don't like boys
Girls like cars and money
Boys will laugh at girls when they're not funny
i spy a neppel pokkin on bob
She’s not faking it.
yeah i forgot you know her personally.
She sings really fucking well, she makes (made?) good music, has shown tits.
>And she has been lewd, but accidentally.
>She’s pure
I swear waifufags are cancer
Plz no. :|
See the post above you.
Damn, those are some ugly-ass tits.
>In instagram she said that she doubt about founding true love
post screencap pls
I was questioning the "accidentally" part
it's just the lighting
No, it's definitely Hayley's nasty mosquito bites.
How about engendering a more inclusive environment on Sup Forums? Your waifuist-shaming is not helpful. It really goes to show how backwards Sup Forums still is. There’s a powerful anti-waifuist (and anti-poptimist) establishment at hand that needs to be done away with. At least there are more waifuposters and poptimists unapologetically posting nowadays.
stop body-shaming her reeeeeee
I'm not shaming her for showing her body, I'm not some puritan, I'm just saying it isn't attractive in the nude.
I'm a poptimist that hates waifufag behavior. Fuck off.
my queen
>inb4 is she going to marry with her stylist?
nope, it was just a joke, her stylist is openly gay
Look at the bottom, look at her message
It was from her?
Well at least it wasn't a "african music>american music, fuck white bois #timesup am i right? xd" type message
Hayley's a fag hag? Figures.
lol why are you so offended by her feminism? grow up, dude.
So she can turn into a sjw? Fuck off
she's always been an SJW, bitchboi/ go pout
awful? it's like you dislike melodic new wave / pop punk music, bruh. stop being so pretentious.
soyez le premier
How many times she drops the f-bomb here?
the bald guy looks like a nice guy
keep posting faggots
why whities are so fragile?
fuck progressism
Get posted on.
yeah why do we want a better lifestyle when we can raped and have guns? fuck poor people they deserved to be poor
literally who
back to Sup Forums with you
ok historicaly speaking black women have been silence but they speak up and u try to shut down them, but when they complain about that u called it crybabies, the joke tells its self dude
there is a thing called CONTEXT
Industry Plant
Good god, this thread turn into a Sup Forumstard thread
Go jerk off to Death Grips faggot
Yeah, things are looking up.
put your tongue back in your mouth young lady
I'm a bad motherfucker not a fucking role model
Fuck church, hit a bong, then go smash a fucking bottle
Got a few sluts to help me roll a few blunts
And they never question me cause they know I hate cunts
Put it in my mouth instead.
lmao dude who in 2018 is trying to shut down the voices of women of color
>inb4 drumpf and les ebil nazis
She looks like Mac Demarco's gay brother.
lone wanderer hayley
>jet black hair
my interest in their music has been piqued.tell me the genre of each of their albums.
After Laughter (2017): New-Wave, Alternative Dance, Pop Rock
Paramore (2013) Power Pop, Pop Rock
Brand New Eyes (2009): Alternative Rock
Riot! (2007): Alternative Rock, Pop Rock, Pop Punk
All We Know Is Falling (2005): Alternative Rock, Pop Punk
At least check out After Laughter. I’d definitely recommend their latest two albums first. If you enjoy Alternative Rock and don’t find a Pop Punk bent, check out Brand New Eyes too. I’d only suggest listening to their first two albums if you already enjoy Pop Punk or are already a Paramore fan.
i am kinda gay
I'm in It
Simple Plan is better
Its 'peaked', moron.
Do you like Huey Lewis and The News?
Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.
In '87, Huey released this, Fore, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to Fuck Bees", a song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity, and the importance of trends, it's also a personal statement about the band itself
best paramore song is decode from the twilight soundtrack and its also the music vid where hayley looks the hottest
Do you like Paramore?
Their early work was a little too edgy for my tastes, but when Selt-titled came out in '13, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. Their been compared to No Doubt, but I think Hayley has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.
In '17, Paramore released this, After Laughter, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Rose Colored Boy", a song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity, and the importance of trends, it's also a personal statement about the band itself
no it isn't, you blubbering ignoramus.
get out of the basement
Hey Paul
She and Avril Lavigne have that eternal teenager vibe.
>tfw grimesspammer has a new crush
Do you like Kanye West? I've been a big fan of him ever since the release of his 2007 album, Graduation. Before that, I really didn't understand any of his work. Too artsy, too intellectual. It was on Graduation where, uh, Kanye' presence became more apparent. I think Flashing Lights was his undisputed masterpiece. It's an epic meditation on intangibility. At the same time, it deepens and enriches the meaning of the preceding three albums. Christy, take off your robe. Listen to the brilliant ensemble playing of Kanye and Dwele. You can practically hear every nuance of every instrument. Sabrina, remove your dress. In terms of lyrical craftsmanship, the sheer songwriting, this album hits a new peak of professionalism. Sabrina, why don't you, uh, dance a little. Take the lyrics to Can't Tell Me Nothing. In this song, Kanye West addresses the problems of abusive political authority. Stronger is the most moving pop song of the 2000s, about monogamy and commitment. The song is extremely uplifting. Their lyrics are as positive and affirmative as, uh, anything I've heard in rock. Christy, get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your ass. New Kanye West' career seems to be more commercial and therefore more satisfying, in a narrower way. Especially songs like All Of the Lights and, uh, Hold my Liquor. Sabrina, don't just stare at it, eat it. But I also think Kanye West works best within the confines of the group, than as a solo artist, and I stress the word artist. This is Lost in the World, a great, great song, a personal favorite
I hope in the next festival of may she sings Dido's lines in Stan
We got booty
Pretty good. I’d substitute “edgy” for “immature” or something like that.
I’ve never posted about Grimes. I like Art Angels, but besides that, I’ve discussed her music maybe once or two here and I’ve never waifuposted Claire even ironically. You won’t believe me anyways, but whatever.
How many times she drop the f-bomb in the last interview?
everyone that uses
is a child
>She’s the primary songwriter for her band and never has outside writers
This is not true, by the way