Sup Forums's opinion on the gays?
Sup Forums's opinion on the gays?
I personally find it disgusting, but who am I to control what you can or can't do. As long as a faggot does not hit on me it's alright.
On the other hand all this LGBTQ+ stuff is absolute bullshit. It's propaganda at it's best. We should control it.
They're mentally ill.
Stop shitposting about it on Sup Forums and go back to /lgbt/. Your boards constant shilling is driving me to hate fags more and more.
I have no beaf with normal gay people or even trans people.
But those LGBTQWRYONBX pride faggots need to go. The shit they do is fucking disgusting and retarded.
This is coming from a dick sucker.
I disagree with you.
And I agree with you. Homosexuality is unnatural and should be banned altogether. It is, quite frankly, disgusting.
Despite the fact that homosexuality naturally occurs in many many different species of animals.
Beavers, monkeys, dolphins so on
Homosexuality is a mental illness too, they are messed up in the brain.
Okay. Animals also eat their own shit, and eat their own young. Your argument is shit.
Yes it is disgusting. But it's different from transgenderism, which is plain and simple a mental illness - gender dysphoria.
A problem arises when banning something so abstract, how would it be done?
They're alright. Usually clean-living and keep to themselves, and the Mohammedans despise them.
I dont give a fuck what people do behind closed doors. Theyre really good at gentrifying shit neighborhoods tho.
You could say so. It's simply a different way in which sexual preference is expressed.
On the other hand if you wish to be a woman when you're actually a man, or vice versa you're mentally ill.
No its not. He proved that it was natural you fucking idiot.
bunch of fags tbqh
No user, they are both mentally ill. Both trannies and fags are messed up in their brains. There are many ways to be mentally ill.
Neither of these are generally something that can be fixed by counseling or anything in the same way Schizophrenia or Body Integrity Disorder can't be fixed that way. They're biological mental illnesses.
They're fags t.b.h
It is a shit argument though. He didn't say it wasn't true, he said it was shit, which is also true.
What is natural in one species is entirely different from another one. It is natural for squirting cucumbers to explode their seeds and innards out when they are brushed. It is natural for Aardvark cucumbers to push back underground so Aardvarks can dig them up and eat them. It would be unnatural for either to do what the other does.
The thing is that words like natural are used with different connotations. He probably should have said homosexuals are abnormal, which is true.
Its hot :3
you must be kidding me