ITT: Post your last 5 rates on RYM

ITT: Post your last 5 rates on RYM

Discuss music while you're at it, rec albums, etc.

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I keep forgetting to actually use RYM for its intended purpose

Haven't heard any of those artists, what's Moenai Hai like?

three tracks of dark ambient/musique concrete and one track of the noisiest noise rock I've ever heard

>inb4 phoneposter

Is Little Dark Age really that good? haven't heard anything from MGMT really besides that song that was on Beavis & Butt-Head

Alright, sounds interesting.
Thanks mate.
I think the fucking spamming all over the board is overrating by far.
But, that being said it's pretty damn solid.
I only love 3-4 tracks on it, but the rest are all pretty good.
I'd say it's about on par with their first, if a bit more consistent.



good taste senpai

What's the name of the 2nd album in that list? Never seen it discussed on Sup Forums before

>Gets quad 2's

Assuming you aren't memeing about MGMT, Rooty is a early 2000's garage/house album.


All emo.
Good taste, I should check out Susumu Hirasawa.

>screenshot hurr durr

I don't personally love tears for fears that much but it is very good.

Is XTC really that good? I see a lot of people praise it but never hear any discussions about it.

What're your other 5's

Try Black Sea,Skylarking and Drums And Wires. All have a similar feel to them but they're all very different in their own way and are brilliant pop records

Here,though to me 4/4.5/5 stars mean basically the same thing

Great 5/5s user.

>to me 4/4.5/5 stars mean basically the same thing
i don't understand

A 4 star album is an absolute brilliant album to me whether I give it a higher grade or not depends on if it makes me feel good and comfy.

ah okay i see

i'm trying to listen to more jazz

imo a 4.5 is basically a 5 but 5 star albums are special to you

of course this thread pops up after I delet my ratings

starting 'fresh

why do you delet rankings? :?


listen to andrew hill if you havent already


so is a 5 ya dingus

Eh, I love Sledgehammer and In your eyes.
Red Rain & Big Time are pretty good as well.

But the rest were a little forgettable for me. I'll probably revisit it some time.

Thriller was pretty good but nothing amazing, the lil ugly mane ep may just need to grow on me, im probably never gonna revisit a better tomorrow ever even though a gave it a 5 implying it's only meh, Tetsuo and Youth is great but i need to relisten, and Broken is close to a 9
